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Martin  Warnke
  • Scharnhorststr. 1, C5.319
    D-21335 Lüneburg
  • Fon +49.4131.677-1202
Ebenso wie im industriellen Arbeitsprozes halten Computer im Kulturbetrieb Einzug in Buros und Werkstatten.
The aim of the project Meta-Image, which is based on the working method of the famous art historian Aby Warburg, is to provide for art history and other disciplines concerned with visual culture a networkbased research environment for... more
The aim of the project Meta-Image, which is based on the working method of the famous art historian Aby Warburg, is to provide for art history and other disciplines concerned with visual culture a networkbased research environment for collaborative work directly on the image. The environment has been under development since 2009 by three universities – the Leuphana University Lüneburg, the University of Cologne and the Humboldt-University of Berlin – and consists of two components: prometheus, a distributed digital image archive for research and study, and HyperImage, an image linking and annotation tool. Prometheus provides a foundation including resources of over 1.4 million images in over 80 connected image databases (as of September 2015). The numerous users, the secure legal context for use and the already existing technologies for collaborative research make prometheus a perfect application for the HyperImage technology, which allows the identification of motifs, the creation of linked image networks as well as the addition of metadata. This synthesis creates the ability to reorganise, juxtapose and annotate images in a way that can lead to new conclusions concerning image-based research – this is in many ways similar to the approach of Aby Warburg and, in particular, to his visualisation method, but is supported in a more usable fashion. Moreover, moving beyond art history, the capabilities provided may allow other image-based disciplines to also recognise the potential of network-based and collaborative image analysis. WARBURG’S WORKING METHOD AND THE DIGITAL
... leuphana. de/martin-warnke. html warnke@ leuphana. de Publications: –“Computer-Kriegs-Spiele. ... HyperKult II. Zur Ortsbestimmung analoger und digitaler Medien, ed.(with Wolfgang Coy and Georg Christoph Tholen), Bielefeld:... more
... leuphana. de/martin-warnke. html warnke@ leuphana. de Publications: –“Computer-Kriegs-Spiele. ... HyperKult II. Zur Ortsbestimmung analoger und digitaler Medien, ed.(with Wolfgang Coy and Georg Christoph Tholen), Bielefeld: Tran-script 2005. –HyperKult. ...
Eine Beschreibung der Computerkultur wird als deren wesentliches Merkmal ihre beispiellose Dynamik zu registrieren haben. Kein anderes technisches Phanomen hat in dermasen kurzer Zeit Gesellschaft, Okonomie und Kultur der entwickelten... more
Eine Beschreibung der Computerkultur wird als deren wesentliches Merkmal ihre beispiellose Dynamik zu registrieren haben. Kein anderes technisches Phanomen hat in dermasen kurzer Zeit Gesellschaft, Okonomie und Kultur der entwickelten Industrienationen so stark verandert wie der Computer.
Zur dokumentierenden Aufbereitung einer mittelalterlichen mappa mundi, die die ganzheitliche Weltsicht des hohen Mittelalters graphisch und textuell prasentiert, werden in einem laufenden Projekt Hypertext- und Multimedia-Methoden... more
Zur dokumentierenden Aufbereitung einer mittelalterlichen mappa mundi, die die ganzheitliche Weltsicht des hohen Mittelalters graphisch und textuell prasentiert, werden in einem laufenden Projekt Hypertext- und Multimedia-Methoden eingesetzt. Die verschiedenen sich durchdringenden Ordnungsschemata der Vorlage verlangen nach mehrschichtigen Darstellungsweisen und individuellen Zugriffspfaden zum Gehalt des Gegenstandes; ihre stark assoziative Struktur macht sie zum interessanten Anwendungsfall des Hypertext-Konzepts.
Der Beitrag schlägt einen XML-Standard zur Kodierung von bildwissenschaftlichen Forschungsdaten vor (PETAL), der die Speicherung, den Austausch und die Publikation von Diskursen über Bild-Korpora gestattet, wobei insbesondere die... more
Der Beitrag schlägt einen XML-Standard zur Kodierung von bildwissenschaftlichen Forschungsdaten vor (PETAL), der die Speicherung, den Austausch und die Publikation von Diskursen über Bild-Korpora gestattet, wobei insbesondere die Bezugnahme auf Bilddetails erheblich vereinfacht wird

