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  • Luca Giovangiuseppe Limintaedit
My theorethical paper aims to introduce a new possible level of equilibrium. With the help of my simple indicators LISE or LSV (Liminta Serati and Venegoni) that measure level of individual well-being linked to each country and it were... more
My theorethical paper aims to introduce a new possible level of equilibrium. With the help of my simple indicators LISE or LSV (Liminta Serati and Venegoni) that measure level of individual well-being linked to each country and it were perfectly comparable, I' m able to reach a new equilibrium or better a Nash's equilibrium instead a Pareto's optimal equilibrium which is impossibile to achieve with an empirical based model. With the help of my work it is more understandable which are the determinants of Brain Drain's equilibrium. If model's hypotheses involve a limited number of brains, then it is possible to approach Pareto's equilibrium but if the number of brains increases it falls to Nash's equilibrium. I have opened new avenues for research because, understanding that: the real equilibrium level is suboptimal and there is possible to reach a Pareto's optimal equilibrium only using a model with many restrictions. Policy makers who do not consider Nash's equilibrium as the only achievable can do a lot of damages trying to reach the optimum. With this study I 'm able to calibrate policies on a target equilibrium which would be really achievable. using Nash's games theory it is possible to understand how to apply policies related to Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Return.
One of the most debated topics in the early literature about globalization was the risk that the rise of so-called " third-world countries " could harm the western, developed economies. The narrative wanted that, as... more
One of the most debated topics in the early literature about globalization was the risk that the rise of so-called " third-world countries " could harm the western, developed economies. The narrative wanted that, as firms from such countries were " admitted " on the developed markets, they would eventually end up to exclude their western competitors through lower costs of production, especially lower labour costs, harming the social welfare of world's main economies. Nowadays these concerns are on top of
One of the most debated topics in the early literature about globalization was the risk that the rise of so-called " third-world countries " could harm the western, developed economies. The narrative wanted that, as firms from such... more
One of the most debated topics in the early literature about globalization was the risk that the rise of so-called " third-world countries " could harm the western, developed economies. The narrative wanted that, as firms from such countries were " admitted " on the developed markets, they would eventually end up to exclude their western competitors through lower costs of production, especially lower labour costs, harming the social welfare of world's main economies. Nowadays these concerns are on top of
My theorethical paper aims to introduce a new possible level of equilibrium. With the help of my simple indicators LISE or LSV (Liminta Serati and Venegoni) that measure level of individual well-being linked to each country and it were... more
My theorethical paper aims to introduce a new possible level of equilibrium. With the help of my simple indicators LISE or LSV (Liminta Serati and Venegoni) that measure level of individual well-being linked to each country and it were perfectly comparable, I' m able to reach a new equilibrium or better a Nash's equilibrium instead a Pareto's optimal equilibrium which is impossibile to achieve with an empirical based model. With the help of my work it is more understandable which are the determinants of Brain Drain's equilibrium. If model's hypotheses involve a limited number of brains, then it is possible to approach Pareto's equilibrium but if the number of brains increases it falls to Nash's equilibrium. I have opened new avenues for research because, understanding that: the real equilibrium level is suboptimal and there is possible to reach a Pareto's optimal equilibrium only using a model with many restrictions. Policy makers who do not consider Nash's equilibrium as the only achievable can do a lot of damages trying to reach the optimum. With this study I 'm able to calibrate policies on a target equilibrium which would be really achievable. using Nash's games theory it is possible to understand how to apply policies related to Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Return.
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country... more
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country and it was perfectly comparable. With our indicator it is possible to understand what are the drivers of migration flows, there is the possibility to prevent phenomena related to brain drain or to incentivate phenomena related to brain gain or brain return simply connecting the relative differences between the indicators calculated in various countries of the world. We have empirically tested the validity of our indicator on a sample of 12 countries. We have opened new avenues for research because using our indicator it is possible to make forecasts or to understand how and when a skilled migration flow. can occur. We are able to prevent damages of Brain Drain and cross border skill mismatching using our simple indicator.
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country... more
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country and it was perfectly comparable. With our indicator it is possible to understand what are the drivers of migration flows, there is the possibility to prevent phenomena related to brain drain or to incentivate phenomena related to brain gain or brain return simply connecting the relative differences between the indicators calculated in various countries of the world. We have empirically tested the validity of our indicator on a sample of 12 countries. We have opened new avenues for research because using our indicator it is possible to make forecasts or to understand how and when a skilled migration flow. can occur. We are able to prevent damages of Brain Drain and cross border skill mismatching using our simple indicator.
Research Interests:
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country... more
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country and it was perfectly comparable. With our indicator it is possible to understand what are the drivers of migration flows, there is the possibility to prevent phenomena related to brain drain or to incentivate phenomena related to brain gain or brain return simply connecting the relative differences between the indicators calculated in various countries of the world. We have empirically tested the validity of our indicator on a sample of 12 countries. We have opened new avenues for research because using our indicator it is possible to make forecasts or to understand how and when a skilled migration flow can occur. We are able to prevent damages of Brain Drain and cross border skill mismatching using our simple indicator.
Research Interests:
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country... more
Our paper aims to introduce a new model that will be able to explain jointly migration flows linked to brain drain, brain gain and brain return. Our simple indicator (LISE) measures level of individual well-being linked to each country and it was perfectly comparable. With our indicator it is possible to understand what are the drivers of migration flows, there is the possibility to prevent phenomena related to brain drain or to incentivate phenomena related to brain gain or brain return simply connecting the relative differences between the indicators calculated in various countries of the world. We have empirically tested the validity of our indicator on a sample of 12 countries. We have opened new avenues for research because using our indicator it is possible to make forecasts or to understand how and when a skilled migration flow can occur. We are able to prevent damages of Brain Drain and cross border skill mismatching using our simple indicator. ___________________________________________________________________________
Research Interests:
One of the most debated topics in the early literature about globalization was the risk that the rise of so-called " third-world countries " could harm the western, developed economies. The narrative wanted that, as firms from such... more
One of the most debated topics in the early literature about globalization was the risk that the rise of so-called " third-world countries " could harm the western, developed economies. The narrative wanted that, as firms from such countries were " admitted " on the developed markets, they would eventually end up to exclude their western competitors through lower costs of production, especially lower labour costs, harming the social welfare of world's main economies. Nowadays these concerns are on top of
Research Interests: