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This study investigated the relationship between the perception of family functioning and depressive symptomatology in individuals with eating disorders (EDs). Subjects were evaluated by diagnostic clinical interview using DSM-III-R... more
Compares conceptualizations of homelessness as a temporary state through which people pass or a permanent trait that emanates from individual characteristics. Evidence from a longitudinal study of 564 homeless families in New York City... more
Despite the dominant role of the hormone oxytocin (OT) in social behavior, little is known about the role of OT in the perception of social relationships. Furthermore, it is unclear whether there are sex differences in the way that OT... more
This article examines the development of the ‘troubled families’ narrative that emerged following the riots in England in 2011, drawing on the work of Pierre Bourdieu and Loïc Wacquant. Their work is briefly discussed before the current... more
В книге представлены учебные и методические материалы по семейной финансовой медиации, используемые в Carolina Dispute Settlement Services (г. Роли, Северная Каролина, США). Описаны наиболее распространенные подходы к организации и... more
This paper explores the way in which feminism, whilst trying to achieve gender equality, has increased inequality between women. It locates the cause of this in feminism's early adoption of Marxist and Engelsian thought and the way in... more
When one parent sets the youngster against the other parent for no legitimate reason, they are taking part in parental distance. This risky conduct is more typical that you might want to accept and happens in numerous Family Lawyer... more
The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the... more
Lecture published in Religion and Family in East Asia edited by George Devos and Takeo Sofue. Senri Ethnological Studies  11. National Museum of Ethnology: Osaka, 1984
Disorganized/Disoriented (D) attachment has seen widespread interest from policy makers, practitioners, and clinicians in recent years. However, some of this interest seems to have been based on some false assumptions that (1) attachment... more
The three Íslendingasögur about major outlaws have long fascinated scholars and readers alike, and the question why medieval Icelanders told tales in which social outsiders play the part of the hero has been the concern of scholarship for... more
This paper outlines a theory explaining why the provider role is important to boys in the development of their masculine identity. The family is a primary site for identity formation, and boys appear to be more badly affected by growing... more
A BIBLICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ROLES OF THE FAMILY AND THE CHURCH REGARDING FAITH IMPARTATION Dr. Jeffrey A Klick Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary Chair: Dr. Max O. Sturdivant, Jr. Keywords: Family, Marriage, Parental... more
Family members could play an important role in preventing and reducing the development of delirium in Intensive Care Units (ICU) patients. This study sought to assess the feasibility of design and recruitment, and acceptability for family... more
The right to life has been accepted as one of the fundamental rights in our constitution. Resuscitation is a procedure performed for all patients suffering from cardiac or respiratory arrest irrespective of the clinical condition. There... more
Various influences in the family environment contribute to children of alcoholics' (COAs') risk of developing alcoholism and other mental health problems. These risk factors include alcohol-specific influences, which selectively... more
Many OECD countries have replied to economic recessions with an adaption in public spending on social benefits for families and young people in need. So far, no study has examined the impact of public social spending during the recent... more
Judgments about an individual's pain can be profoundly important to sufferers. Relatively few studies have examined variables that may affect observers' judgments of the pain of others. The present article reports two studies... more
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disabling, potentially chronic disorder that is characterized by re-experience and hyperarousal symptoms as well as the avoidance of trauma-related stimuli. The distress experienced by many... more
Objective: To determine whether coding a developmental disability as the underlying cause of death obscures mortality trends of adults with developmental disability. Design: National Vital Statistics System 2012–2016 US Multiple... more
This paper examines the public policy value of looking at gambling from a public health perspective. The manner in which social issues are framed will either expand or curtail public policy debates. The existing and traditional frames for... more
Epidemiological research on childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and its consequences in adult life mainly relies on retrospective reports. This study explores their consistency and the correlates of inconsistent CSA self-reports in a random... more