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Focusing on the pivotal 1917–1919 conjuncture in Russia and Ukraine, this paper analyzes the efforts of the divided Jewish nationalist intelligentsia to disseminate new forms of Jewish culture to a mass audience, the reception of these... more
Résumé français: Certains métiers sont attractifs, moins pour le confort matériel qu’ils garantissent qu’en raison de l’image valorisée et valorisante qui leur est associée, ou de l’épanouissement dont ils portent la promesse. Ils... more
The book offers a fresh look on man, cultures, and societies built on the current advances in the fields of quantum mechanics, quantum philosophy, and quantum consciousness. The authors have developed an inspiring theoretical framework... more
Glocal Spirituality: Consumerism and Heritage in Puerto Rican Brujería With the recent intensification of the circulation of ritual experts and commodities, folk religions such as Puerto Rican brujería (witch-healing) have entered a... more
Fifty international contributors from various arts fields reflect on the meaning of the avant garde today.
A lecture given to EdD students at the University of East London on strategies to employing education policy discourse analysis.
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
A Bourdieusian study of class distinctions amongst media practices and media preferences in the Swedish "media welfare state".
The purpose of this paper is to explore less obvious aspects of the relationship between gastronomy and opera. It is a fact that our age promotes the image and concept of the master chef or confectioner and this is facilitated even more... more
TVÅ SIDOR AV SAMMA MYNT? Tabell 2. Söktryck efter namn på folkhögskolan, Ht 2009 Folk-Antal Antal N Profiler Söktryck St. d högskola sökande platser(medelvärden) Fridhem 450 25 1 Jazz 18, 0 Skurup 340 20 1 Jazz 17, 0 Billströmska 230 20 1... more
The article traces the changes in everyday practices of production and consumption of amateur photographs at the beginning of the XXIst century. The authors argue that transformations were caused by a massive shift towards use of digital... more
Réplica à resenha de "Machado de Assis: por uma poética da emulação", escrita por Lidiane Soares Rodrigues. Propõe-se a noção de "resenha passaporte" para caracterizar a estratégia empregada pela resenhista: trata-se de comentar... more
Humberto Mauro é considerado um dos pioneiros do cinema brasileiro. O presente artigo apresenta uma proposta de leitura de seu filme O descobrimento do Brasil (1937) a partir de elementos conceituais da Sociologia da Arte e do Cinema. O... more
A start to this reflection is the fact that "connection" derives from a Latin word that means binding together and close union (OED, Compact Edition, p838). Disconnection, with the usual negative meaning of the prefix "Dis", then can be... more
Las comunidades online de videojugadores se han convertido en espacios de debate sociopolíti-co, campos de lucha y disputa discursiva donde se dirime la hegemonía de los marcos dominan-tes. Convertidos en espacios... more
U članku koji slijedi fenomenološki analiziramo imunizacijsku prirodu, porijeklo i suštinu kulture. U uvodnom dijelu članka analiziramo traumu rođenja i psihološki mehanizam nastanka svijesti, pokazujući da imunizacijski karakter kulture... more
Partendo dalla constatazione che oggi il consumo sembra essere la principale proprietà capace di descrivere le caratteristiche individuali e l’appartenenza di ognuno all’interno della struttura sociale, questo lavoro empirico prende avvio... more
Literary theorists and cultural sociologists alike acknowledge that there are no universal standards for appraising the value of a book. Yet, book critics regularly pronounce the literary merits and failures of novels in their reviews.... more
"Antes de tocar la tierra hay que pedir permiso, porque la tierra es un lugar sagrado, donde existen millones de especies, unas que vemos y otras que no, ahí están los espíritus de los hermanos animales y los tíos árboles, la chagra es... more
Los grandes festejos del Bicentenario argentino que tuvieron lugar a lo largo y ancho del territorio nacional encontraron su correlato internacional en la Feria de Frankfurt. En el presente artículo se realiza un breve análisis de la... more
Th is paper focuses on relationship between volunteer work and cultural participation. Volunteering is introduced as an important practice of cultural commitment. On the one hand, it has all the major features of contemporary cultural... more
Review Essay of Fernando Domínguez Rubio "Still Life. Ecologies of the Modern Imagination at the Art Museum"
In this article we develop an approach to coincidences as discursive activities. To illustrate the range of empirical questions that can be explored in the analysis of coincidence accounts, we examine one single written account, which was... more
Este ensayo explora los modos participativos de traducción de la experiencia y de construcción de lo experimentado, a partir de verificar una obsesión, en particular antropológica pero que se expande hacia otras disciplinas, por la... more