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The reference in a pentameter by Ticida to Valerius Cato's poem Lydia as maxima cura is a bilingual wordplay and complex allusion to Callimachus' description of a poem by Antimachus, possibly the Lyde as "the large woman" (fr. 1.12 Pf.)
John Skelton is a central literary figure and the leading poet during the first thirty years of Tudor rule. Nevertheless, he remains challenging and even contradictory for modern audiences. This book aims to provide an authoritative... more
Sidonius C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius, Die Briefe. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und erläutert von Helga Köhler, Stuttgart: Hiersemann 2014, XXXVII + 355 pp., ISBN 978-3-7772-1414-6, € 224 (hb). Die Briefe des Apollinaris Sidonius sind seit... more
Facing charges of witchery, Apuleius defends himself by mentioning the name of the African village where one of his accusers, Sicinius Aemilianus, lives. The article begins with a summary of what should be known about the word (spelling,... more
Das Noviziat markiert ein klassisches Feld monastischen Lebens und monastischer Geschichte. Es ist die zentrale Sozialisationsinstanz einer jeden religiösen Gemeinschaft, die den neu Eintretenden in den Status des Religiosen und die damit... more
This paper wants to demonstrate the not casual similarity between Plautus'Asinar-ia 205 and Terence's Andria 545 arguing for the possibility that Plautus'Asinaria 205 was interpolated. Diàbolo desidererebbe trascorrere un'altra notte... more
Che posto occupavano gli animali nell’antichità? Come noi oggi, anche i Greci e i Romani avevano a che fare con cani, cavalli, galline; avevano allevamenti, vivari, acquari, e adottavano pratiche zootecniche. Amavano i loro animali da... more
PhD Thesis: University of Edinburgh, 2014-2018
Defended: September 2018
Examiners: Rogers Rees and Zubin Mistry
Supervisors: Gavin Kelly and Lucy Grig
ABSTRACT: In the New Testament Vulgate, the Greek verb μισέω (“to hate”) is translated either as the Latin verb odi, or as the constructions with support verb odio habeo and odio sum. In order to understand the criteria that explain these... more
"Latijnse morfologie" bevat een volledige bespreking van de verbuigingen en vervoegingen van het klassieke Latijn. Ook talrijke relevante uitzonderingen en bijzonderheden die in vele schoolboeken onvermeld blijven, komen aan bod.... more
A study in the narrative devices and narratology employed by Ovid, with a specific focus on Book VIII.
This electronic book contains the answer keys for 'Nova exercitia Latina I', an exercise book mainly for those who use 'Familia Romana', the first volume of H. H. Ørberg’s 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata'. You can buy it here:... more
par Alain Meurant et Anne-Marie Boxus. — Ce manuel s’adresse à un public qui voudrait s’initier aux fondements de la langue latine ou à en redécouvrir le contenu après les avoir approchés à l’occasion d’études antérieures. Déployé sur 20... more
Nella cultura italiana, ai più diversi livelli, ampio è l’uso di espressioni proverbiali latine: notevole è ad es. il loro impiego da parte di Manzoni nei Promessi Sposi, anche a indicare la separazione fra le classi sociali, e in tutta... more
This article will examine the occurrence of the " Vanity Theme " in Mesopotamian wisdom literature and elsewhere. However, the main interest of this investigation lies in the list of rulers or illustrious men of old which is manifest in a... more
There are many depictions of eating in Roman literature - satires and parodies, but also memories or wise pieces of advice. These descriptions are often accompanied by positive or negative assessments of the quality and quantity of the... more
Through the years and the mediums Mexican women have been depicted with different meanings and ways. One very important medium that has been significant in capturing the experience of Latin America women has been photography. Thus the... more
par Estelle Debouy, illustré par Mathieu la Mine. — Dans ce livre, qui se présente comme un abécédaire humoristique, Estelle Debouy a imaginé des définitions de termes de tous les jours à partir de réflexions des poètes latins sur leur... more
A obra de arte é sempre um diálogo entre autor e sociedade. Neste sentido, as transformações nas relações sociais refletem na arte, transformando a estrutura interna da obra e orientando os sentidos que dela emanam. Nesta perspectiva,... more
Paper given at the Feminism and Classics conference, University of Washington, May 2016
Komplet za učenje latinščine, ki ga je izdala univerza Yale, je namenjen začetnikom in sodi med najboljše v svetovnem merilu. Odlikuje se po jasnih razlagah ter po novem didaktičnem pristopu. Od prvih lekcij naprej se zavestno osredotoča... more