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Ceuta y Melilla, las ciudades fronterizas de la Unión Europea en África, pueden ser definidas como territorios de excepción. Fundamentalmente por dos motivos. El primero: el estatus jurídico-político diferenciado que la arquitectura... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
This article assesses an assumption pervasive in one strain of arguments in favor of stringent immigration controls. The assumption affirms that—for the case of regular admissions—to a certain extent states are permitted to prioritize the... more
Voluntary returns of asylum seekers from Europe have increased in past years. Iraqi refugees appear to be one of the largest groups, which have sought asylum, and appear to be one of the largest groups of people, which return voluntarily... more
This chapter in a textbook on Norwegian health and social policy is a going-through of Norwegian migration policy updated until April 2019. Written with a particular reference to the various social and health policy consequences of... more
1) Why did you choose to come to Canada? Tell about the conditions before coming and what attracted you here. "Because Canada is an experiment - think about this, English and French couldn’t defeat each other and so made a nation... more
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country... more
This paper explores the constraints created by Turkish asylum policy as a form of population control that is contested and negotiated by the individuals that fall within the category of asylum-seeker. Using the theoretical frameworks of... more
Los procesos migratorios de tránsito y originados en México tienen una naturaleza internacional y determinantes múltiples, lo que impide que un solo país, individualmente, pueda ofrecer una alternativa de solución. Es necesario avanzar... more
In the face of the ‘refugee crisis’, many European governments, even in traditionally liberal states, unilaterally introduced a number of restrictive and, often, controversial migration, asylum, and border control policies. The author... more
L'évolution du droit vers les codifications de l'Europe continentale accuse ainsi la dissociation durable entre moyen et fin entre instrument et fonction. Cette évolution montre que tout moyen ou tout instrument peut toujours être utilisé... more
Existing migration research has framed ‘middling migrants’ mainly in terms of transnational fluidity and flexibility, thus overlooking the issue of integration. This article adds to a burgeoning scholarship advocating a more locally... more
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles: * 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson * 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel... more
This article empirically assesses the validity of current theoretical models of attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policy in the Asia-Pacific region. This paper takes representative data from the World Value Survey and implements... more
Actualmente existe una controversia sobre cómo el Derecho Internacional debe proteger al creciente número de migrantes climáticos. En este artículo se estudian las estrategias surgidas en el entorno de América Latina, tanto de softlaw... more
The current report reviews the developmental, psychological, and environmental factors that influence the conduct and behaviors of children and youth (generally, ages 6-25) seeking refuge in the United States. During immigration... more
The challenges that official migration statistics face in the 21st century are manifold. In line with intensifying globalisation processes, and new patterns and types of migration, new routes and new migrant identities... more
In the current context of the ‘migration crisis’, part of the migrants that reached the EU territory have been confronted with human trafficking by becoming victims or experiencing violence during their journey. The realization of a human... more
Immigration poses a significant challenge to states’ existing social protection systems, especially in developing countries that are already struggling to provide social services for their citizens. In particular, immigration produces a... more
Este libro se enmarca dentro de la sociología de las migraciones. Su objetivo es analizar las políticas públicas de integración de la inmigración en España. Para lograrlo se estudian los discursos, los instrumentos y las medidas, al igual... more
An extensive guide to Italian business immigration laws with summary table of the most important application procedures
The article explores some strategies of the new internal regime of «frontierization» for the asylum seeker. Indeed, extending from the entry into the Reception System up to the inclusion in the Register of Resident Population, these... more
In this article, we examine identity formation processes among French Muslims from former North African French colonies, focusing on Algeria. France's violent colonial presence in Algeria has put an indelible effect on three generations... more
In summary, our research shows that US Border Patrol agents and other CBP officers abuse migrants, physically and verbally, with significant frequency. In addition, many resent immigrants in general, and display racism toward Mexicans and... more
This article examines the everyday lives of Nicaraguan immigrants in Costa Rica to understand the temporal aspects of illegality produced by immigration law. Two sets of temporary measures highlight the temporality of both law and... more
In this field study, social, cultural, political identity and sense of belonging to Turks in Sweden, to which degree they are integrated into the country they live in, their perception about their homeland, and whether there is a... more
Immigrant female and also male workers are increasingly involved in the supply of care services in the countries of the Global North, and they are especially so in elderly care. In the countries of southern Europe, but to an increasing... more
Whereas it is necessary for every state to have an immigrant policy that serves its economic and political interests, the current strongly anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe appear to be going against the long history of human migration.... more
Italy, differently from other EU countries, does not have a specific “residency by investment program”. The only visa available for an individual who is seeking permanent residency in the country without need to work is the “elective... more
This study challenges proverbial notions by contesting that the definition of skilled human capital should be expanded to include undergraduates, and in doing so, examines three (3) possible factors that increase the propensity of... more
Current events, such as the 2008 economic crisis, the large number of asylum seekers fleeing from conflict zones, terrorism threats, and the growth of right-wing anti-immigrant populism, all within the context of neoliberalism, raise... more
It was what many had been hoping for: some sort of relief. But did it come too late? And was it enough? On the evening of Thursday, November 20, 2014, US president Barack Obama went on live television to announce a new administrative... more
This book is an attempt to provide a comprehensive account of the relationship between philosophy and immigration policy. It does this by framing the current immigration debate as part of a much larger conflict over competing moral and... more
As migrações humanas induzidas por causas ambientais não são novidade na história humana. A novidade, porém, é o aumento exponencial desse tipo de movimento migratório pelo mundo. De acordo com dados do International Displacement... more
Through six intensive and semi-structured interviews, this research paper examines the role social support networks may or may not have played in facilitating the resettlement experiences of Chinese-Vietnamese refugees living in Canada... more
L’appel à communication de la Journée jeunes chercheurs du laboratoire MIGRINTER de juin 2014 m’a donné l’occasion d’élaborer un poster scientifique afin de présenter une synthèse des résultats préliminaires de ma recherche en thèse, tout... more
This revised, updated, and expanded fourth edition of Immigrant America: A Portrait provides readers with a comprehensive and current overview of immigration to the United States in a single volume. Updated with the latest available data,... more
In this research (supported by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) we first intend to analyse the expected benefits and risks associated with Kyrgyzstan’s accession to EEU in general, and more... more