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With such a general model, one cannot obtain numerical results, but one can obtain general results which appear to correspond to some of the peculiar properties of liquid helium. Eq. (1) is not the exact Hamiltonian; it can be derived... more
From measurements of the magnetic penetration depth, $\lambda(T)$, from 1.6 K to $T_c$ in films of electron-doped cuprates La$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_{4-y}$ and Pr$_{2-x}$Ce$_x$CuO$_{4-y}$ we obtain the normalized density of states, $N_s(E)$ at... more
The hydrodynamic description of a superfluid is usually based on a two-fluid picture. In this thesis, basic properties of such a relativistic two-fluid system are derived from the underlying microscopic physics of a complex scalar quantum... more
This thesis presents an experimental study of hydrodynamical phenomena of a laser propagating nonlinearly. For a medium presenting an intensity-dependent refractive index, and in the frame of the paraxial approximation, the intensity of... more
Il substrato universale, la fabbrica dello spaziotempo, contiene correnti ben più complesse delle onde gravitazionali trasversali teorizzate da Einstein. Qui offriamo alcune considerazioni su queste dinamiche longitudinali alla luce delle... more
Researchers at Dartmouth College have built the world's first superfluid circuit that uses pairs of ultracold electron-like atoms, according to a study published in Physical Review Letters. Physicists at the University of Queensland have... more
This paper explores an alternative to the metaphysically barren traditional view of electromagnetism we have inherited, by hydrodynamically explaining magnetic and electric fields in terms of vacuum fluid flow. Once the vacuum is taken to... more
В работе на основе теории строения керна электрона рассмотрен механизм взаимодействия двух и более электронов. Отмечается, что электроны могут находиться только в двух устойчивых состояниях: с параллельным или антипараллельным спином.... more
The present book consists of 17 select scientific papers from ten years of work around 2003-2013. The topic covered here is quantization in Astrophysics. We also discuss other topics for instance Pioneer spacecraft anomaly. We discuss a... more
The Orsay-Trento bosonic density functional theory model is extended to include dissipation due to the viscous response of superfluid 4He present at finite temperatures. The viscous functional is derived from the Navier-Stokes equation by... more
We present proof-of-concept measurements of the vortex line density generated by a quartz tuning fork resonator probed by the attenuation of second sound in superfluid 4He at 1.6 K. The force–velocity response of a quartz tuning fork... more
It is well known that the hydrodynamics of a zero-temperature superfluid can be formulated in field-theoretic terms, relating for example the superfluid four-velocity to the gradient of the phase of a Bose-condensed scalar field. At... more
Interaction mechanism between two or more electrons is considered in present paper on the basis of theory of electron core structure. It is pointed out that electrons may be only in two steady states: with parallel or opposite spins.... more
We study tunable polaritons in monolayers of silicene, germanene, and stanene (Xenes) via an external electric field in an open optical microcavity whose length can be adjusted. An external electric field applied perpendicular to the... more
In this work a one-fluid model of liquid helium II, based on extended irreversible thermodynamics, is further developed, in order to describe the action of quantized vortices on second sound propagation. The vortex array is described by... more
We study two-fluid systems with nonzero fluid velocities and compute their sound modes, which indicate various instabilities. For the case of two zero-temperature superfluids we employ a microscopic field-theoretical model of two coupled... more
The hydrodynamic description of a superfluid is usually based on a two-fluid picture. We compute the basic properties of the relativistic two-fluid system from the underlying microscopic physics of a relativistic φ4 complex scalar field... more
We consider a family of tight-binding models based on kagome lattice with local fluxes, which have a lowest flat band in the single particle spectrum. The flat band is spanned by eigenstates forming localized loops on the lattice, with... more
We reexpress the superfluid density of a disordered superconductor obtained by two of us earlier [Phys. Rev. B 102, 024514 (2020)] in a new highly convergent form, and use the results to make an extensive and successful comparison with... more
In this collaborative effort on shock initiation in solids, advances were made in fundamental concepts and methods of investigation.
Bose–Einstein condensates confined in traps exhibit unique features which have been the object of extensive experimental and theoretical studies in the last few years. In this paper I will discuss some issues concerning the behaviour of... more
We consider hardcore bosons in two coupled chain of one dimensional lattices at half filling with repulsive intra-chain interaction and inter-chain attraction. This can be mapped on to a coupled chain of spin-1/2 XXZ model with inter... more
Relativistic superfluidity at arbitrary temperature, chemical potential and (uniform) superflow is discussed within a self-consistent field-theoretical approach. Our starting point is a complex scalar field with a φ4 interaction, for... more
Evidence for helium excimers (He2(*)) in the lowest allowed rotational quantum state in liquid helium is presented. He2(*) was generated by a corona discharge in the gas and normal liquid phases. Fluorescence spectra recorded in the... more