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Un commento a De Rerum Natura V 1379-1411
Tesi di Laurea Triennale - Corso di Laurea in Lettere Classiche
Relatrice: Prof.ssa Bruna Pieri
"Abstract: Ovid's "Ars Amatoria" is meant to offer a true recantation of amor, a palinode of love that includes an apology of poetry. Palinode and apology have become necessary and urgent, for Ovid, for two reasons, which offer a double... more
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La questione della genesi e dell’evoluzione dell’elegia latina è uno dei temi più interessanti e maggiormente affrontati dagli studiosi di ogni epoca, in quanto pare di ritrovarsi dinnanzi ad una forma letteraria che non ha alcun... more
Salve! Mos est mihi, benigne lector benignave lectrix, ineunte anno scholastico linguæ Latinæ tirones meos certiores facere de Latinitate perenni atque universali. Id quod tamen verbis tantum facere solebam, admodum paucis testimoniis... more
General introduction to the epic genre in Rome. Translation with stylistic and philological commentary of Ennius’ Annales, vv. 34-50 Sk. (= 35-51 V., “The dream of Ilia”) and 175-79 Sk. (= 187-91 V. “the cutting of the forest”) and of... more
The book provides a thorough codicologic, palaeographic, philologic and iconographic analysis of the famous "Virgil" written down by Leonardo Sanudo in 1458, and beautifully illustrated by Guglielmo Giraldi and Giorgio d'Alemagna.
Recent scholars have analysed ways in which authors of the Roman era appropriated the figure of Alexander the Great. The essays in this collection, by an international team of scholars, cast a wider net. They show how classical Greek,... more
Seminario | 6 dicembre 2021, ore 16-19. Auditorium G. De Carlo, Ex Monastero dei Benedettini, Piazza Dante, 32, 95124 Catania. Cancel Culture: dagli USA stanno arrivando in Europa le prime avvisaglie di una tempesta: cancellare i... more
This book chapter argues that, on the basis of significant shared features, ancient Latin verse summaries of the Homeric epics should be assigned to a distinct literary category, which has not been previously recognized. The principal... more
The legacy of Boudicca is a compelling one. Since the rediscovery of the Tacitean manuscripts during the Renaissance, authors have grappled with how to reconcile the differences between the ancient accounts of Boudicca’s rebellion. This... more
Il libro VIII delle Confessioni rievoca il momento cruciale della vicenda esistenziale di sant’Agostino, culminante nella definitiva conversione, descritta nella famosa “scena del giardino” della sua casa milanese. Il complesso... more
Organizadores: Rafael Brunhara e C.Leonardo B. Antunes. Artigos de André Malta, Christian Werner, Paula da Cunha Corrêa, Giuliana Ragusa, Pedro Ipiranga Jr., José Marcos Macedo, Alexandre P. Hasegawa, Fernando Rodrigues Jr., Carlos... more
Mariel Reinoso Ingliso y Lillian von der Walde Moheno (eds.)
ISBN: 978-607-9130-08-4
Editorial Grupo Destiempos
Tesis doctoral presentada en la UNED el 28 de enero de 2016, dirigida por D. José María Lucas, sobre Lamia, Empusa, Gelo, Mormo, Aco, las estriges y las Manias. Un tribunal presidido por D. Fernando García Romero e integrado por D. Luis... more
The Homeric epics, the two earliest surviving literary works of Western culture, document a tradition that is oral both in composition and transmission. At a very early date, they were attributed to an authorial figure who is really only... more
Racconto di un percorso formativo che ha visto l’applicazione delle tecnologie educative in un ambito generalmente lontano dall’innovazione, "Idee per una nuova didattica del latino nel liceo linguistico" è suddivisa in due parti. La... more
A Chronology for events leading to the creation of Christianity with Historical Background: The Long War: Beginning with the Jewish changeover from the Seleucid leadership to the Hasmonean leadership (circa 135 BCE). The War Between The... more
The relationship between ‘blackness’ and ‘race’ in Greco-Roman antiquity is an important issue that has received far too little attention in recent discussions on race and ethnicity. This issue, though often marginalized, is of great... more
This essay focuses on Cicero's self-representation as exile based on his letters to Atticus, Terentia and Quintus frater as well as the post reditum orations. In his brief exile, Cicero refused consolations from Atticus and his family,... more
The decentralization process from Copernicus to Freud proved that no human knowledge could be relied on with definite certainty. The modern world is the world of facts, not truths. Literature is one fact among the many and it could have,... more
Esempio di presentazione del carme 65 a una classe di liceo; analisi linguistica e tematica
The author discusses the appearance of cornicularii in the Roman army. Drawing on the literary, epigraphic, iconographic and archaeological evidence he argues that at the beginning of the Imperial times the post of cornicularius was given... more