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Roberto Carfagni

Roberto Carfagni

‘Epitome historiae sacrae’ is a reader entirely in Latin (with vowel lengths marked). This book includes 209 readings from the Bible, originally collected by the French priest and latinist Charles-François Lhomond (1727-1794). There are... more
‘Epitome historiae sacrae’ is a reader entirely in Latin (with vowel lengths marked).
This book includes 209 readings from the Bible, originally collected by the French priest and latinist Charles-François Lhomond (1727-1794).
There are also a lot of engaging exercises on morphology, syntax and vocabulary, of various kinds: fill-in, transformation, matching, crosswords, find-the-mistake, and so on.
Features include:
– a summary of the major biblical stories and all of Jesus’s life;
– approximately 16,000 Latin words in length;
– more than 1,300 new vocabulary words (for the reader who has finished ‘Familia Romana’, the first volume of ‘Lingua Latina per se illustrata’);
– beautiful historical illustrations (by Gustave Doré);
– appendices of historical maps, glossary of names, time tables.
Research Interests:
This electronic book contains the answer keys for 'Nova exercitia Latina I', an exercise book mainly for those who use 'Familia Romana', the first volume of H. H. Ørberg’s 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata'. You can buy it here:... more
This electronic book contains the answer keys for 'Nova exercitia Latina I', an exercise book mainly for those who use 'Familia Romana', the first volume of H. H. Ørberg’s 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata'.
You can buy it here:
Research Interests:
This is a study, in Italian, about the paedagogical ideals and practice of the Italian humanists of the 15th century, and particularly of P. P. Vergerio, whose 'De ingenuis moribus et liberalibus adulescentiae studiis' is the first... more
This is a study, in Italian, about the paedagogical ideals and practice of the Italian humanists of the 15th century, and particularly of P. P. Vergerio, whose 'De ingenuis moribus et liberalibus adulescentiae studiis' is the first paedagogical treatise of Renaissance, and L. Bruni, whose 'De litteris et studiis' deals for the first time with female education.
Research Interests:
'Nova Exercitia Latina I' is an exercise book mainly for those who use 'Familia Romana', the first volume of 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata', by H. H. Ørberg. This book contains more than 260 new complementary exercises about Latin... more
'Nova Exercitia Latina I' is an exercise book mainly for those who use 'Familia Romana', the first volume of 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata', by H. H. Ørberg.
  This book contains more than 260 new complementary exercises about Latin grammar. It also covers points of grammar that are not, or are not completely, dealt with in 'Exercitia Latina I' (e. g. the 'consecutio temporum', the accusative with the infinitive, the ablative absolute).
- Every word, cover to cover, is in Latin with vowel lengths marked.
- Exercises on morphology and syntax, of various kinds: fill-in, transformation, matching, find-the-mistake, and so on.
- Verb paradigms.
- Useful grammar notes in the margin of exercises.
- A rich grammar index, at the end of the book, helping teachers to find the appropriate exercises.
- A very clear graphic presentation.
Research Interests:
[EN] “Latinitas et doctrinarum orbis” is a series of free lectures, by which we want to show the many connections between Latin and the modern age. [ES] “Latinitas et doctrinarum orbis” es un ciclo gratuito de encuentros con el que... more
[EN] “Latinitas et doctrinarum orbis” is a series of free lectures, by which we want to show the many connections between Latin and the modern age.

[ES] “Latinitas et doctrinarum orbis” es un ciclo gratuito de encuentros con el que queremos mostrar los múltiples vínculos del latín con la edad moderna.

