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This paper discusses the way in which governance structures in higher education institutions have changed as a consequentie of the rise of the Stakeholder Society. The researchers examine changes in the stakeholders' roles in Flemish... more
Just as no one saw the dissolution of the monasteries coming in 1535, so no one saw the dissolution of the universities coming in 2035. This précis forms the nucleus of a work I hope to launch in the coming year. Your comments are most... more
In 1985, Abilene Christian University was rocked by a controversy over the alleged teaching of evolution by two biology professors. The two-year conflict was an existential crisis for the university, which relied on students and donations... more
A settecento anni dalla sua prima fondazione (1321), la storia dello Studio fiorentino è ripercorsa nei suoi vari aspetti attraverso nove saggi, che, preceduti dall’introduzione di Carla Maria Monti, affrontano temi come la formazione dei... more
Storie inedite di interesse politico, economico, religioso, artistico, sociale e culturale e Roma nel Rinascimento
Ripropone il volume edito nel 1996 in tiratura limitata con la ristampa filologica e inte-grale di quattro Codici della goliardia italiana: Codex Juris Goliardici (Ro-ma), Codice Morandini (Padova), Sta-tuta Goliardica (Bologna), Codex... more
Istruzione, ricerca e applicazione: tra ‘800 e ‘900 questi concetti segnano lo sviluppo di Milano, città politecnica, industriale e sanitaria ancora a misura d’uomo, dove scienziati e intellettuali collaboravano, si incontravano,... more
Keywords: Mid-Nineteenth Century, University of Turin, Romanian Students, Neo-Latin Ideology, Risorgimento. In the mid-19th century, the Romanian authorities used to select and send young people to study abroad in those fields that... more
Prolusione al Dottorato di "Teoria del diritto e ordine giuridico ed economico europeo" dell'Università della Magna Grecia
A review of Nancy Weiss Malkiel's history of coeducation at elite universities in the United States and United Kingdom. Appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Authored, listed alphabetically, by R. Cahill, R. Connell, B. Freeman, T. Irving, B. Scribner, this is the founding manifesto of what became the innovative and radical Free University (Free U), Sydney, 1967-1972. The Sydney Free U... more
This paper presents the full transcript of a witness seminar (oral history group interview) held in June 2010 together with the original background paper sent to all participants. The witness seminar brought together individuals active in... more
The paper deals with the question of students’ attitudes toward the first female students who attended classes as full-time students at the University of Francis Joseph I in Zagreb. They were enrolled at the Faculty of Humanities and... more
Article publié dans : Gunes Isıksel et Emmanuel Szurek (dir.), "Turcs et Français. Une histoire culturelle (1860-1960)", Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014, p. 285-305.
Die Grenzlanduniversität Kiel gilt als nationalsozialistische Musterhochschule, an der der Parteiwille regierte und die Professoren und Studierenden dem NS-Regime zuarbeiteten. Doch ausgerechnet zu den studentischen Funktionären des... more
This book seeks to understand the effects of the current information revolution on universities by examining the effects of two previous information revolutions: Gutenberg’s invention of printing in 1450 and the Scientific Revolution from... more
‘Autonomy and diversity in higher education’, Universities Quarterly 26 (4) 1972: 407–28. (Co-author, Colin Crouch)
Awareness of the tradition of the Prague Utraquist University and of its pedagogical, scientific, cultural and political activities from the 15th to the 17th centuries is small in the wider public, and we can still encounter a certain... more
As Maynooth College celebrates its 225th anniversary, this beautifully-presented volume captures an institution that has held a singular place in modern Irish church history. Delve into the stories, the reminiscences, the history of this... more
Книга посвящена нравственно-политическому факультету Московского университета, сыгравшему важную роль в развитии политической науки в России в 1804–1835 гг. Параметры новой университетской структуры были определены Университетским уставом... more
This article looks at the heightened role of universities in the global knowledge age. Flows of people, ideas, and also capital in the academic realm continue to multiply, propelling global connectedness and contributing to the reshuling... more
Перевед сделан по изданию John W. Burgess. The Study of Political Sciences in Columbia College. «The International Review», Vol. XII (1882), pp. 346-352.
Our project workshop from 21-22 Nov 2019 on "Aristotle and Natural Philosophy at Early Modern Central European Universities, 1600-1700", organised by Bernd Roling, Sinem Derya Kılıç, and Benjamin Wallura (né Hübbe). Contributers:... more
For a greater part based on Frank Soetermeer, Utrumque ius in peciis: Aspetti della produzione libraria a Bologna fra Due e Trecento (= Orbis Academicus, 7; translated from the Dutch by Giancarlo Errico), Milan 1997; Utrumque ius in... more
Between the two world wars, the Great Depression made a significant impact on higher education in Hungary. At the beginning of 1930s, many articles were published in the national and local press about the plans of the government in... more
De Leuvense academische ziekenhuizen zijn uitgegroeid tot een symbool van medische spitstechnologie en topgeneeskunde. Dit boek schetst hun geschiedenis en belicht de ontwikkeling van vier campussen: Salve Mater in Lovenjoel, Sint-Barbara... more
In this special issue of the European Journal of Higher Education, a number of experienced scholars provide a broad picture of the most recent round of mergers involving higher education institutions in Europe and beyond. In doing so,... more
POVZETEK: V prvem delu članek prikazuje značilnosti nacionalsocialistične koncepcije znanosti z oporo v ideologiji völkisch in navaja nekatere njene regresivne družbene učinke, kot so okrepitev antiintelektualizma, degradacija temeljnih... more
A 2011 (Nov. 18) conference for "Histoire de l'écrit à Paris au Moyen Âge" seminary, Paris (Cnrs-Irht), coorganized with Université Paris - I
While in modern times excellence in science is often acknowledged with a prize medal, this was not the case in the Renaissance. Despite the fact that the Italian Renais- sance saw a remarkable revival of medal casting, there were no... more
Should education have any use? The question seems hardly worth asking, let alone answering. Yet this apparently absurd topic constitutes the major issue that has dominated debates about higher education in Britain for the past two hundred... more
If religion isn’t disappearing (as many scholars once anticipated would happen), then surely, because it shapes scholars, any ‘ethic of the scholar’ should permit religion in the university. So argues Wolterstorff in this short book.
The article presents a network of clerics from Germany and Italy who studied in Paris and made career in the German church and in the Roman curia. The main protagonist is Albrecht II. von Käfernburg-Schwarzburg, the archbishop of... more
Catalogue of the exhibition (Perugia, May-June 2003) edited by Carla Frova, Giovanna Giubbini, Maria Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Perugia, Edimond, 2003. [Including: one essay in the introduction, several entries (see papers and... more