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The female terrorist circulates within contemporary Western culture as an object of fascination and heightened concern. Gender and the Political analyses cultural constructions of the female terrorist, arguing that she operates as a limit... more
‘Doomed to fail’ implies a degree of unavoidable predestination and there is a powerful argument which suggests that any politician attempting a liberal reform program in Northern Ireland during the 1960s would have inevitably failed.... more
Negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta la società italiana attraversa un periodo decisivo, nel quale cambia in modo rapido e profondo, come forse mai nella sua storia. Il libro racconta questo momento di passaggio utilizzando una categoria di... more
This article provides an example of historical analysis of a pop song, by showing how Domenico Modugno's super-hit of 1958, "Nel blu, dipinto di blu" (a.k.a. "Volare") powerfully, if implicitly, reflected Italian social renaissance and... more
A book review of Daniel Spicer's "The Turkish Psychedelic Music Explosion: Anadolu Psych, 1965-1980", published by Repeater Books, 2018, published in The Sixties journal by Routledge.
A discussion of Laing on his US lecture tour, 1972, when he was a 'rock star psychiatrist.' Plus a consideration of his present-day relevance.
An examination of the ways in which Hollywood used the concept of the auteur to defend against the increasing threat of censorship due to violence in cinema. This paper specifically examines the history and critical reception of Peter... more
This article helps to account for the radicalization of vast sectors of the Latin American youth in the Sixties by studying the social and emotional lives of young Chilean communists. Scholars point to the increasing dominance of ideology... more
This essay compares the representation of two women from the sixties - Jenny Diski (The Sixties) and Joy (Nell Dunn's Poor Cow). It focuses on how they contrast in the areas of ownership, their views on love and the... more
Grossstrukturen sind ein markantes architektonisches Erbe der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts und stets höchst umstritten. An Komplexen wie der Ruhruniversität Bochum, dem Klinikum Aachen oder dem Nordwestzentrum Frankfurt scheiden... more
The year 1968 witnessed one of the great upheavals of the twentieth century, as social movements shook every continent. Across the Global North, people rebelled against post-war conformity and patriarchy, authoritarian education and... more
Los vínculos entre la política y la religión en la década de 1960 han sido examinados con la mira centrada en el debatido proceso de “radicalización” del catolicismo. Mucho menos explorado ha sido el lazo entre cultura y religión, siendo... more
Paperback Palgrave 2019 This unique volume brings together literary critics, historians, and anthropologists from around the world to offer new understandings of gender and sexuality as they were redefined during the upheaval of... more
Tesi di laurea magistrale - Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Storia e Civiltà

A.A. 2016-2017

Relatori: prof. Luca Baldissara, prof. Pietro Causarano
This essay explores Nicky Hopkins’ eventful relationship with The Rolling Stones as both band and brand. To do this, it is essential to foreground a marginalised area in popular music studies: disability. I discuss Hopkins’s legacy with... more
A margine dei grandi conflitti sociali, mentre la storia politica del Sessantotto si svolge tra lotte e occupazioni, lo scultore Giuseppe Penone ricerca un grado zero della significazione artistica, compiendo degli interventi minimi e... more
En un período de 10 años, entre 1962 y 1971, se sintieron una serie de cambios socioculturales a nivel mundial como nunca en la historia de la humanidad desde la Encarnación de Cristo. Un hombre podía identificarse con su padre o su... more
El giro súbito de los feminismos hacia fines de los sesenta, observable en sus nuevos programas, estrategias de visibilización y formas de organización, da cuenta de un 1968 diferente, potente y fragmentario a la vez. Un 1968 que tiene,... more
El 11 y 12 de septiembre de 1971 se llevó a cabo el Festival de Rock y Ruedas en Avándaro, Estado de México. La organización del evento había sido promovida por personajes vinculados a empresas como Telesistema Mexicano y Coca Cola. Se... more
This dissertation reviews the Profumo scandal of 1963 in order to ascertain the factors that turned the affair into a damaging crisis which helped cause the premature resignation of the Prime Minister and contributed towards the... more
Brisbane experienced a particularly vivid representation of the transnational youth rebellion known as the sixties. Groups of political cultural radicals were fashioned by the struggles of this era, ranging from the Vietnam War and racial... more
Das Ruhrgebiet war bekanntlich eine der größten Industrieregionen Europas. Mit dem Niedergang der Montanindustrie Bergbaus setzte Ende der 1950er Jahre der Strukturwandel ein. Ein wichtiger Schritt vom Produktions- zum Forschungsstandort... more
Uma obra de síntese crítica sobre a identidade dos «longos anos 60» na relação com emergência da nova cultura juvenil e, em Portugal, também com a resistência ao regime caído em abril de 1974.
My essay is focused on changes in school time in the Italian school from the 60s -70s of the XX century. The aim is to raise questions about the use of time in Italian education. The extension of the hours of attendance (Tempo pieno) in... more
Seit 1968 und den Konflikten um die Studentenbewegung wurde der Zivildienst mehr und mehr zum Politikum. Auf ihrem "langen Marsch durch die Institutionen" machte die APO die Kriegsdienstverweigerung zum politischen Kampfinstrument und... more
On Afro Asian intersections in sixties Los Angeles. To be expanded in my upcoming book, "The Geometries of Afro Asia" (University of California Press)
Winogrand's passionate engagement with the public spaces of 1960s New York was accompanied by an innovative use of the "distortions" of the wide-angle lens.
The book deals with the formation of progressive rock at the turn of the sixties and seventies of the 20th century. Attention is paid to the "underground" roots of the genre on the Anglo-American scene, the influence of The Beatles on its... more
Since its creation in 1964, readers from all over the world have loved the comic Mafalda, primarily due to the sharp wit and rebellious nature of its title character—a six-year-old girl who is wise beyond her years. Through Mafalda,... more
Gregorova Stach, Lucia - Murin, Michal: Adamčiak, začni / Adamčiak, Begin! Bratislava : SNG 2017 Slovak / English biligual catalogue from the retrospective exhibition of Slovak conceptual artist, musicologist, poet and intermedia artist... more
The 1960s in Argentina was a time convulsed by profound social, cultural, and political changes. Reflecting on the effect these processes had on the everyday, conceived as the spaces and routines involved in the reproduction of life that... more