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Latin Poetry Panel, Classical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, May 2013
At first glance, Ovid’s promiscuous deployment of hunting topoi throughout Ars Amatoria I.253-274, an important iunctura, appears to be nothing more than his usual appropriation of relevant didactic themes. However, two features in... more
An abstract of a paper read at the Eighth Congress of Egyptologists, held in Cairo, March 2000.
Among the most-dicussed findings of the past decades' excavations in the 'Valle del Colosseo' in Rome are the remains of an Augustan-time version of the 'Meta Sudans', one of largest monumental fountains of the city, situated below the... more
Ce document constitue une avant-publication, dans le cadre de l'édition des principaux fragments poétiques du IIIe s. av. n. é. que je prépare.
O artigo tem por objetivo divulgar a poesia dita lírica de Horácio. Assim observando 5 Odes, a saber, a 1.5 (trad. Nelson Ascher; a 3. 30 (trad. P. Martins); 1.38 (trad. de J.A. Oliva Neto); 1.11 (trad. de P. Martins) e 4.7 (trad. de P.... more
Propertius' finale of his fourth book of elegies is typically conceded exceptional status within the corpus. The dead Cornelia, daughter of Augustus' ex-wife Scribonia, speaks from beyond the grave claiming credit for her life as... more
O gênero épico tinha por objetivo mais nobre a preservação de histórias contadas por gerações e nessas histórias, narradas por versos cantados – elemento antigo para memorização –, preservavam os nomes de heróis, pais fundadores, espaços... more
Returning to the work begun in Amy Richlin's seminal essay on the unsettling topic of sexual violence in Ovid's work, "Reading Ovid's Rapes," this paper takes another look at the rich interpretive problems posed by the incessantly... more
This paper compares the Milky Way in Aratus (Ph. 469–79) and Manilius (1.684–804), focusing on the role of the sublime in both texts. In Aratus, to gaze at the Milky Way is a sublime experience that constitutes an image for reading the... more
Minha fala hoje remete ao ano de 1979 quando ainda adolescente ouvia na vitrola o LP Cinema Transcendental de Caetano Veloso. Mais especificamente a faixa “Elegia”, um bolerinho, criado por Péricles Cavalcante em parceria com um tal de... more
Prix François Millepierres 2020 (Académie Française). Dans les odes érotiques, Horace conjugue exaltation de la passion et morale de l’amour : il chante la puissance et les beautés du désir, mais n’en invite pas moins les jeunes filles... more
Persians, Medes and Parthians in Horace’s Carmina The kingdom of Parthia which came into being in the 3rd century BC in the eastern frontiers of the Seleucid monarchy became the great power in the course of time. In the 1st century BC... more
The noticeable analogies between the funeral laments of Anna and Juturna in the Aeneid have been often explained as a means of linking the sisters of the two main Aeneas’ opponents. But the common features of the two passages (and their... more
For those who have little or no Latin, and little or no formal background in grammar, but who seek an immediate experience with the greatest work produced by a Roman poet, in the original language.
This is a full scholarly edition of John Philips's influential georgic poem Cyder (1708), with a particular emphasis on the political, historical and agricultural themes of the poem. The editors are John Goodridge (Emeritus Professor of... more
This paper will examine the claims of the excudent alii ('others will hammer out') priamel of Aeneid 6.847–53 within the immediate context of the parade's end, where Marcellus, parading the spolia opima, is used to exemplify the claims... more
Zoals zoveel dingen in de Eeuwige Stad is ook het toerisme (of althans de aanwezigheid van buitenlandse bezoekers, toeristen of niet) iets van alle tijden. Maar in tegenstelling tot latere perioden hebben we uit de oudheid relatief weinig... more
Propertius 3.12 leads us right to the middle of Book 3, and as such really ought to have attracted more attention than it has. Sitting twelfth in a twenty-four poem collection, it negotiates the reader's passage into the second half of... more
Translating Virgil’s Bucolics is a hard challenge for the Italian translators, both for the inherent musicality of the text and because of the long literary tradition of Arcadia. The analysis of the different approaches to the text during... more
Cum Euryali matrem Vergilius describat, Homeri Andromacham in Iliados libro XXII delineatam imitatur. Sed in imitatione sua praesertim matris perturbationem et inopinati doloris novitatem, ad augendam erga mulierem miserationem, exprimit.... more
يتناول هذا البحث أسطورة آينياس في ملحمة "الإنيادة" بما لها من دلالات مع إيضاح الاتجاهات النقدية الحديثة في دراستها
Lo studio esamina due apostrofi virgiliane dedicate a giovani morti in guerra e seguite dai lamenti dei loro genitori. In tal modo il poeta esprime un duplice punto di vista su questi eventi, quello della gloria e quello del dolore... more
Abstract In Res Gestae 8, 5 Augustus boasts of having renewed «multa exempla maiorum» and of being himself responsible of «multarum rerum exempla». This could appear in line with Roman tradition about mos mairoum; actually, this... more
"Neste livro incisivo, Paulo Martins desnaturaliza os critérios expressivistas de interpretação da elegia erótica do poeta latino Propércio correntes na Universidade, onde ainda é lido. Eles são indiferentes à historicidade dos preceitos... more
This paper explores how the lyric speaker constructs his poetic identity as a uates in Hor. carm. 1,1; 2,20 and 3,30. Ιn all three poems, we find a Cartesian coordinate system consisting of a vertical and horizontal axis. These axes... more