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Ita: Il rapporto di Lucrezio con il suo maestro, Epicuro, è una questione centrale nel De rerum natura di Lucrezio. Come devoto seguace dell'epicureo, Lucrezio sostiene di aderire fedelmente agli insegnamenti di Epicuro. Tuttavia, come... more
This essay won the California Classics Association Award for Excellence in Classics Writing and is published in the California Classics Association Northern Section newsletter Notanda Borea Volume X no. 2. Fall 2014/ Winter 2015.... more
De rerum natura, Lucrèce insiste sur la permanence qui caractérise la summa summarum. Pourtant, il souligne également le changement perpétuel qui affecte toutes choses. Dans la Physique lucrétienne, la nouveauté est étroitement liée à la... more
An exploration of Venus' place in the Roman religious pantheon; this is then applied to her usage by Lucretius and Virgil in their respective works.
A new Spanish translation of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura with a preliminary essay, notes, and commentary. Bilingual Edition. Traducción, notas y estudio introductorio: Liliana Pégolo y equipo, Estudio Preliminar: Facundo Bustos Fierro,... more
Rappresentazione teatrale | dal 31 luglio al 28 agosto 2021 Valle dei Templi - Agrigento | 18 agosto 2020 Valle dei Templi - Agrigento | 20 luglio 2019 Segesta | 5 gennaio 2019, Teatro Massimo Comunale - Siracusa | 1 agosto 2018, Teatro... more
The most original and shocking interpretation of Lucretius in the last 40 years. Thomas Nail argues convincingly and systematically that Lucretius was not an atomist, but a thinker of kinetic flux. In doing so, he completely overthrows... more
Con la presente ristampa anastatica dell’editio princeps del De rerum natura si restituisce all’attenzione degli studiosi di Lucrezio e agli storici del libro un’opera di eccezionale valore storico. La riscoperta di Lucrezio durante il... more
"Acerca de la naturaleza de las cosas". Traducción, notas y estudio introductorio: Liliana Pégolo y equipo, Estudio Preliminar: Facundo Bustos Fierro, Laura Carolina Durán & Matías Ignacio Pizzi. La presente edición bilingüe de "De rerum... more
Lines 1073-5 of Lucretius' third book, that are problematic as for manuscript tradition, incongruosus in regard to their insertion into the context, clearly in contrast with the Epicurean thought, must be considered spurious; they are... more
A new Spanish translation of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura with a preliminary essay, notes, and commentary. Bilingual Edition. Traducción, notas y estudio introductorio: Liliana Pégolo y equipo, Estudio Preliminar: Facundo Bustos Fierro,... more
The Roman poet Lucretius is one of the key figures in the history of Western philosophy, expounding in his work De Rerum Natura (“On the Nature of Things”) upon the primary tenets of Epicurean thought. In this course we will read... more
Lucretius was the first philosopher of immanence. It is he and not Democritus or Epicurus who holds this title. If we want to understand the historical emergence of the concept of immanence, we should start by distinguishing its... more
Un commento a De Rerum Natura V 1379-1411
Tesi di Laurea Triennale - Corso di Laurea in Lettere Classiche
Relatrice: Prof.ssa Bruna Pieri
Epicureans have been branded atheists since antiquity, but although they might have held unorthodox beliefs about divinity, they did nevertheless believe in gods, however unorthodox their beliefs about them were. They did not believe in... more
The final diatribe of Lucretian book IV contains the definition of Venus and Amor. Lines IV 1058-1060 are the sliding passage from the definition of Venus to definition and illustration of Amor according to the teaching of Epicurus.
The question of the ending of "De rerum natura", where even the "presence" of the long "description" of the pestilence represents a problem, is proposed again, in all its complexity. Lucretius begins his poem with a traditional invocation... more
Except the philosopher Blossius Cumanus, living in the II century B.C., no poet nor writer was born in the Phlegrean Fields.The Phlegraea arva are reflected in in the works of the poets and prose writers of Rome, mostly the poetsVirgil,... more
«Заметки о труде Лукреция» представляет собой попытку политического философа Лео Штрауса проанализировать эпикурейское учение, отраженное в поэме Тита Лукреция Кара «О природе вещей». Штраус последовательно разбирает все шесть книг поэмы,... more
Machiavelli’s knowledge of Lucretius’ text had been proven thanks to a very relevant discovery by Sergio Bertelli, who in 1961 published an article in which he recognized Machiavelli’s handwriting in the Vatican codex Rossianus 884. This... more
Una traduzione perduta, un nobiluomo di spirito, un pericoloso poeta antico troppo affascinante per essere ignorato: sono gli elementi che tracciano i contorni di uno spaccato culturale del nostro Rinascimento nel quale letterati,... more
Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yaqzan is a remarkably creative piece of writing that came down to us from the middle ages. It has been considered a classic of medieval Islamic philosophy, and a classic of Arabic novels that had a great influence... more
The following study is considering Democritus' suicide in De rerum natura. In his list of great dead men (III, 1024-1052), Lucretius is mentioning Democritus' name just before the one of Epicurus. He is therefore paying a tribute to the... more
Short summary In the final line of Lucretius' DRN II, everything goes "to the grave" (ire ad capulum, Voss' conjecture) and not "to the reef" (ire ad scopulum, transmitted text). Supporting evidence is given by a contextual and... more
Analysing the notebooks and the references to Lucretius in Marx's works, Morfino concludes that it is possible to excavate a major discontinuity in Marx's interpretation. The Lucretius of the juvenile notebooks on Epicureanism, who... more
An appreciation of Lucretius and Epicureanism.  How his science and ethics are related; how he has non-materialist values in a materialist world.  Takes issue with some current interpreters.  A book chapter (2011).
In this paper I suggest that at the beginning of the Metamorphoses through narrative techniques and the structure of the verses, in particular lines 1.10-14, the poet claims to be a fabricator mundi and that his text exists before the... more
In the middle of the second book of his De rerum natura, Lucretius inserts a long digression about the myth of the Goddess Cybele. This excursus, which interrupts an account on Epicurean Physics, opens with a biological metaphor... more
This article argues that the acrostic LUCE in Lucretius, De rerum natura 5.712-15, which occurs during discussion of the light of the moon, is intentional and engages with Homer’s LEUKĒ acrostic (Il. 24.1-5) and Aratus’ LEPTĒ acrostic... more
El siguiente trabajo busca seguir la lectura que Deleuze hace del concepto de Simulacro en Lucrecio para buscar así la inversión del platonismo, la renovación de la filosofía y una posible nueva ontología de la diferencia.
The purpose of this article is to support Voss' conjecture ire ad capulum against the transmitted text ire ad scopulum in Lucretius, De rerum natura 2.1173-1174. The tropic use of capulus meaning "death" is attested in Latin poetry from... more
Le mouvement est une donnée fondamentale de la physique épicurienne et Lucrèce consacre trois chants du De rerum natura à l'évocation de ses différentes manifestations. Le livre II est en effet consacré aux mouvements des atomes, le livre... more
This short presentation seeks to spark discussion of the themes of Tibullus 1.1, in its Roman context of influential Stoic and Epicurean beliefs, by using Cicero as a proxy for Stoicism (especially in the De Officiis, which was strongly... more