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We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
The end of revolution. The transformation in the conception and way of living the making of history in the Italian social movements of the 70s This article focuses on the Italian social movements of the 70s in order to grasp a crucial... more
Sus banderas están en las movilizaciones callejeras, sus militantes trabajan en los barrios, sus dirigentes obtienen cargos en intendencias, bancas en las legislaturas y en el Congreso. Adhirió al kirchnerismo e integró sus gobiernos,... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
The article deals with the topic of new technologies (ICT), their influence in social mobilizations and its impact in the Spanish press analysing two facts. During the history, some technologies (such us fix telephone or Internet) have... more
Il «Gramsci creolo», nasce a Marcaria, nell’entroterra mantovano, nel 1926. La sua è una vita intensa, fatta di Resistenza e politica internazionale. A soli 17 anni, raggiunge la Brigata partigiana autonoma “Vicenza”, sale sui Monti... more
Throughout the human history, revolutionary phase has a significant specialty. History specialists and social researchers have contributed emphatically by documenting, analyzing and contrasting revolutionary events all these years.... more
This study examines Cairo's Nile Bridges and Maidan Tahrir as examples of key urban public arenas and critical spaces where chaos crystalized in the context of Arab and Egyptian Revolution of January 2011. It adopts the concept of... more
Works on the political and economic thoughts of Thomas Sankara have gained recent currency in the light of the resurgence of decolonization of knowledge in both the global North and South. This chapter works from the wide-ranging and... more
This is a longitudinal study of the identity process through times of dramatic social change. Using a narrative psychological approach this research follows the life stories of five Egyptian bloggers as they write their stories on online... more
This thesis examines the central driver of recent mobilizations to be the need felt by society to seek a reinterpretation of democracy. This need for change is seen to emerge due to the damages caused to the social fabric by the impact of... more
Loadenthal, Michael. “Cells, Communiqués and Monikers: The Insurrectionary Networks of Anti-State Attack.” In Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics, edited by Uri Gordon and Ruth Kinna, 326–40. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019. Abstract:... more
Whilst often mentioned and sometimes hammered out, the “economic origins” of the revolution have mostly been ignored. Why is that so? The article attempts to explain this surprising oversight. The emphasis on what was at stake with “the... more
Resumen: América Latina y el Caribe se caracteriza por una amplia historia de luchas anticoloniales. Los movimientos de mujeres han formado parte de esta trayectoria y han sido protagonistas de diferentes procesos emancipadores.... more
Zwischen 1975 und 1980 hat Louis Althusser seine Position gegenüber dem Staat radikalisiert, indem er offene Kritik gegenüber den in der Kommunistischen Partei Frankreichs (KPF) dominierenden Tendenzen übte. Die Diskussion gewann an... more
Interviews about how Gay Pride went from being political protest by lesbians, queers and transgender folks to a commercialized party for straight people.
This essay posits American journalism as a particular realm of public knowledge production, inflected with its own professional practices as well as the way in which those practices subjugate technologies of representation. Taking the... more
Are we witnessing a global revolution, or merely dozens of coinciding national revolts, scattered around the globe, ignited by each other’s indignation and perseverance?
Recent outbursts of sectarian and ethnic violence in Iraq have made many observers question the viability of the state itself. It is said that due to the artificiality of the state and a lack of deep-seated political institutions, Iraqi... more
Humanitarinių mokslų daktaras Tomas Balkelis istorijos doktorantūros studijas 2004 m. baigė Toronto universitete, keliolika metų dirbo Mančesterio, Notingamo, Dublino ir Vilniaus universitetuose. 2015–2016 m. buvo vizituojantis... more
Mi tezih dohtorá / Nere doktore-tesia / Mi tesis doctoral / My PhD Thesis. Autor como Juan Porras Blanco del libro digital ‘Negación’ punk en la sociedad vasca. Investigación socioantropológica de un simbolismo liminal. Leioa (Bizkaia,... more
Nobili in fuga, rivoluzionari, intellettuali, il nostro paese è il luogo prediletto per dimenticare lo zar. Da Gogol' a Gork'ij, Bogdanov e Lenin. Viaggio tra le strade della Capitale di ieri e di oggi alla ricerca di angoli moscoviti... more
Of the many studies of Bolivia’s popular uprisings of 2000–2005, Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar’s participatory-observer account stands out. In addition to furnishing an innovative framework for understanding the “rhythms” of social struggle... more
"[...] Allora riportiamo con coraggio e fino in fondo il punto di vista di classe, anche nelle nostre analisi e soprattutto nelle nostre raccomandazioni militanti. Rovesciare il punto di vista attraverso cui guardiamo a questi processi di... more
Focusing on the moment when social unrest takes hold of a populace, Law and Disorder offers a new account of sovereignty with an affective theory of public order and protest. In a state of unrest, the affective architecture of the... more
Working beyond the inclination to inaugurate alternative theoretical traditions alongside canonical sociology, this article demonstrates the value of recovering latent gender theory from within classic concepts-in this case, Weber's... more
German edition of Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era. See Wenn Worte nicht ausreichen, um auszudrücken, was ausgedrückt werden muss, ist es Zeit... more
The papers contained in this issue aim to illuminate this fundamental maxim of social scientific investigation in the context of the psychology of rallies, riots, and revolutions. The literatures reviewed and ideas advanced across this... more
La Revolución de los Jazmines fue uno de los sucesos más sorprendentes que podían haber tenido lugar para la comunidad internacional, pero más aún lo fue, que ésta se extendiese por la franja norte de África, convirtiéndose en el fenómeno... more
"If we place women at the center of our account of China’s past two centuries, how does this change our understanding of what happened?”