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par Estelle Debouy, illustré par Mathieu la Mine. — Dans ce livre, qui se présente comme un abécédaire humoristique, Estelle Debouy a imaginé des définitions de termes de tous les jours à partir de réflexions des poètes latins sur leur... more
An abstract of a paper read at the Eighth Congress of Egyptologists, held in Cairo, March 2000.
Beginning with a short characterization of Tibullus 1.5, this essay asks the question: what does the erotic subject matter of Roman elegy tell us about the nature of language? It assesses a handful of approaches to this question from the... more
Il presente lavoro si propone di inserire i versi di Tibullo 1, 7 nella corrente culturale non allineata che, negli anni 27-26 a.C., ovvero nel periodo di composizione della stessa elegia, iniziò ad affiancare quella ufficiale e a vedere... more
Tesina scritta per il corso universitario "Esegesi dei testi letterari latini" tenuto dal prof. G. Mazzoli nell'a.a. 2010-2011. Analisi e commento della dibattuta epistola 4 del primo libro oraziano, dedicata ad Albio e riguardante il... more
Today it is relatively unquestioned that Sulpicia, the elegiac woman of [Tib.] 3.8-18, was a historical woman of the same name who lived and wrote Latin elegies in Augustan Rome, and that the poems attributed to her are autobiographical... more
Εισαγωγή, Κείμενο, Λεξιλόγιο, Μετάφραση, Σχόλια
[Introduction, Text, Vocabulary, Translation, Commentary]
delivered at the Classical Association Annual Meeting in Leicester (April 8, 2018) in the "Tibullus Beyond Elegy" panel
De 08 a 10 de julho de 2015 organizamos o V Colóquio Internacional “Visões da Antiguidade Clássica”, dedicado à poesia augustana (Augustan Poetry: New Trends and Revaluations), em São Paulo, a fim de discutir novas abordagens e reavaliar... more
“Callimachean Allusions in Tibullus 4.” Aevum Antiquum 21, pp. 57–80. This paper discusses Tibullus I 4 with particular attention to three Callimachean intertexts, namely Iambus 9, Aetia fr. 41 and Iambus 3. Iambus 3 in particular proves... more
Il est traditionnel de présenter les élégiaques comme les tenants d’un mode de vie alternatif. Chantres de l’individualité, ils représenteraient une forme de subversion. Pourtant, les élégiaques décrivaient moins un mode de vie qu’un état... more
My PhD Thesis scrutinized with the symbolic aspects of space in Latin Augustan love elegy and particularly with two main topics: urban space, related with 'urbanitas' as a cultural and literary model, and travel, often related to warfare... more
This paper questions the assumption that the female persona in the Sulpicia elegies ([Tib.] 3.8–18) places the poems in the margins of their genre and warrants a focus on the biography of their author. When we consider the historical... more
Статья посвящена обсуждению литературноrо контекста «Сельской элегии» Е. А. Баратынского. В Приложении приводится параллели к тексту элегии из произведений русских, французских и латинских авторов. // This article attempts to estabish the... more
This article is devoted to the Codex Tomacellianus, a privately owned manuscript of the poems of Propertius, Catullus and Tibullus (along with the rest of the Corpus Tibullianum). Those of Propertius and Catullus were copied by Leonte... more
Baseado na premissa de que o procedimento alusivo é um recurso central na poesia augustana, investiga-se no presente estudo um caso identificado por Hollis (1977) e Sharrock (2002) de alusão na Arte de Amar. O peculiar manual erótico... more
Η θέση που επιχειρείται να θεμελιωθεί στην εργασία αυτή είναι πως η ελπίδα καθίσταται, κατά την περιγραφόμενη στο συγκεκριμένο είδος ερωτική διαδικασία, απαραίτητος όρος για την παραμονή του ελεγειακού εραστή στο ερωτικό servitium και... more
Identification and discussion of specific passages in Tibullus that appear to have been written with Hellenistic Greek authors, texts, and issues in mind. The influence of the Alexandrians on Roman elegiac poetry. [[Comment by Francis... more
This paper is the translation, and reworking, of a chapter of my book, La mort de Virgile d'après Horace et Ovide (2d ed., Paris, 1999), pp. 157-171, where I argue that Horace in these two epistles denounces the murder of Virgil and... more
This paper traces Roman acoustic experience of domestic soundscapes, particularly the soundscape of textile production (especially weaving) through a combination of philological analysis of Latin poetry and experimental archaeology.
Our record of Roman love-poetry, from Catullus on into Propertius and Tibullus and finally Ovid, shows a preference for ‘countercultural’ idioms. These authors switch between voices and vocabularies, as does Horace, the other great... more
"Budapest, Országos Széchényi Library, Codex latinus medii aevi 137 is a parchment codex from the 15th century that contains the poems of Catullus and Tibullus. It has a twin in Cologny, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, MS. Bodmer 141, which... more
A study on some passages of Tibullus I 1 shows that some Tibullan topics are not mere "poetical" passages but that they share important ideas and themes with the philosophical literature of the 1st century BC, particularly with texts of... more
Περίληψη εισήγησης στο πλαίσιο του 7ου Συμποσίου Μεταπτυχιακών Φοιτητών και Υποψηφίων Διδακτόρων Κλασικής Φιλολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων.
This article argues that the figure of Macer, who is characterized as a poet with elegiac and epic interests in Tibullus (2.6) and Ovid (Am. 2.18, Pont. 2.10, 4.16), is a pseudonym (“the lean lover”) for Valgius Rufus. The usual... more
The sanctuary of Apollo on the Palatine is one of the most important Augustan buildings. Situated very close to the first emperor's private residence, it is central for our understanding of Augustan culture. As one of its main functions,... more
These are the academic papers written by Magda El-Nowieemy, (Alexandria University) in both Arabic and English, published in Egypt and outside.
In Ov. Am. 3.9, an elegy dedicated to the late Tibullus, it seems possible to detect a subtext according to which not only Tibullus, but also Virgil and Gallus, and before them Calvus and Catullus, were in fact murdered.
[ITA] In questo articolo si analizza la lunga sezione sulle feste popolari presente nella problematica elegia II 5 di Tibullo, nella prima parte della quale si rileva la fitta presenza di materia virgiliana. La descrizione dei Palilia... more
This paper was presented as part of a reading class on Tibullus 3, organized by Laurel Fulkerson and Stephen Heyworth at Oxford in Trinity Term 2015. I enjoyed writing it and have thought about revising it for publication, but I am not... more