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The female terrorist circulates within contemporary Western culture as an object of fascination and heightened concern. Gender and the Political analyses cultural constructions of the female terrorist, arguing that she operates as a limit... more
In light of recent "bathroom bills" in several states, this essay addresses gender identity in the Bible, which proponents of the bills claim supports their legislation. However, this essay argues that the Bible challenges many aspects of... more
This article discusses the acquisition of a physical impairment/disability through voluntary body modification, or transability. From the perspectives of critical genealogy and feminist intersectional analysis, the article considers the... more
In 1972, Syed Mustafa Siraj (1930-2012) published Māyā Mridanga, a novel which has attained an iconic status in recent years[1], with the advent of queer studies and a proliferation of queer texts in South Asia. Since its first... more
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
Objectives This study sought to explore perspectives of trans and gender diverse (TGD) people of ways to alleviate gender dysphoria in service provision and to develop a framework for application in health and other areas that can be used... more
ABSTRACT This research, situated at the junction of feminist, trans and disability studies, examines the limits of intersectional feminist analyses and the difficulties faced in their consideration of gender identity and ability through... more
Who was Catalina de Erauso, the Lieutenant Nun? Swashbuckler, brawler, hard-headed businessperson, soldier, gallant, celebrity, transvestite, nun? How can one fail to be fascinated by her? A woman, yet a man; a soldier, yet a nun;... more
Today, individual identities often undergo radical conversions that were thought to be fantastical only decades ago: transformations of race, sex, gender, and more. These transformations are of great interest to the public, as evidenced... more
The article engages with trans male video blogs on YouTube, framing them as living archives that offer unique opportunities to access and share embodied trans knowledges—which have previously been limited or inaccessible—such as... more
Kant on sex gives most philosophers the following associations: a lifelong celibate philosopher; a natural teleological view of sexuality; a strange incorporation of this natural teleological account within his freedom-based moral theory;... more
Longtemps cantonnée au changement de sexe, la question trans est aujourd’hui abordée comme changement de genre au sein des disciplines ouvertes aux études de genre dans un renouvellement et un enrichissement du champ épistémique. Cette... more
This expert guide to working with transgender and gender variant youth offers ways to make positive change to service provision for practitioners working with this group. Based on the latest research, the recommendations made by the... more
Toxic Silence: Race, Black Gender Identity, and Addressing the Violence against Black Transgender Women in Houston contributes to a growing body of transgender scholarship. This book examines the patriarchal and heteronormative frames... more
The present paper seeks to critically assess the contemporary approach to legal gender recognition. The trans community is insufficiently protected by the law: too often policymakers are unaware or willingly ignoring the cost that... more
This paper offers a discussion of the rationale for the creation of sports categorization criteria based on sporting genealogy and the gendered body, as proposed by Torres et al. in their article 'Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience,... more
Using a review of internationally informed literature, United States policy, and teaching stories, this article frames the nuances of teacher education for positive advocacy for young children and their families who are in sexual or... more
Paper given at the Feminism and Classics conference, University of Washington, May 2016
Washington, DC. has many of the most progressive and trans inclusive non-discrimination laws in the nation, yet transgender, transsexual, trans-spectrum (henceforth ‘trans’) and gender-non conforming residents continue to experience... more
This chapter addresses the question of what an art educator should do in the face of visual culture's influence on political decision making regarding reproductive rights. I recount dialogues about two overtly political artworks that I... more
We will explore the gendered viewpoints and voices of a variety of essayists, writers, filmmakers, storytellers, historians, and activists. In particular, we will investigate how personal & political identities (like gender, race, class,... more
and Introduction Abstract Background: Previous studies have found that teaspoons are commonly used to administer liquid medications to children. The capacity of household teaspoons ranges from 1.5 mL to 9 mL, potentially leading to errors... more
Quote from the review: "As well as giving complex accounts of embodied subjectivity through emphasis on intersectional analysis, the second Reader makes evident how transgender studies has moved beyond poststructuralist perspectives on... more
The argument of this paper is that, despite their limits, gender 'proliferations' like non-binary and genderqueer are the most effective and pragmatic approaches to overcoming or dismantling the gender binary whilst also expanding the... more
Interviews about how Gay Pride went from being political protest by lesbians, queers and transgender folks to a commercialized party for straight people.
A guide for Texas attorneys on the unique issues involved with transgender law, co-authored with Phyllis Randolph Frye and published in the Texas Bar Journal, July 2003.
For de fleste mennesker samsvarer kjønnsidentitet og uttrykk med kjønnet som ble registrert ved fødselen. For transpersoner er det annerledes. I denne artikkelen utforskes kjønnsteori, polaritetsteori og relaterte prosesser i en... more
Twelfth Night (or What You Will) is one of other famous comedies written by William Shakespeare about 1599-1601. Its main characters can be said as Orsino, Viola (Cesario), Olivia, Sebastian, and Clown (Feste). This essay is divided into... more
In this chapter, I turn to Mina Caputo, the vocalist of the long-running alternative metal band Life of Agony, as a case study to discuss how transgenderness is negotiated in contemporary heavy metal music. Taking my point of departure... more
Srdjan Karanović's Virgina (Virdžina, 1992) and Želimir Žilnik's Marble Ass (Dupe od mramora, 1994) are both Yugoslav films whose main characters are transvestites. Set in the mythic past, Virgina is about a sworn virgin (virdžina,... more
This paper draws on psychoanalytic theories of embodiment to theorize the child’s creative use of objects and signs to represent a gendered sense of self. Turning to Winnicott’s concept of “true self,” we extend this symbolic labour to... more
The paper highlighted the discrimination against and exploitation of women at global level. Efforts made at global level in promoting gender equality in education and employment opportunities through gender mainstreaming were discussed.... more
This chapter discusses recent scholarship on Catalina de Erauso-'the Lieutenant Nun'-one of the more controversial figures of the early seventeenth century. Erauso fled from a convent at age fifteen; from then on, she dressed as a man and... more