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Annotated bibliography of studies in English, French, Italian and German of the development of the Latin philosophical vocabulary through translation from Greek
The deconstruction of ethnic identities has shattered how we understand the social landscape of the ancient Mediterranean. As cleansing as this deconstruction has been, it has left a gap in our ability to analyse social entities at an... more
Far from the Rule of St Benedict (RB) representing a contrasting tradition to that of supposed 'Celtic monasticism' or the 'Celtic church', in fact the earliest evidence of the use of RB *anywhere* is in the writings of the Irish abbot... more
Si espongono le consuete fonti classiche del custode infernale e se ne allegano di nuove. Per una suggestione in particolare si fa riferimento al concetto di "semantics of conflation" mutuato da uno studio di Marianne Hopman sulla... more
The Phaethon episode emphasizes the claim to divinity and failed divinization, and so it can be read as an anti-apotheosis: there is a purification, an epitaph that mimics the titulus and the elogium of the deified characters' statues in... more
When explaining allegorically a biblical passage which mentions animals, plants or minerals, Gregory the Great usually uses his knowledge of natural history to elaborate the allegory. In this article I explore Gregory’s sources and... more
Resumen La présence du mythe d'Apollon et d'Admète chez Tibulle, comme exemplum du lieu commun du servitium amoris, montre que la mythologie n'est pas absente de son oeuvre, comme il s' ensuit des endroits ici... more
The anonymous Expositio totius mundi and its abridged and revised version, the Totius mundi descriptio, reproducing a geographical text (about 360 CE) translated from Greek, are difficult to date and very problematic for lexicographers,... more
Defining Renaissance Humanism has been problematic for many researchers. This paper hopes to provide a basic understanding of this concept by identifying and explaining its key characteristics. Individuals essential to Renaissance... more
This is an abstract of a conference paper intended to be read at Bibliotheca Alexandrina (The Alexandria Centre for Hellenistic Studies), 8-10 April, 2011, on: "Alexandria and the Hellenistic World: New Finds and Interpretations." The... more
This volume is an interdisciplinary examination of the supernatural creatures associated with the domestic sphere in Greece and Rome. It is a vast subject of study, given the diversity of entities and their complexity, characterised by... more
Discover the language that shaped the foundation of Western civilisation with our Introduction to Classical Latin course in Sydney! Designed for beginners and enthusiasts alike, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to the... more
The contribution examines Giovanni Pascoli's careful analysis of Catullus' c. 95 in the anthology Lyra. Going beyond the horizon of the young students for whom the work is intended, the commentary is an all-round philological operation,... more
The article aims to analyse an intertextual link in the ambiguous use of faveo between Tib. 2.1.1 and Prop. 4.6.1, both elegies classifiable as 'mimetic' hymns and both 'thresholds' of the respective two books of elegies. It is intended... more
Diogenes of Oenoanda, although much appreciated by scholars, has rarely been viewed as an innovative thinker. 1 This assessment fits a general trend in modern scholarship, in harmony with Cicero's criticism of the Pythagoreans-"ipse... more
This paper focuses on Petrarch and Boccaccio as readers of Pliny the Elder's Naturalis historia, with peculiar attention to MS Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France Latin 6802. The essay is included in the Catalogue of the exhibition... more
Resumen. El artículo trata de determinar el grado de conocimiento del griego que tuvo Lebrija. Tras el estudio de sus citas en griego, su transcripción de palabras griegas y sus glosas a términos griegos, se concluye que Lebrija no llegó... more
Valerio Flaco adopta la tradicional concepción que dictaba cómo la decadencia política y moral comenzó desde que el ser humano violó la sacralidad del mar; sin embargo, el poeta comunica subrepticiamente que la irrupción de una nave en... more
Tabla de contenidos Presentación, por Marta Alesso (pp. 9-11) ARTÍCULOS 1. Alejandro de Hales y la distinción entre teología revelada y ciencias especulativas: filosofía primera, física y matemática, por José María Felipe Mendoza... more
[Typescript—please cite by the published version in Helios 50 (2023) 17-49.] The apotheoses in Augustan poetry, which range from tropes of a leader's fame reaching the stars to full-blown catasterisms, participate in a Roman... more
[Typescript—please cite by the published version in Helios 50 (2023) 17-49.] The apotheoses in Augustan poetry, which range from tropes of a leader's fame reaching the stars to full-blown catasterisms, participate in a Roman... more
This is an overview of the contents of a short exegetical text transmitted in the MS Vatican City, Vatican Apostolic Library, Pal.
lat. 277, ff. 82r-89r and of the available modern studies.
Issue 3 of Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures explores the theme of the rediscovery and canonization of the Roman classics in medieval Western European literary culture, beginning in the eleventh century and reaching a... more
In this article I intent to go through the Epicurean thought and the role it plays in the concrete life of man. In this endeavour, I shall use some of Epicurus' maxims, and also The Poem of Nature, written by Lucretius, and thought up... more
Focused on the tale of Niobe, Auson. 'Epigr.' 58 Green seems to comprise allusions to Ovid’s «Metamorphoses» and contains sophisticated literary features also attested in epigraphic sources; the extent to which these stylistic devices are... more
Spanish translation with introduction and commentary to Claudian's "De consulatu Stilichonis" (Claud. c. mai. 21-24). Claudiano (activo 395–404) es uno de los poetas más influyentes y fascinantes de la tardía Antigüedad. De origen... more
The source of Geoffrey’s De gestis Britonum – Deeds of the Britons (DGB, c.1136) has been one of the great mysteries of early medieval history. Geoffrey describing his source as “the very old book in the British tongue” that had come ex... more
This chapter "traces the role of dance in the practice and conceptualization of political action in ancient Greece and Rome, including official deployments of dance in the service of specific agendas, as well as spontaneous choreographies... more