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A reconstruction of Henry of Huntingdon's "Anglicanus ortus" from the surviving, fragmentary manuscripts, along with an edition of Henry's verse lapidary "De gemmis preciosis".
An extensive commentary on each poem from Book 9, placing them in their literary, social, and historical context Includes a comprehensive introduction which establishes Book 9 in Martial's work as a whole Contains the Latin text of each... more
In this paper I will discuss how an epigram by Martial (Mart. 9.20) can be connected to a passage of Theocritus’ Encomium to Ptolemy Philadelphus (Theoc. Id. 17.58 – 76): the analysis will be developed in detail in order to enable the... more
This article presents ancient Roman texts dealing with the topic of same-sex weddings with the purpose of examining the reliability of these sources and contributing to the understanding of this element of the ancient tradition. In order... more
Apuleius certainly quotes some epigrammatic texts and fragments in his Apology on secondary points of the argumentation, but these quotations remain misleading, because they hide the real presence of the epigrammatic genre in this speech:... more
An interpretation of Martial 10.4, arguing for a deep intertextual relationship with Greek New Comedy, and for the latter's status as a counterpoint to Alexandrian and Callimachean literary values. CQ 68/2 (2019) 603-11.
Los niños que vivían en tiempo de los césares de Roma ¿jugaban a ser generales, gladiadores o aurigas del circo? ¿Cómo eran las muñecas a las que cuidaban las niñas? ¿Qué solían hacer, tanto niños como niñas, con un puñado de nueces?... more
In 1.35 Martial deals with the crucial theme of the relationship between epigram and obscenity, relating to Catullus (c. 16), who is from his first book mentioned by the epigrammatist as his main model. The epigram’s addressee, Cornelius,... more
The XII Book of Martial’s Epigrams is a complex and problematic text for many philological and historical reasons. Traditionally seen by scholars as a collection of poems made by a librarius in its longer edition, this book reveals some... more
This study examines the structural function of the marriage-divorce theme in the second edition of Martial's book 10, which is built around the poet's decision to move back to Spain, leaving his beloved domina Rome after more than thirty... more
I focus on Martial’s pessimistic sense of Nature, on his substantial distrust of every kind of Art. Nature is ferocious and unpredictable. It only pretends to be tamed, wearing an ephemeral mask, but it is never truly tamed. Lurking... more
La presentazione Power Point con la quale ho accompagnato la relazione che ho tenuto nella giornata di studi su "Historia y Medicina en la Antigüedad", che si è tenuto presso Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2 febbraio 2017, nella quale... more
This paper examines some epigrams of Ausonius’ Bissula, underscoring the literary dimension in which the biographical relationship between the poet-patronus and his young slave-alumna is rewritten in these verses. The girl is seen as an... more
RESUMEN. Este trabajo está dividido en dos partes. En la primera se estudian los testimonios de culto al toro y a la luna como definidores del territorio primitivo del 'ager Vasconum', en especial las muy características «aras... more
The Latin verb pēdīcāre in many scientific works is presented as a loanword from Greek (from the substantiated adjective παιδικά applied in relation to eromenos), and its semantic field is outlined around pederasty. The meaning of this... more
This essay provides the first critical edition of Angelo Poliziano’s commentary to Mart. De spect. 1, which is preserved in ms. Mon. Clm. 754, ff. 284r-284v. First, I focus my attention on the dating of the commentary and on the text of... more
In Marziale xi 96, conservato solo da una famiglia di codici, il poeta rimprovera uno schiavo germanico che impedisce a un fanciullo romano di dissetarsi a una fonte dell'aqua Marcia. Alcuni studiosi considerano il componimento... more
Nil intemptatum linquere. Sull’origine di un’espressione poetica (con qualche osservazione sul testo di Verg. Aen. 8.205 s.) Martial 2.14.1 nil intemptatum Selius, nil linquit inausum is a grandiose hexameter, which presents three forms... more
The thesis seeks an answer to the question ‘How did the Romans’ view on sexuality change during the early Empire, from the late Republic to the first two centuries of the Principate?’ by studying law and literature in the chosen period... more
Depuis longtemps, les études critiques ont reconnu la valeur métapoétique de l’opposition des concepts « grand » et « petit » chez Martial. Le « grand » est souvent compris comme la noblesse et l’exaltation du dédicataire et de la valeur... more