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This book recalibrates literature’s political role for the 21st century by excavating the deep history of storytelling as a civic agency. From Aristotle to Arendt and from the novella to the video story, short narrative forms hence become... more
סיקורת ספרם של תמר אלכסנדר ויעקב בן-טולילה, מילה בשעתה זהב מעלתה, אודות אוצר הפתגמים בשפת החכתייה, לשונם של יהודי מרוקו הספרדית.
Nella cultura italiana, ai più diversi livelli, ampio è l’uso di espressioni proverbiali latine: notevole è ad es. il loro impiego da parte di Manzoni nei Promessi Sposi, anche a indicare la separazione fra le classi sociali, e in tutta... more
"Proverb" is considered as a literary-lingual topic that has outstanding status in Iranian and Arabic culture.Iranian and Arab proverb writers have tried to collect and record proverbs. The method of proverb research andcompilation is... more
In linguistics a proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or experience. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be... more
In this article we written about the dif erence between concept and understanding, language, culture and thought of the usage measuring relationships. The sematic paradigm of the language, using word etymology detection, layers of... more
Internationaler Doktoranden-Workshop am 12. und 13. Juni 2015 in Tübingen.
Convegno “Nun sai c’a lo spedale sce se more?” Medici e pazienti, medicine e strutture sanitarie nella Roma di Giuseppe Gioachino Belli (Roma, Ospedale Santo Spirito)
Tanulmányunkban megvizsgáljuk a magyar antiproverbiumok legkedveltebb szójátéktípusát, a paronomáziát, és bemutatjuk e jelenség előfordulását az angol, német, francia és orosz nyelvű anyagban. A paronomázia jellemzője a szoros fizikai... more
Proverbs help us understand how the society works at large and what are the main concerns regarding the environment, people-to-people exchange and notions of liberty, freedom and values. In some cultures such as the Iranian one, the way... more
The aim of this paper is to present the Spanish proverbs related to the topic of greed that can be understood as a continuation of Publilius Syrus’ sentences. For the analysis are taken into account the contributions of two Hellenistic... more
Тексты пословиц и поговорок разных народов используются для наполнения корпуса параллельных текстов. Корпус позволяет проводить компаративные исследования лексических, синтаксических и семантических особенностей интересных с... more
Though of the same genre, two comparable proverbs from a given culture can operate in two distinct communicative spheres. Using an approach called discourse ecology, I explore the intertextual dynamics, semantics, and usage of two Kazakh... more
The book of Proverbs is a book written for people like us—parents, children, friends, and coworkers. It's a collection of biblical sayings and wisdom that are intended to help us with practical matters in our lives. Inside we encounter... more
Words of Agur, namely Proverbs 30:1-9, provides an intriguing challenge for interpreters as both the confession of ignorance (30:1-3) and the prayer for modesty (30:7-9) find no close parallel in wisdom literature, either within or... more
I commend Campbell for her research about social media. It is vital that the religious academy takes time and care to explore this topic. I agree that negative memes about other faiths can be harmful and should be addressed. In my... more
An increasing number of studies have investigated non-literal language, including metaphors, idioms, metonymy, or irony, with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). However, key questions regarding its neuroanatomy remain... more
Il filologo Vatova nacque a Capodistria sul finire del secolo XIX e rappresenta l’anima della città, la lingua e le nostre abitudini. Fin da giovanissimo volle avere il riconoscimento dell’italianità del cognome, ammaliato dalla parlata... more
Autor: Fernando Pessoa Edición: Jerónimo Pizarro y Patricio Ferrari Traducción: Diego Cepeda y Andrea Sánchez Ilustración: Jose Arboleda Descripción De los proverbios que Fernando Pessoa compiló y tradujo para el editor inglés Frank... more
This booklet contains a collection of proverbs (yanna), two animal tales (maauta) and one legend (heessa), which I recorded during my fieldwork on the Kambaata language 2002-2005. This publication is addressed to Kambaata speakers.
Desde sus orígenes, la literatura española ha usado el refrán con diverso propósito, así como del cuentecillo. En ocasiones han aparecido en un mismo contexto. Algunos paremiólogos se han servido ocasionalmente de breves composiciones... more
Author: Megan K. DeFranza Publisher: CBE International Proverbs 31:10–31 is one of the better-known passages of the Old Testament. Many of us hear sermons preached from this text every Mother’s Day, yet these sermons often miss the... more
Az alábbi tanulmányban az antiproverbiumok elferdítésének egyik leggyakoribb változtatástípusát, a cserét elemezzük. Tanulmányunk kilenc fejezetre tagolódik a csere mértéke szerint (szórend, írásjel, egy hang, több hang, egy szó, több... more
The paper attempts to investigate the emotional saturation of contexts (excerpts containing ca. 153 words) in which the twelve most familiar proverbs in American discourse (following Higbee & Millard 1983) are identified. The data have... more
Translation of English proverbs into Persian language makes Iranian translators encounter at the Source Language (SL) comparing Target Language (TL) levels such as lexical, stylistic, cultural and rhetorical parameters. In this respect,... more
[Manuscript.] The paper deals with the peculiarities of functioning of sound iconic words in so-called small genres of folklore in the Finno-Ugric languages. Section 1 defines sound iconic vocabulary and its subclasses, discusses its... more
When Eerdmans published Bruce Waltke’s two-volume NICOT Proverbs commentary in 2004, reviewers immediately recognized it as one of the most comprehensive and insightful commentaries on Proverbs written in the twentieth century. It was one... more
"Kazakhstan, like other former Soviet states, seeks national self-definition. For Kazakhs, proverbs are the traditional resource for defining problems, making moral judgments, and suggesting remedies. As a result, the Kazakhstani... more
―Abstract― What is the secret of happiness? What is the nature of love? What makes us good hosts or good guests? What traits should we seek out in friends and seek to embody as friends... more
Situé à une certaine distance de la réalité, le proverbe est une transposition, une sorte de traduction. « Traduire » un proverbe d'une langue dans une autre est donc une double transposition. Autrement dit : il faut chercher les... more
This is a draft of a collection of Chimiini proverbs. The first author [CWK] began collecting Chimiini proverbs in the 1970s with the assistance of the late Mohammad Imam Abasheikh. He resumed collecting, together with the second author... more
The Old Testament term mashal and its New Testament counterpart parabolē refer to a continuum of literary forms including proverbs and parables. We classify their occurrences into six types for mashal and three for parabolē. The semantic... more
Introduction to an edition of Polydore's collection of Latin and scriptural proverbs, an important forerunner of Erasmus' work on the same subject.