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© 2016 Claude Pavur: prefatory note, and the bilingual presentation of this selection of texts from the traditional Vulgate of Saint Jerome (c.400) and the revised Douay-Rheims translation (Baltimore: John Murphy Company, 1899). Number of... more
This article discusses the traces of the PIE ablauting verbal suffixes *-(e)i- and *-(e)s- in Latin.
"Latijnse morfologie" bevat een volledige bespreking van de verbuigingen en vervoegingen van het klassieke Latijn. Ook talrijke relevante uitzonderingen en bijzonderheden die in vele schoolboeken onvermeld blijven, komen aan bod.... more
This electronic book contains the answer keys for 'Nova exercitia Latina I', an exercise book mainly for those who use 'Familia Romana', the first volume of H. H. Ørberg’s 'Lingua Latina per se illustrata'. You can buy it here:... more
Seine Verdienste um die Erforschung vor allem der nachklassischen und mittelalterlichen Latinität, der medizinischen Fachsprache und um die editorische Erschließung zahlreicher lateinischer Texte aus Antike und Mittelalter wurden bereits... more
Jeg diskuterer hvordan absolutt ablativ konstrueres og kan tolkes i Caesars de bello Gallico I
"Praxis Grammatica : Showing the true and authentic use of declensions and conjugations, nicely organized for solid and rapid acquisition of a knowledge of the essential grammatical components of meaning. There are also attached a... more
Latin Poetry Panel, Classical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, May 2013
By courtesy of Editions Delga (Paris), I am pleased to offer to the public two chapters of a French partial translation that is actually in process, from "I classici nella storia della letteratura latina" (1994), by Luciano Canfora and... more
In 1997 maakte de Nederlandse schrijfster Marion Bloem het gedicht ‘Vrijheid’ op verzoek van het Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei. Meer dan tien jaar later, in maart 2011, riep ze via Facebook op om het gedicht in zo veel mogelijk talen te... more
During the Roman empire many Greek speakers learned Latin. Their books and exercises, which survive in medieval manuscripts and in papyri from Egypt, show that some of their language-learning techniques were similar to ours and others... more
Epigraphy is, in its essence, an act of writing, which implies the use of a specific alphabet and a codified language. The language of Latin inscriptions is often expressed in standard formulas, but it also shows different registers and... more
This is the last catalogue of the Gandophiana collection and library. More then one hundred 18th and 19th Centuries novels have been added since then, all in the original language and, if not in first edition, just published few years... more
The theme that unites the first four papers in this collection (counting the two elements of the second paper as two separate papers for the purposes of this summary only) is the view of Geta as very much the nexus-figure for three... more
Il file contiene le FAQ sulla Certificazione delle Competenze Linguistiche  di Latino pubblicato sul sito dell'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia per l'a.s. 2017/2018.
A bilingual pari-passu reader for medievalists and other adult learners beginning their Latin studies. Twenty-one stories have been extracted from the Gesta Romanorum. Full text available at... more
Il più rilevante e noto trattato rinascimentale sulle qualità morali, fisiche e divine dell'uomo fu redatto da uno fra i più poliedrici e dotti umanisti del Quattrocento. Il ''De dignitate et excellentia hominis'' è l'opera capitale di... more
The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to describe the collocational radius of five predicate nouns that belong to the semantic field of feelings: odium «hatred», invidia «envy, unpopularity», laetitia «joy», gaudium «delight» and... more
Interpretazione di dati lessicali greci latini  italiani e dialettali delle piante del genere Artemisia
Interpretation of Latin texts demands a certain degree of acquaintance with the phonology of Latin language. The present essay based on lectures read by the author over many years at the St.Petersburg State University, aims to introduce... more
52 short fables by Aesop, with translations, now upgraded and accompanied by the 70 anecdotes of ancient celebrities, once available as Learn Latin with Celebrities. Learn Latin with Aesop’s Fables and Ancient Celebrities: An Easy... more
Latin words for major body parts are given here and illustrated by Latin and English labeling on images. It is a visual vocabulary aid for Latin learners. Last adjustments made on May 16, 2021. For fuller vocabulary lists see Key Latin... more
Las lenguas indoeuropeas son lenguas flexivas: esto significa que tienen declinaciones y conjugaciones. Los casos caracterizan la flexión nominal en griego y en latín, de manera que declinando un nombre y, por tanto, cambiando sus... more
Reviews: Hermathena 191 (2011 [2014]) 130–33 [U. Roth]; European Review of History 21.1 (2014) 114–16 [T. Sandon]; Sehepunkte 14.2 (2014) [A. Lepke]; Greece & Rome 60.1 (2013) 175 [B. Levick]; Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013)... more
The Corpus Priapeorum is a Latin collection of 80 epigrams, in the majority of which the protagonist (either as a speaker or as receiver of offerings) is the phallic god, Priapus. Priapus with his enormous member and his unbridled lust is... more
Dalla mia esperienza personale, dai frequenti contatti con i docenti di liceo del Piemonte, dalla riflessione con i ragazzi e le ragazze usciti dalla Prova d’ingresso, a me pare chiaro che in diverse realtà si sia abbandonata o si stia... more
The first part of this paper argues that Orpheus' telling of Hyacinth's story in Ov. Met. 10, 162-219 is a reworking of his own personal grief for Eurydice, narrated by Ovid shortly before. The second part analyses the extant Hellenistic... more