[IT] “Latinitas et doctrinarum orbis” è il titolo d’un ciclo gratuito d’incontri col quale intendiamo mostrare i molteplici legami del latino coll’età moderna.
[EN] A week after the conclusion of our ‘Scholae aestivae’, we’d like to offer you a short video that presents their main moments. Enjoy it! A warm greeting to all the participants in the courses. For further information, please visit our... more
[EN] A week after the conclusion of our ‘Scholae aestivae’, we’d like to offer you a short video that presents their main moments. Enjoy it! A warm greeting to all the participants in the courses.
For further information, please visit our site:

[ES] A una semana de haber terminado nuestras ‘Scholae aestivae’, os presentamos un breve vídeo en que desfilan los momentos principales de éstas. ¡Que sea de vuestro agrado! Un caluroso saludo a todos los participantes del curso.
Para mayor información, visitad el sitio:

[IT] A una settimana dalla conclusione delle nostre ‘Scholae aestivae’, vi proponiamo un breve video che ne ripercorre i momenti principali. Buona visione a tutti, e un saluto cordiale ai partecipanti ai corsi.
Per maggiori informazioni, visitate il sito:
Research Interests:
[EN] The 'Scholae aestivae in Italia' offer an intensive Latin course at the advanced level, for those who already know all the grammar, morphology and syntax, and the about 3000 words that constitute the core vocabulary of the language:... more
[EN] The 'Scholae aestivae in Italia' offer an intensive Latin course at the advanced level, for those who already know all the grammar, morphology and syntax, and the about 3000 words that constitute the core vocabulary of the language: if you learn Latin with 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata', you must have read all 'Familia Romana' and the first ten chapters of 'Roma aeterna'.
This will be a 'numerus clausus' course: the maximum number of participants will be 25.
Lessons will be entirely in Latin.
Our teachers (three or four) will propose passages taken from various Latin authors, ancient, medieval and modern. Our goal is to help you to learn, and improve your Latin, by reading these texts and by doing many and various exercises, both written and oral. Participants will sometimes be divided into smaller groups, both in order to allow our teachers to better meet the needs of individual learners and in order to let you take part in our seminars: during the afternoons, we will give didactics lessons, provided that a sufficient number of participants are interested (at any rate, attendance is not compulsory for anybody, of course!). We also intend to organize the staging of one or more dramatic works, by authors of any period; and we are open to any other suggestion, as long as it is supported by a sufficient number of participants.

[ES] Las 'Scholae aestivae in Italia' son un curso intensivo de latín de nivel avanzado, dirigido a quienes ya conozcan la gramática latina, morfología y sintaxis, por completo, y las 3000 palabras más frecuentes: para los que aprenden el latín con 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata', se requiere el conocimiento de toda 'Familia Romana' y de los primeros diez capítulos de 'Roma aeterna'.
El curso tiene un cupo limitado (25 participantes como máximo) y se realizará íntegramente en latín.
Los tres o cuatro profesores responsables de las clases propondrán pasajes selectos de varios escritores latinos antiguos, medievales y modernos, con la finalidad de aprender latín directamente de los textos mediante múltiples ejercicios escritos u orales. En algunos casos, los participantes se dividirán en pequeños grupos, tanto para promover un trabajo didáctico más analítico y preciso como para participar en varios seminarios. Por la tarde, algunas horas se dedicarán a lecciones de didáctica en las que podrán participar quienes tengan interés en estos temas; otros participantes podrán preparar una pieza teatral tomada de alguna obra latina de distintas épocas. Asimismo, estaremos abiertos a cualquier otra propuesta, siempre que cuente con un número suficiente de participantes.

