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Resumen Los tratados de métrica antiguos y medievales reflejan la popularidad y los rasgos estructurales del versus quadratus. Abstract Ancient and Medieval treatures on metrics reflect the popular fashion and structural caracteristics of... more
Análisis de Catulo 85, Odi et amo
Analysis of Catullus 85, Odi et amo
The Venerable Bede s eighth-century De arte metrica was the most important treatise on Latin metrics to emerge in the early Middle Ages. It played a central role in the transmission of the classical literary tradition to the medieval... more
Study of Catullus 5, 7 and 48. The work aims above all to show that in these poems, as in most of the Catullians, one can easily recognize the two great parts in which the epigram is ordinarily organized: a first, more extensive (A), and... more
Prosodie - Metrik - Rhythmus (Appendices: Zäsur - Synkope) in der antiken und nachantiken Literaturtheorie: Grundlagen einer allgemeineren Verslehre.
This work deals with some features of the Latín metrics of Renaissance poets, who tried to emulate Ancient poetry, but managed this goal to varying degrees from one another. The quality of their verses is determined by the limited... more
Resumen: Estudio métrico (textual, literario) de los estribillos en los cantos de boda de Catulo. Abstract: A metrical (textual and literary) study of the refrains in Catullus' wedding songs.
Presentazione del documento, già studiato in altre sedi, presso Museo Nazionale Romano - Terme di Diocleziano il 28/05/2016.
Lupus of Ferrières's ninth-century De metris Boethii was the first attempt to describe the varied and complex poetic metres employed by Boethius in his De consolatione philosophiae, and it constituted the most important authority on the... more
Fray Luis de Leon, Carmen ex voto: sources (classical tradition,
Bible Vulgate, Christian and medieval tradition, contemporary
Dealing with the consonant cluster muta cum liquida poses a complex and stimulating problem with numerous implications besides the strictly metrical ones. Tackling the problem effectively implies precise knowledge of data which is not... more
This article deals with the different Classical Greek denominations for the parts of the metrical foot as they are used in ancient doctrines of rhythm and metre. The method that we follow is based upon a compila-t'ion and classification... more
Riassunto: questo studio vuole dimostrare il ruolo ritmante dell'accento latino, sia in relazione allo schema metrico del verso che al contesto scenico. Attraverso l'analisi di due scene teatrali di Plauto (Mil. 481-595) e Seneca (Tro.... more
A central prosodic feature of nearly all Latin verse, classical and medieval alike, is the avoidance of hiatus, where a word with a final vowel, or in classical verse, a final m, is followed by a word with an initial vowel, (or, in... more
In this paper we introduce four unpublished inscriptions preserved in the private collection Vallentin de Cheylard in Montélimar (coming from Saint-Montan) and in the Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Archéologie of the city of Vienne. All of... more
Los versos de Francesco Filelfo en el marco de la versificación latina

The verses of Francesco Filelfo and the Renaissance Latin versification.
Resumen Propuesta de un sistema de signos para el análisis de textos latinos en verso. Abstract A proposed system of signs and abbreviations for the analysis of latin texts in Palabras clave: Signos análisis métrico. O. A la hora de hacer... more
Estudio sobre la versificación de las tragedias
Abstraer This paper deals with the final word of the latín pentameter.
Resumen En este trabajo se estudia en qué medida destaca Juvenco el nombre del “héroe” de su poema épico, Christus, cuidando su colocación dentro del verso. Se analiza su ubicación en el hexámetro partiendo para ello de los principios... more
Resumen Fórmulas para el análisis de la tipología verbal ("tipos rítmicos" y "tipos métrico"") en los versos cuantitativos. Abstract Formulae for the Analysis ofVerbal Typologies in Quantitative Latin Verse: Rhythmic and Metrical Types.... more
Resumen: En el presente artículo se ofrece una nueva edición crítica y un comentario epigráfico-filológico de un carmen epigraphicum funerario de comienzos del siglo XIV que, procedente de la desaparecida iglesia de Santa María de... more
Precious repositories of ancient wisdom? Musty relics of outmoded culture? Timeless paragons of artistic achievement? Hegemonic tools of intellectual repression? Just what are the classics, anyway, and why do (or should) we still pay so... more
Origin and meaning of the term septenarius: between senarius (six foot verse) and octonarius (eight foot verse), septenarius designates a verse of seven feet. It is a more colloquial denomination that properly technical; is even... more
Estudio formal (métrico-lingüistico) de la estrofa en Prudencio