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Universität Turin, 13.05.2021, ESCL-Tagung "Narrations des origines" Der Vortrag möchte den funktionalen Zusammenhang von Nacktheit und Imagination untersuchen und aufzeigen, wie innerhalb einer Kultur der Bekleidung das Begehren, unter... more
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
In the last decades, pioneering studies argued that the debt owed by Vergil to the Homeric epic is not disjunct from a knowledge of the Hellenistic exegetical tradition on the part of the Latin poet. In more recent times, the same kind of... more
Alpha & Omega: Tales of Transformation. The twenty-four letters of the Greek alphabet introduce twenty-four stories of transformation and metamorphosis from Greek and Roman history and mythology. Each story is illustrated with one or... more
Paper given at the Feminism and Classics conference, University of Washington, May 2016
Un breve saggio sull'interazione che Lucano instaura con il poema di Ovidio
Why does Apuleius reference Pythagoras at the opening of the Metamorphoses’ final book? Drawing on Pythagoreanism’s importance to Plutarch and Apuleius, I suggest that Pythagoras signals Book 11’s overarching theme and... more
The close affinities between Lord of the flies and the Bacchae have been the subject of scholarly discussion. This paper revisits the relationship between the two works and contends that Golding’s intertextual engagement with the Bacchae... more
Depuis quelques années on enregistre un regain d’intérêt de la critique pour l’Ovide moralisé, poème anonyme du début du XIVe siècle, qui représente la première traduction intégrale en vers français des Métamorphoses d’Ovide, dans... more
In 1436, Leon Battista Alberti wrote a letter to Filippo Brunelleschi, which he attached to a manuscript of his recently completed treatise on painting, De pictura. In it, Alberti lauded some of the Florentine artists of his day, singling... more
Introduction to Ovid's Metamorphoses for the first volume of the Fondazione Valla edition, Milan 2005
For the last 2,500 years literature has been attacked, booed, and condemned, often for the wrong reasons and occasionally for very good ones. ‘The Hatred of Literature’ examines the evolving idea of literature as seen through the eyes of... more
METAMORFOSIS de Publi Ovidi Nasó.
Exordi, selecció i traducció de Xavier Mata Oroval.
Il·lustracions d’Aitana Carrasco.
Sembra Llibres, València 2020, pp. 264, ISBN: 978-84-16698-38-7
The first part of this paper argues that Orpheus' telling of Hyacinth's story in Ov. Met. 10, 162-219 is a reworking of his own personal grief for Eurydice, narrated by Ovid shortly before. The second part analyses the extant Hellenistic... more
En el siguiente trabajo se analizarán distintos fragmentos de la obra de Ovidio donde el autor reelabora el tópico non omnis moriar, probablemente relacionado con la Oda 30,3 de la obra Odas (Horacio). Se intentará observar qué tipo de... more
L'histoire d’Orphée est celle de l'impossibilité à faire revenir Eurydice. Il descend chercher son épouse aux Enfers, échoue à la faire revenir et s'en retourne seul. Quel retour pour Orphée sans Eurydice ? Si le retour sur terre est... more
After the audacious study and profound interest in Latin literature by the autodidact Charles Chesnutt is presented, this contribution argues that, unlike scholarship up to now pointing to orally-passed African American folktales, many of... more
Ovids Metamorphosen weisen ein ‚Heldenbild‘ auf, das sich radikal von ‚klassischen‘ antiken Epen wie Homers Odyssee oder Vergils Aeneis unterscheidet. An die Stelle des einen Helden tritt nun eine Polyphonie von Helden in ca. 250... more
Der Artikel stellt eine Unterrichtsreihe zum Ariadne-Mythos bei Ovid für den Lateinunterricht in der gymnasialen Oberstufe vor. Beigefügt sind ein Tafelbild sowie Kopiervorlagen mit den für den Unterricht aufbereiteten Textstellen,... more
This chapters analyses Ovid's episode on Perseus in Metamorphoses focusing on possible influence of scholia and commentaries that can be perceived especially in the Perseus and Atlas section.
Ovid's story on King Midas and the Golden Touch is presented in the Latin original with an interlinear translation and a running commentary, which may serve as a teacher's guide for a Latin translation class.
Ce document constitue une avant-publication, dans le cadre de l'édition à venir des fragments poétiques du IIIe s. de n. è.
Returning to the work begun in Amy Richlin's seminal essay on the unsettling topic of sexual violence in Ovid's work, "Reading Ovid's Rapes," this paper takes another look at the rich interpretive problems posed by the incessantly... more
This paper discusses three very influential contributions to contemporary Ovidian criticism: Italo Calvino’s "Ovid and Universal Contiguity" (1979) and "Six Memos for the Next Millennium" (1988), Gianpiero Rosati’s "Narciso e Pigmalione"... more
Ovid’s Metamorphoses opens in Book 1 with an erotic pastoral scene between Apollo and Daphne. This twin narrative of pursuit and of resistance appears through both masculine and feminine perspectives simultaneously. Daphne’s... more
Cosa accomuna due oggetti culturali come il racconto della trasformazione dei pirati in delfini del III libro delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio e Origin, la serie di immagini in movimento dell'artista visuale contemporaneo Daniel Lee? E,... more
"Maintaining a radical, unconventional, and ambitious thesis, to say the least, Workman makes his case so fully, and with such learning and conviction, that even his most resistant readers will find themselves forced to interrogate the... more
BLOCH Jonathan, « Translatio Ovidii. De l’Ovide moralisé en vers à sa traduction (et impression ?) par William Caxton », dans Pérégrinations et métamorphoses. Actes de la journée d’études du 19 oct. 2017, Presses universitaires de l’ICES,... more
Comparison of ancient accounts of the myth of Actaeon shows that, while the nature of his offense differs markedly between sources, the form of his death is stable throughout antiquity. This chapter uses observations from Nick Lowe and... more
Ulisse è il campione della ragione che trionfa in Occidente, l’eroe dell’intelligenza e dell’avventura. Ma la sua figura non è univoca nella tradizione antica. Le maschere del mito greco parlano di altre ragioni, di passioni irriducibili,... more
Según las Metamorfosis de Ovidio, Júpiter engaña y deja embarazada a la hermosa ninfa Calisto cuando se encuentra apartada del cortejo de Diana, quien la expulsa al conocer la infracción de la castidad. En la obra de teatro La casa de... more
In the Metamorphoses Ovid is a poet-mythographer, who avows, implicitly or explicitly, his conformity or disagreement with the traditional versions of the legends that he treats. The poem is not a real mythographic handbook, because it... more
Baltic amber’s popularity and its role in various cultures, from the prehistoric to the contemporary, is a very broad and complex subject. Therefore in this text I present an overview of selected cultural links and ways of using amber in... more