[IT] Le 'Scholae aestivae in Italia' sono un corso intensivo di lingua latina, rivolto a coloro che già conoscono il latino discretamente (si presuppone dunque la conoscenza completa della grammatica latina, morfologia e sintassi, e delle 3000 parole più frequenti della lingua; per coloro che imparano il latino con 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata', è richiesta la conoscenza di tutta 'Familia Romana' e dei primi dieci capitoli di 'Roma aeterna').
Il corso è a numero chiuso (25 partecipanti al massimo), e sarà tenuto interamente in latino.
I tre o quattro insegnanti che terranno le lezioni proporranno passi scelti da vari scrittori latini, antichi, medievali e moderni, per apprendere il latino direttamente sui testi attraverso varie e numerose esercitazioni, scritte e orali. In alcuni casi i partecipanti saranno divisi in piccoli gruppi, sia per consentire un lavoro didattico più analitico e preciso, sia in vista della partecipazione a vari seminari. Alcune ore pomeridiane potranno infatti esser dedicate a lezioni di didattica, alle quali prenderanno liberamente parte quelli tra i partecipanti che sono interessati a questi argomenti, altre invece alla messa in scena d’uno o più spettacoli teatrali, tratti dalla latinità d’ogni epoca; in ogni caso siamo aperti a qualunque proposta, purché sia appoggiata da un numero sufficiente di partecipanti.
Research Interests:
The scholae ubique (“lessons everywhere”) are intensive courses lasting multiple weeks: a full immersion into the Latin or Greek language. Las scholae ubique (“clases en cualquier lugar”) son cursos intensivos que duran varias semanas:... more
The scholae ubique (“lessons everywhere”) are intensive courses lasting multiple weeks: a full immersion into the Latin or Greek language.

Las scholae ubique (“clases en cualquier lugar”) son cursos intensivos que duran varias semanas: una immersión total en el latín y en el griego.

Le scholae ubique (“lezioni dappertutto”) son corsi intensivi della durata di più settimane: un’immersione totale nel latino o nel greco. -
Research Interests:
If you want to visit the beauties of ancient Romans, we offer you an exciting tour through history, in latin. For further information, or queries, please visit our website: or Si queréis dar un... more
If you want to visit the beauties of ancient Romans, we offer you an exciting tour through history, in latin.
For further information, or queries, please visit our website: or

Si queréis dar un paseo a través de las bellezas de los antiguos Romanos, os proponemos un fascinante viaje en latín a través de la historia.
Para más información o preguntas, podéis visitar nuestra página: o

Se volete passeggiare fra le bellezze degli anctihi Romani, vi proponiamo un affascinante viaggio nella storia, in latino.
Per ulteriori informazioni, o domande, visitate il nostro sito: o
Research Interests:
The scholae per Rete (“lessons through the Net”) are a very good opportunity for everybody, but particularly for busy people. Wherever you are, we can have our lessons together: all you need is a connection to the Internet. We offer Latin... more
The scholae per Rete (“lessons through the Net”) are a very good opportunity for everybody, but particularly for busy people.
Wherever you are, we can have our lessons together: all you need is a connection to the Internet.
We offer Latin and Greek lessons at different levels: from the first elements of the two languages, for beginners, to readings of classical authors, for advanced learners. You can have your own, personalized, lesson plan.
For further information, or queries, please visit our website: or

Las scholae per Rete (“clases en línea”) son una excelente oportunidad para todos, y especialmente para aquellas personas muy ocupadas.
Podemos tener clases juntos sin importar donde estés: lo único necesario es una conexión a internet.
Ofrecemos clases de latín y griego en distintos niveles: desde los primeros rudimentos de ambas lenguas, para los principiantes, hasta la lectura de clásicos, para los estudiantes más avanzados. Puedes además solicitar un plan de trabajo adaptado a tus exigencias personales.
Para más información o preguntas, visita nuestra página: o

Le scholae per Rete (“lezioni attraverso la Rete”) sono un’eccellente opportunità per tutti, ma specialmente per le persone più indaffarate.
Dovunque tu sia, potremo far lezione insieme: tutto quel che ti serve è una connessione alla Rete.
Offriamo lezioni di latino e di greco a diversi livelli: dai primi elementi delle due lingue, per i principianti, a letture dei classici, per gli studenti provetti. Puoi richiedere un piano di lavoro adattato alle tue personali esigenze.
Per ulteriori informazioni, o domande, visita il nostro sito: o
Research Interests: