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On line, sul blog del Centro AMA (Antropologia e Mondo Antico) di Siena, i materiali della Summer School tenutasi a Pontignano dal 25 al 27 agosto. In quell'occasione, ho tenuto un laboratorio didattico sulla comparazione delle... more
Nell'impossibilità di restaurare in modo preciso il contenuto della lacuna in Sen. clem. I, 1, 1, proponiamo di modificare la forma grafica del passo nella maniera seguente:
si hoc iugutn fregerit, *** et ita loqui secum.
The article deals with Rhetoric in Antiquity and the Middle Ages from the perspective of eleven philosophers – Plato and Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca and Quintilian, Rhetoric to Herenium (by unknown author), Augustine, Martianus Capella and... more
Oedipus’ Metamorphoses: Reflections on the Authorial Role of Seneca’s Oedipus. This paper aims to analyze the character of Oedipus from a meta-theatrical point of view, and the role that emotions play in leading the tragic action. The... more
Rappresentazione teatrale | 21 febbraio 2013, Teatro Goldoni, Venezia. Medea, un tempo principessa della Colchide, maga e nipote del Sole, ora è in casa, a Corinto, intenta a tagliare e cucire il vestito da sposa per Creusa, futura... more
A piece about the possible response Seneca would have made to Lucilius about the literature and discussion on some minor details of the Sherlock Holmes stories. He probably would have wrote to Lucilius that there are some silly, and... more
The author –quite probably the authors- of La Celestina was not unaware of the literary Classical tradition: besides the influence of the Roman comedy, it must be uderlined that of the Senecan thought, especially in Act I. KEYWORDS: La... more
In this paper we consider how the influence of the meanings of Greek concept of “ἀρετὴ” on the meanings of Latin concept of “virtus” could cause the arising of such meanings of the concept of “virtual” as “being something in essence,... more
Seneca’s name is often associated with the notion of „humanism“. In this article we attempt to verify and define the meaning of this notion in the context of Seneca’s writings. Our question is: what kind of philosophy, according to... more
Abstract In 1981, the Spanish playwright Luis Riaza published the play Medea es un buen chico (Medea is a Good Boy). In it, two male actors perform the main roles of Medea and the Nurse, who comment, with references to other fictional... more
Représenter la mort sur la scène classique ne va pas de soi, a fortiori quand elle résulte d'un suicide. Au spectacle de la mort s'opposent trois obstacles majeurs : la bienséance, la vraisemblance et la morale. Racine, pourtant... more
This study investigates the adoption of Euripides’ and Seneca's versions of Medea. In the study, there is used a comparative analysis between Euripides’ and Seneca’s versions of Medea. Besides the comparative analysis, there is made a... more
Among the most-dicussed findings of the past decades' excavations in the 'Valle del Colosseo' in Rome are the remains of an Augustan-time version of the 'Meta Sudans', one of largest monumental fountains of the city, situated below the... more
Das Gemälde «La Primavera» (Frühling) gehört zu den bekanntesten Werken der abendländischen Kunst und hängt heute in den Uffizien in Florenz. Es wurde in den späten 1470er oder mittleren 1480er Jahre vom berühmten italienischen... more
It is well-established that the Jesus prayer basically takes form in early monasticism. Just a few scholars have very briefly suggested a possible connection with late antique philosophy. This article examines the early development of the... more
L’età Giulio-Claudia • Gaio Ottavio nacque nel 63 a.C. da Attia, figlia di Giulia, sorella di Gaio Giulio Cesare, in un paesino fuori roma. Alla fine del 45 a.C. l’onnipotente prozio adottò il giovane Ottavio, che proprio in quei giorni... more
Seneca (MÖ 4’e doğru-MS 65): Devlet adamı ve filozofluğunun yanı sıra Roma tarihinin en önemli söylev ustalarından ve tragedya yazarlarından biridir. Babasının bir siyaset adamı ve hatip olarak yetiştirmek istediği Seneca, bir süre devlet... more
Music for the 'Iron Era': Rubens, Seneca and Monteverdi's Eighth Book of Madrigals - In the preface to his Libro ottavo, Monteverdi presents an aesthetic and genre-theoretical concept that involves, on the hand, a new composing style -... more
I ventotto contributi che compongono il volume affrontano dalle più diverse angolazioni, esaurendo praticamente tutti gli elementi costitutivi del processo comunicativo (mittente, destinatario, contesto, messaggio, codice), i molti e... more
The present paper focuses on an intriguing passage of Seneca's treatise 'On Clemency' (De Clementia) dealing with the topic of human and animal rights (1.18.1-2). This is the only passage in which the Latin philosopher employs the... more
This dissertation attempts to illuminate the enigma of the Seneca whom we see in Tacitus, "Seneca politicus", and his capacity at the Palace. The project thus evaluates the three most accessible sources for both how Nero would have viewed... more