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Since the late 1990s, voluntary travel behaviour change (VTBC) has been an increasingly popular strategy in Australia, applied to reduce both reliance on the car and greenhouse gas emissions. Early efforts to evaluate the impact of this... more
Substrate reduction therapy (SRT) is considered to be a potential therapeutic option for juvenile GM2 gangliosidosis (jGM2g). We evaluated the efficacy of SRT in jGM2g, assessing neurological, neuropsychological and brain magnetic... more
Reconstructions of foraging behavior and diet are central to our understanding of fossil hominin ecology and evolution. Current hypotheses for the evolution of the genus Homo invoke a change in foraging behavior to include higher quality... more
... As part of a study to identify children with autism prospectively at 18 months of age (Baird and Baron), we assessed a small comparison group of typically developing infants on experimental tasks of joint attention, imitation, and... more
The accurate recognition of tephra deposits is of great value to Earth scientists because they facilitate stratigraphic correlation. The most useful tephra deposits form from violent volcanic eruptions; they are isochronous and... more
We performed a simulation study to investigate the accuracy of bootstrap estimates of optimism (internal validation) and the precision of performance estimates in independent validation samples (external validation). We combined two data... more
The aim of this paper is to study properties of the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test (KPSS test), introduced in Kwiatkowski et al. (1992) paper. The null of the test corresponds to stationarity of a series, the alternative to its... more
This is a new electrochemical method for determination of lipase activity in biological fluids, including serum, plasma, and duodenal juice. Advantages of turbidimetric methods--short reaction time, and small sample and reagent... more
The Automated Working Memory Assessment battery was designed to assess verbal and visuospatial passive and active working memory processing in children and adolescents. The aim of this paper is to present the adaptation and validation of... more
Distribution of some statistics, especially rank based, with censored data are hard to get. Even if they can be worked out for small samples, they are likely to be prohibitively expensive for larger sample sizes. Therefore we need to work... more
The creep response at 600 °C of a P91 (9Cr–1Mo–NbV) steel welded joint was investigated by testing small samples from different weld locations. The microstructure of the weld was analysed by light and transmission electron microscopy. The... more
Text classification typically performs best with large training sets, but short texts are very common on the World Wide Web. Can we use resampling and data augmentation to construct larger texts using similar terms? Several current... more