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The Latin terms used to translate Alexandrian poetics are well-known in the Augustan era, but still insufficiently explored during Catullus’s times. Yet, I argue that Catullus played a major role in the constitution of the Latin... more
In his Carnival of the Animals (1886), Camille Saint-Saëns imitates the sounds of the animal kingdom in all their variety. Over the course of fourteen movements, he imitates both the sublime and the lowly, ranging from the romantic and... more
Este livro reúne artigos voltados ao estudo de aspectos da literatura helenística e de sua influência na produção literária posterior, abrangendo variados assuntos, tais como épica, historiografia, mimo, teatro, biografia e filosofia. A... more
This was a paper given at the 2015 Duke/UNC Chapel Hill Graduate Colloquium. It discusses the use of the word 'ogygios' within the Alexandrian corpus as a means of collapsing the geography of Boeotian Thebes with Egyptian Thebes.
It is suggested that Epimenides of Crete, a well-known Greek prophet, poet and politician (7th– 6th century BC), placed Zeus' birthplace near the Cretan city of Arcadia (now Arkalochori). Callimachus' Hymn to Zeus seems to have been... more
An interpretation of Martial 10.4, arguing for a deep intertextual relationship with Greek New Comedy, and for the latter's status as a counterpoint to Alexandrian and Callimachean literary values. CQ 68/2 (2019) 603-11.
Comparison of ancient accounts of the myth of Actaeon shows that, while the nature of his offense differs markedly between sources, the form of his death is stable throughout antiquity. This chapter uses observations from Nick Lowe and... more
An article examining the intertextuality between, and metapoetic significance of, the Linus-figures in Callimachus' Aetia and Theocritus' Idyll 24, focusing on their Homeric and Hesiodic pre-texts.
This book explores the representation of the gods in Greek hexameter poetry in its many forms, including epic, hymnic and didactic poetry, from the archaic period to late antiquity. Its twenty-five chapters, written by an international... more
ABSTRACT. IN THE DIGRESSION PROUDLY DEVOTED BY POLYBIUS TO «ANCIENT» ARCADIAN MUSICAL PAIDEIA (4. 20-21), THE WORDS τὴν γ᾽ ἀληθῶς μουσικήν (4. 20. 4) have been often interpreted as «music in a narrow sense«, opposed to mousike as... more
in Metamorfosi. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi. Sulmona, 20-22 Novembre 1994, a c. di G. Papponetti, Sulmona 1997, pp. 167-180
L' epigramma VII di Callimaco può essere considerato un vero e proprio manifesto di poetica dichiarata: il poeta, infatti, si fa portavoce di una nuova poetica, di una poesia erudita, raffinata, breve, e proprio la brevitas, tipica... more
L'analisi del fr. 192 Pf si articola lungo tre direzioni principali: il rapporto fra il giambo in esame ed i modelli arcaici del genere letterario, la sua contestualizzazione all'interno del liber giambico e, più in generale, della... more
It seems likely that the legend about Zeus’ grave in Crete was probably created as early as 8th or 7th centuries BC, being a part of the common tomb cult in Early Greece (see especially C. M. Antonaccio, An Archaeology of Ancestors. Tomb... more
Notre-Dame Déesse & Le Féminicide des Héros est un voyage dans le temps qui illumine notre société. Il est raconté par un homme âgé de culture moyenne, qui s’étonne à chaque pas, et rit, ou se met en colère, comme un enfant. La quatrième... more
En el marco de numerosos cuestionamientos contemporáneos en torno de la noción de naturalezay sus vínculos y tensiones con las creencias instituidas por el accionar humano, una vuelta a los orígenes se revela como una instancia ineludible... more
À côté de la racine i.-e. *h₁lengʷʰ- (v. i. RAṀH ‘aller vite’, germ. *lung(w)ra- ‘rapide’), gr. ἐλαφρός ‘léger’), l’arménien lanǰk‘ ‘poitrine’ < *‘poumons’ montre que la racine de l’adjectif ‘léger’ (gr. ἐλαχύς ‘petit’, lat. leuis) était... more
"La vita e la personalità letteraria di Istro sono difficili da ricostruire a causa della povertà di notizie conservate dalla tradizione. L’unica fonte che riporta informazioni significative è la Suda, che definisce Istro schiavo e... more
The Homeric episode where Helenos listens to the dialogue between Apollo and Athena, metamorphosed into vultures sitting on an oak tree (Il. VII 17-60), could be a model for the garrula cornix digression in Callimachusí Hecale (frr. 70-74... more
In this paper, I explore how Greek and Roman poets alluded to the lamentatory background of elegy through the figures of the swan and the nightingale. After surveying the ancient association of elegy and lament (Section I) and the common... more
In this study, I analyze the poetics of Gregory of Nazianzus (ca. 330–390 AD), who was one of the first Christian poets writing in Greek to leave an extensive corpus of poetry (about 17,000 lines). Gregory’s work is striking not only for... more
In this paper, I study Moero of Byzantium as an important predecessor of later Hellenistic poets. I explore Moero’s engagement with scholarly debate, analyse her detailed generic play, and close by considering her possible direct... more
El principal objetivo de esta tesis consiste en analizar los modos en que la primera persona se inscribe en la poesía yámbica de la Grecia arcaica y helenística, para lo cual se abordan en particular las producciones de los reconocidos... more