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Τα Λατινικά του Wheelock είναι η πρώτη ελληνική μετάφραση του Wheelock's Latin (7η έκδοση, επικαιροποιημένη και ανανεωμένη), ενός από τα δημοφιλέστερα εγχειρίδια εκμάθησης της Λατινικής γλώσσας παγκοσμίως. Με τρόπο μεθοδικό, ευχάριστο και... more
La mia tesi di laurea triennale in Grammatica Latina raccoglieva ed analizzava gli incantesimi in lingua latina presenti nella serie web audiovisiva Netflix "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" (2018-2020). Preliminarmente, si è cercato... more
Jeg diskuterer hvordan absolutt ablativ konstrueres og kan tolkes i Caesars de bello Gallico I
Komplet za učenje latinščine, ki ga je izdala univerza Yale, je namenjen začetnikom in sodi med najboljše v svetovnem merilu. Odlikuje se po jasnih razlagah ter po novem didaktičnem pristopu. Od prvih lekcij naprej se zavestno osredotoča... more
Komplet za učenje latinščine, ki ga je izdala univerza Yale, je namenjen začetnikom in sodi med najboljše v svetovnem merilu. Odlikuje se po jasnih razlagah ter po novem didaktičnem pristopu. Od prvih lekcij naprej se zavestno osredotoča... more
A bibliographic description is given of the edition of De octo partium orationis constructione libellus, printed by Étienne Dolet in his Lyon workshop in 1541, a rare edition and hardly presented in the main catalogs of reference. In... more
Komplet za učenje latinščine, ki ga je izdala univerza Yale, je namenjen začetnikom in sodi med najboljše v svetovnem merilu. Odlikuje se po jasnih razlagah ter po novem didaktičnem pristopu. Od prvih lekcij naprej se zavestno osredotoča... more
Modelos para as cinco declinações da língua latina (Masculinos, Femininos e Neutros / Adjetivos de 1ª e 2ª classes!
Ce manuel s’adresse à tous ceux qui ont besoin d’apprendre le latin de manière systématique et progressive (étudiants de lettres classiques, de lettres modernes, d’histoire, de philosophie, d’espagnol, d’italien…) et à ceux qui ont envie... more
Handout for talk given at the University of Newcastle, Australia on May 20, 2011
Lezioni essenziali di Grammatica Latina ad uso di studenti liceali. Lezioni sul verbo (quadro generale; indicativo, imperativo, congiuntivo; cenni sull'infinito)
Oltre al monumentale commento virgiliano, Servio è autore anche di alcune opere grammaticali, tra cui il Commentarius in artem Donati, costruito sulla falsariga dell’Ars maior di Elio Donato. L’edizione critica qui presentata è relativa... more
Les grammairiens latins désignent par le nom de cacenphaton un vitium (défaut du langage) qui oscille entre grammaire et rhétorique, et qui reçoit des définitions très variables. L’obscénité est le trait d’union entre différents... more
This paper reviews approaches to what is known as the septimus casus from Varro and Quintilian to the late grammarians. It emphasizes the different points of view adopted to describe the seventh case in the history of Latin grammar, and... more
Si presenta qui l'utilizzo del pronome relativo nelle testimonianze epigrafiche latine, con particolare attenzione ai casi in cui esso attragga la testa all'interno della relativa stessa. In tali contesti, qui sembra introdurre non tanto... more
A selection of an upcycled Latin prose composition book by Moses Daniell, republished for Kindles and other hardware. The answer key's solutions have been interleaved with the prose composition tasks so that immediate correction is... more
Gramática de la lengua latina confeccionada con criterios didácticos sobre textos del poeta Marcial, conforme a los parámetros de la Gramática Funcional y la Pragmática. El texto es complementario de la aplicación informática Initio... more
This volume is about the morphosyntactic encoding of feelings and emotions in Latin. It offers a corpus-based investigation of the Latin data, benefiting from insights of the functional and typological approach to language. Chiara... more
In the Greek-Latin lexicon at the end of his Ars grammatica Priscian displays a number of somehow fixed expressions to introduce the Latin syntactical constructions that he compares to the Greek ones. It is possible to recognize the... more
I tom "Gramatyki monet rzymskich" obejmuje 4 rozdziały, poświęcone przede wszystkim rozwiązywaniu skrótów tytulatury urzędniczej i cesarskiej oraz datowaniu monet republiki i cesarstwa rzymskiego: I. Gramatyka łacińska i napisy na... more
Neste ensaio, iremos revistar os conceitos de línguas vivas, extintas e mortas propostas por Coutinho (1976) e Tersariol (1970), a fim de discutirmos sobre o latim empregado pelos sacerdotes no Estado do Vaticano. Para a Igreja Católica... more
The grammar of Juan de Pastrana (fl. 1450) circulated in manuscript form amongst Spanish students during the 15th century. It is also known by its incipit Thesaurus pauperum siue speculum puerorum, and is the first published grammar book... more
Il contributo identifica in Lucano il vir sordidi sermonis cui si riferisce Velio Longo nel discutere la questione del corretto perfetto di absorbo/absorbeo, grazie ad un confronto con due luoghi del De orthographia dello Pseudo-Capro e... more
The aim of the program is to take stock of Hungarian documents of studia humanitatis with 1526 as a milestone. The census intends to register predominantly the use of (school)books in Hungary in teaching grammar, rhetoric, poetry,... more
Third and final part of an excellent practice book for Latin prose composition. Includes the answer key interleaved conveniently for display on ereaders. Available at... more
A new edition of the earliest etymological study of a European vernacular language. De Origine Scoticae Linguae (also known as O’Mulconry’s Glossary) is a text originating in seventh-century Ireland that provides etymologies for c.... more
Γραμματική και Συντακτικό Η Λατινική γραμματική της σειράς Bescherelle αποτελεί την πρώτη λατινική γραμματική που προστίθεται στην ελληνική βιβλιογραφία και ξεφεύγει από την αυστηρή οπτική της παραδοσιακής γραμματικής, τουλάχιστον όπως... more
This is a textbook of Latin grammar for archaeological students that is written in Turkish for the students at the Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir and not published as of yet. Its last update was in 2023. Please feel free to submit your... more
Ecce duo carmina hexametris dactylicis pancta atque a memet ipso terris meis dicata. Alterum Siculae urbi Victoriae, ubi natus sum adhucque vivo, alterum Scopuliculis, oppidulo maritimo quod ad Victoriae regionem pertinet, non sine... more