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par Alain Meurant et Anne-Marie Boxus. — Ce manuel s’adresse à un public qui voudrait s’initier aux fondements de la langue latine ou à en redécouvrir le contenu après les avoir approchés à l’occasion d’études antérieures. Déployé sur 20... more
par Alain Meurant et Anne-Marie Boxus. — Complément indispensable du Manuel de latin à l’usage des grands débutants (, ce cahier d’exercices de latin fournit, étape par étape, les corpus de... more
About teaching Latin, mythology, etc, to black inner city kids in Queens, NY, summer 2014.
Studentský manuál, který obsahuje pokyny doprovázející každou kapitolu učebnice FAMILIA ROMANA. Tyto instrukce mají být studovány až po pozorném přečtení (ať už tak někdo učiní s pomocí učitele, nebo sám) příslušných kapitol. Poskytují... more
Providing a comprehensive and accessible orientation to the field of medieval manuscript studies, this lavishly illustrated book by Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham is unique among handbooks on paleography, codicology, and manuscript... more
par Émilia Ndiaye. — Le présent ouvrage a pour objectif d’initier les étudiants à la grammaire comparée en prenant le cas du latin et du grec. Il présente un bref historique de la méthode comparative concernant les langues... more
Rafael Landívar is the best known of all the poets from the Americas to write in Latin. In the Rusticatio Mexicana (1782), his masterpiece of didactic poetry, he drew extensively from Greek and Roman literature to describe in vivid epic... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
Trata o texto de questões gerais e genéricas das Letras Latinas. Um manual de Literatura Latina cuja preocupação cronológica é deixada, parcialmente, de lado, para observar essencialmente gêneros letrados transhistoricamente, sem abrir... more
Before the great Italian poet Giovanni Pascoli (1855-1912) was appointed University Professor of Latin and later of Italian, he taught in several Italian high schools. In 1893, the Secretary for Education, the journalist and writer... more
The grammatical feminine gender was developed by Indo-European in relatively recent times, and was superimposed on an older system of two genders (animate / inanimate). The virtual totality of Indo-Europeanists would agree with this... more
Dag Norberg's analysis and interpretation of Medieval Latin versification, which was published in French in 1958 and remains the standard work on the subject, appears here for the first time in English with a detailed, scholarly... more
This Word List is a study tool created to quickly increase a student's Latin vocabulary. The list was created for the Centre for Medieval Studies Latin Committee to prepare MA students for the CMS Level One Latin Examination at the... more
Lo studio traccia le linee dello sviluppo della superficie in diritto romano. L’istituto sorse tra secondo e primo secolo a.C., in conseguenza di rilevanti mutamenti demografici e urbanistici e fu probabilmente modellato sulle concessioni... more
Cum Euryali matrem Vergilius describat, Homeri Andromacham in Iliados libro XXII delineatam imitatur. Sed in imitatione sua praesertim matris perturbationem et inopinati doloris novitatem, ad augendam erga mulierem miserationem, exprimit.... more
Latinsko-český kapesní slovník obsahuje slovní zásobu ve světě velmi oblíbené učebnice "Lingua Latina per se illustrata" dánského autora H. H. Ørberga, která se už 8 let používá i na českých školách. Obsahuje 1800 nejfrekventovanějších... more
Lo studio esamina due apostrofi virgiliane dedicate a giovani morti in guerra e seguite dai lamenti dei loro genitori. In tal modo il poeta esprime un duplice punto di vista su questi eventi, quello della gloria e quello del dolore... more
That Old Gutnish is a variant of Old Norse is unmistakeable. The first line of the medieval law text of Gotland–preserved in two manuscripts and comprising the bulk of the Old Gutnish corpus–is easily read by the Old Norse scholar: þitta... more
Virgil's opinion about love is influenced by the rising Gallus' love elegy and by the literary dialogue with that poet, as is revealed by some 'elegiac' characters in ecll. 2, 8 and -of course- 10. Love is also in the Georgics a painful... more
Esta Sintaxis latina, reflejo de la labor docente e investigadora de sus autores en distintas universidades españolas (UCM, UAM, Oviedo, Salamanca y Santiago), es el resultado final de una profunda revisión, actualización y ampliación... more