And 197 more

"We are surrounded by images as never before: on Flickr, Facebook, and YouTube; on thousands of television channels; in digital games and virtual worlds; in media art and science. Without new efforts to visualize complex ideas,... more
"We are surrounded by images as never before: on Flickr, Facebook, and YouTube; on thousands of television channels; in digital games and virtual worlds; in media art and science. Without new efforts to visualize complex ideas, structures, and systems, today's informatio explosion would be unmanageable. The digital image represents endless options for manipulation; images seem capable of changing interactively or even autonomously. This volume offers systematic and interdisciplinary reflections on these new image worlds and new analytical approaches to the visual. Imagery in the 21st Century examines this revolution in various fields, with researchers from the natural sciences and the humanities meeting to achieve a deeper understanding of the meaning and impact of the image in our time. The contributors explore and discuss new critical terms of multidisciplinary scope, from database economy to the dramaturgy of hypermedia, from visualizations in neurosciences to the image in bio art. They consider the power of the image in the development of human consciousness, pursue new definitions of visual phenomena, and examine new tools for image research and visual analysis. The goal is to expand visual competence in investigating new visual worlds and to build cross-disciplinary exchanges among the arts, humanities, and natural sciences.
About the Author"
We are surrounded by images as never before: on Flickr, Facebook, and YouTube; on thousands of television channels; in digital games and virtual worlds; in media art and science. Without new efforts to visualize complex ideas, structures,... more
We are surrounded by images as never before: on Flickr, Facebook, and YouTube; on thousands of television channels; in digital games and virtual worlds; in media art and science. Without new efforts to visualize complex ideas, structures, and systems, today's information explosion would be unmanageable. The digital image represents endless options for manipulation; images seem capable of changing interactively or even autonomously. This volume offers systematic and interdisciplinary reflections on these new image worlds and new analytical approaches to the visual. Imagery in the 21st Century examines this revolution in various fields, with researchers from the natural sciences and the humanities meeting to achieve a deeper understanding of the meaning and impact of the image in our time. The contributors explore and discuss new critical terms of multidisciplinary scope, from database economy to the dramaturgy of hypermedia, from visualizations in neuroscience to the image in bio art. They consider the power of the image in the development of human consciousness, pursue new definitions of visual phenomena, and examine new tools for image research and visual analysis.
Computer simulations are omnipresent media in today’s knowledge production. For scientific endeavors such as the detection of gravitational waves and the exploration of subatomic worlds, simulations are essential; however, the epistemic... more
Computer simulations are omnipresent media in today’s knowledge production. For scientific endeavors such as the detection of gravitational waves and the exploration of subatomic worlds, simulations are essential; however, the epistemic status of computer simulations is rather controversial as they are neither just theory nor just experiment. Therefore, computer simulations have challenged well-established insights and common scientific practices as well as our very understanding of knowledge.

This volume contributes to the ongoing discussion on the epistemic position of computer simulations in a variety of physical disciplines, such as quantum optics, quantum mechanics, and computational physics. Originating from an interdisciplinary event, it shows that accounts of contemporary physics can constructively interfere with media theory, philosophy, and the history of science.
Computer simulations are omnipresent media in today’s knowledge production. For scientific endeavors such as the detection of gravitational waves and the exploration of subatomic worlds, simulations are essential; however, the epistemic... more
Computer simulations are omnipresent media in today’s knowledge production. For scientific endeavors such as the detection of gravitational waves and the exploration of subatomic worlds, simulations are essential; however, the epistemic status of computer simulations is rather controversial as they are neither just theory nor just experiment.
Research Interests: