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There are many depictions of eating in Roman literature - satires and parodies, but also memories or wise pieces of advice. These descriptions are often accompanied by positive or negative assessments of the quality and quantity of the... more
This paper suggests some far-reaching symbolic implications for women’s hair in Latin love elegy. Hair, hairdressing, hairdressers, and hair loss provided a metaphorical vehicle by which Tibullus (1.8), Propertius (2.18), and above all... more
Abstract This article focuses on some passages from the first part of the famous episode of Lucretia ( Fasti 2,721-852). Ovid more than anyone exploits refined plot devices to emphasize the virtue of the heroic Roman martyr of the... more
Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture investigates the social symbolism and cultural poetics of dress in the ancient Roman world in the period from 200 BCE-400 CE. Editors Jonathan Edmondson and Alison Keith and the contributors to... more
Cet article, écrit pendant ma thèse, plaide l’idée selon laquelle l’identité des cités antiques pouvait influer sur les pratiques philosophiques qui s’y déroulaient. En l’occurrence, le lien bien connu entre la baie de Naples et... more
Aceastǎ monografie abordează o serie de aspecte ale mitului romulean, cât şi reperarea unor posibile paralele în cadrul altor cicluri de legende romane, mai ales cele ale lui Hercule şi Faunus, şi în cadrul naraţiunilor despre ultimii... more
Il confine, qualunque esso sia, rappresenta il simbolo delle relazioni che una comunità stabilisce al suo interno e con lo spazio circostante; costruire un confine significa separare, ma anche creare, inventare un luogo e dotarlo di... more
The satires explored in this volume are some of the trickiest poems of ancient Rome’s trickiest poet. Horace was an ironist, sneaky smart, and prone to hiding things under the surface. His Latin is dodgy and difficult. The challenges... more
يناقش هذا البحث عدة نقاط، تبدأ بخلفية تاريخية موجزة عن علاقة روما بأثيوبيا في العصر الإمبراطوري، ثم أثيوبيا في بعض الأساطير الرومانية، والأوصاف العرقية للأثيوبيين، كما يتناول العبيد الأثيوبيين في روما، وهذا من خلال نصوص أدبية لاتينية مع... more
This paper discusses two Roman reliefs from the Dalmatian hinterland, one of the goddess Diana from Proložac near Imotski, the other of the girl Lupa from Sovići near Grude in Herzegovina. Earlier scholarly discussions ascribed artistic... more
Ma thèse de doctorat porte sur le combat de cavalerie dans le monde romain du Ier siècle a.C. au VIe siècle p.C. Il s’agit d’un travail de synthèse, traitant de la doctrine d’emploi de la cavalerie aux époques tardo-républicaine,... more
Panaetius of Rhodes was a Stoic philosopher of the 2nd century BCE. Pupil of the Stoic scholarch Diogenes of Babylon, then of his successor Antipater of Tarsos, he was himself at the head of the Porch, probably since the year 129 BC. He... more
Since its discovery, which took place in Pompeii in 1938, this ivory statuette of Indian manufacture has not stopped asking questions about its subject, its origin, its function before its arrival in the Roman municipium. In this paper,... more
Se analiza la significación cultural de la cartografía en la Antigüedad, en la que debía ocupar un lugar bastante distinto respecto a nuestro tiempo dado la distinta forma de percibir y representar el espacio
These are the academic papers written by Magda El-Nowieemy, (Alexandria University) in both Arabic and English, published in Egypt and outside.
Presented at the 12th Annual CUNY Classics Graduate Conference
“Xenoi: Hospitality and Xenophobia in the Graeco-Roman World”
March 15th 2019