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Sidonius C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius, Die Briefe. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und erläutert von Helga Köhler, Stuttgart: Hiersemann 2014, XXXVII + 355 pp., ISBN 978-3-7772-1414-6, € 224 (hb). Die Briefe des Apollinaris Sidonius sind seit... more
"Jeder Lumpenhund sagt: nur Weiber können Briefe schreiben; denn Briefe erfordern eine Leichtigkeit, ein ungezwungenes Uebergehen von einer Materie zur andern, und Männer bleiben immer bei der Schnur.” — Diese Passage aus einem Brief... more
Este trabalho reúne documentação de natureza epistolar que originalmente publiquei, de forma separada, in Mare Liberum. Revista de História dos Mares (números 4 e 17, respetivamente de 1992 e 1999). Trata-se de textos constantes dos... more
Founded in Coimbra in March 1927, the literary and critical journal Presenca undertook the formidable task of recalling Portugal to the lessons and possibilities of modernism that emerged first with the publication of the two issues of... more
Tradução comentada das primeiras cartas jesuíticas sobre o Brasil a serem publicadas, extraídas de coletâneas impressas em Coimbra em 1551 e 1555. Inclui cartas de Manoel da Nóbrega, José de Anchieta, Leonardo Nunes, João de Azpilcueta... more
Basing on the preserved and published epistolographic legacy of Teofil Lenartowicz, the author reconstructs the sculptural process used by the artist. Starting from outlining the research problems connected with the letters of a solitary... more
Two noteworthy and successful vernacular rhetoric manuals printed in sixteenth-century England are actually writing manuals , books on how to compose letters: William Fulwood's The Enimie of Idlenesse (1568), and Angel Day's The English... more
This contribution shows, on the example of the letters of Paulinus of Nola, called the Christian Cicero, issues related to the power and role of the word, both spoken and written. Paulinus, being a master of the word, repeatedly indicates... more
Resumen: El presente artículo sostiene que en las Ep. LXXVII y LXXVIII Séneca utiliza el discurso ejemplar críticamente con el objetivo de mostrar que la evaluación moral de una acción no es unívoca, lo cual habilita vías alternativas... more
Il volume riunisce gli inediti carteggi intercorsi tra i fratelli di Giacomo Leopardi e Prospero Viani, benemerito editore e raccoglitore degli scritti del recanatese. I racconti contenuti nelle lettere di Paolina, Carlo e Pierfrancesco... more
Plutarch, Alex. 27. 8, records a letter of Alexander to his mother Olympias about the visit to the Oracle of Zeus Ammon in the Oasis of Siwah: he wrote that he received some secret responses after the dialogue with the priest, but he... more
La monografia indaga nella sua globalità il fenomeno dei manuali o dei trattati per imparare a scrivere lettere del XVIII secolo, ossia di pubblicazioni anche molto diverse fra loro che, nonostante oggi siano spesso dimenticate, ebbero... more
Der Beitrag ist der Sammlung der deutschen Postkarten von Rafał Kubica aus Mieszkowice (Bärwalde), die fast 500 Sammelstücke umfasst, gewidmet. Die Sammlung wurde nach genauen geographischen und geschichtlichen Kriterien angelegt. Es... more
Die einzelnen Beiträge verbindet das Bestreben der internationalen Brieforscher_innen, die Ästhetik des weiblichen Briefes aus drei Jahrhunderten einer kulturhistorischen Bilanz zu unterziehen, den Einfluss von gesellschaftlichen und... more
This paper discusses the status of inner dialogue in Seneca's Letters and offers an account of the various “others” participating in this interaction.

Keywords: Seneca; epistolography; Stoicism; inner dialogue; meditation; friendship.
Durante la Edad Contemporánea tuvieron lugar acontecimientos traumáticos (migraciones, guerra y exilio) que trajeron consigo un auge de la escritura epistolar. Tras la derrota republicana en la Guerra Civil más de medio millón de... more
This article discusses three recent studies on the Letters of Pliny, including a biography (Winsbury, Pliny the Younger. A Life in Roman Letters), a commentary (Whitton, Pliny the Younger. 'Epistles' Book II), and a critical study (Gibson... more
In the corpus of apocryphal Cynic letters those attributed to Diogenes stand out: they form the bulk of the letters and they are the most humorous. This corresponds with representations of him as a provocateur elsewhere in imperial Greek... more
Primo paragrafo dell'Introduzione della tesi triennale, in cui si chiarisce il quadro storico che porta Biondo Flavio a scrivere il suo "De expeditione in Turcos", vero e proprio trattato geo-politico in forma di epistola inviato ad... more
This paper provides an overview of the Roman military correspondence on papyrus, ostrakon and tablet.The first part presents the four main corpora of Roman official military letters (the Vindolanda tablets, the ostraka from the Eastern... more
Este artículo pone en cuestión la integridad textual de la carta más conocida de César Vallejo y urge a los especialistas a que pongan en cuarentena ciertas citas que Orrego hace de su correspondencia con Vallejo. En él se llama la... more
The Karamazov Correspondence: Letters of Vladimir S. Soloviev represents the first fully annotated and chronologically arranged collection of the Russian philosopher-poet's most important letters, the vast majority of which have never... more
Three previously unpublished letters from Italo Calvino to Paolo Fabbri (Introduction and comment by Paolo Zublena)
All’interno dell’Europa rinascimentale una figura emerge come baluardo e principale tramite della cultura greca in Occidente: è quella del cardinal Bessarione, l’“ultimo bizantino”, intellettuale, letterato, bibliofilo, punto di... more