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As pornography use becomes more commonplace in the United States, and increasingly so among younger cohorts, a growing literature is considering its potential connection to key social and cultural institutions. The current study examines... more
The use of the Internet for conducting research has found that the level of anonymity intrinsic to web based surveys is useful in deterring various participant biases. Though, concerns about Internet privacy could interfere with the... more
Availability of e-media has led to increased use by undergraduates to search for information. However, it has been observed that the explosion in availability and use of these media globally may be responsible for... more
This study was commissioned by CARE Malawi to explore the livelihood strategies and social forms that have evolved within rural households and communities to contend with the threat of HIV/AIDS. Both qualitative and quantitative research... more
.All of these essays were written between 2003 and 2013 during more than twenty visits to Thailand. With few exceptions, they were put together while in Thailand, and often within days of encountering the people and events I narrate. I... more
This chapter explores the creators and potential consumers of sex robots. With Realbotix as our case study, we take a closer look at the language and sentiments of those developing the technology and those who are testing, consuming, or... more
To explore how people living with HIV (PLHIV) and in care encourage others to adopt HIV-protective behaviours, we conducted in-depth interviews with a purposive sample of 40 HIV clinic patients in Kampala, Uganda. Content analysis was... more
La ideología de género ha puesto de manifiesto el problema de relación entre la biología y la subjetividad, es decir, el problema de la relación entre lo orgánico de nuestro cuerpo y el modo que tenemos de interpretar y comprendernos a... more
"Introduction. Traditionally, sexual desire is understood to occur spontaneously, but more recent models propose that desire responds to sexual stimuli. Aims. To experimentally assess whether sexual stimuli increased sexual desire; to... more
Adolescence period is characterised by various incidences. This allows for confirmed inferences of different magnitude. This study looked into contemporary clothing habits and sexual behaviour of adolescents in the South Western Nigeria... more
The aim of this study was to determine the factors and effects of alcohol abuse on the behaviour of female students at one South African university campus, Eastern Cape Province. This paper is underpinned by (1) alcohol myopia theory... more
Purpose: The primitive anthropological meaning of genital ornamentation is not clearly defined and the origin of penile intervention for decorative purposes is lost in time. Corporeal decoration was practiced in the Upper Paleolithic... more
This paper investigates the relationship between self-esteem, body-image and sexual desire within gay men. It looks at the gay male body as a site of ‘performativity’, the body ‘citationality’ quoting the ‘norms’ of gay society in order... more
Teenage pregnancy is extremely common in South Africa. Whilst its 'problematic' nature is a subject of debate, it reflects a pattern of sexual activity which puts teenagers at risk of HIV. Currently one in five pregnant... more
While studies have consistently observed an association between pornography use and depressive symptoms, data limitations have precluded understanding the nature of this relationship. Drawing on data from a representative panel study of... more
An entire paper can be accessed for free until June 23, 2017 using the following link: There is a pressing need for developing effective sexual health education for a high-risk group of young... more
Returning to the work begun in Amy Richlin's seminal essay on the unsettling topic of sexual violence in Ovid's work, "Reading Ovid's Rapes," this paper takes another look at the rich interpretive problems posed by the incessantly... more
Unveiling the Veiled Royal Consorts, Slaves and Prostitutes in Qajar Photographs Photo exhibition curated by: Dr. Pedram Khosronejad Associate Director for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies, Oklahoma State University A special Exhibit... more
Labor and delivery nurses are used to women delivering babies. What happens when men get pregnant and deliver babies? How can the obstetrical nurse care for this pregnant man?
Understanding the factors associated with sexual behaviour is critical in slowing the spread of HIV in the Philippines, where sexual transmission accounts for most HIV infections, with the majority from heterosexual activity. Further,... more
Therapy can be confusing: two people converse in a private room, one in distress, the other described as a helpful expert. At least one of the two is likely to express thoughts and feelings usually kept secret. In other circumstances, the... more
Leg-to-body ratio (LBR) predicts evolutionary fitness, and is therefore expected to influence bodily attractiveness. Previous investigations of LBR attractiveness have used a wide variety of stimuli, including line drawings, silhouettes,... more
I n the late 1800s to the early 1900s, pedophilia was considered a sexual perversion for weak minded people. With its official addition to the DSMII (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- II) in 1952, pedophilia began to... more
The Ape That Understood the Universe is the story of the strangest animal in the world: the human animal. It opens with a question: How would an alien scientist view our species? What would it make of our sex differences, our sexual... more
Data from the first year of 56 Dean Street's (full-time) ChemSex support clinics, including support for healthcare providers around developing Care Plans with their ChemSex patients/clients.
Aim: To identify therapists’ views on sexual boundaries and the strategies they employ to manage them in therapeutic practice. Method: In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with a sample of 13 accredited, experienced... more