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Adults with a history of childhood sexual abuse often experience symptoms derived from lived traumatic experiences, which are analogous to many of the criteria of diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) but also with those of... more
Tras varios años dando la asignatura de Asesoramiento sexológico en el máster de sexología de Incisex, tanto en virtual como en presencial, hemos considerado útil publicar nuestros apuntes de clase, junto con dos anexos: uno, con algunas... more
This is the entire book. "Why Are Our Pictures Puzzles?" is an attempt to understand why scholars have begun writing at such tremendous length on individual pictures. Before the 20th c., one of the longest texts on a single painting... more
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
Parafilie wiążą się z podnieceniem seksualnym wywołanym u jednostki w przypadku wystąpienia określonych obiektów lub sytuacji, które nie są przedmiotem normatywnej stymulacji seksualnej. Ostatnie wydanie klasyfikacji zaburzeń... more
We are still left with the issue of characterising what counts as successful outcome in sex therapy. The aim of this paper is to report the progress of the outcome measurement project initiated by the College of Sexual and Relationship... more
The purpose of this research was to observe cosplayers at a large, comicon convention set in the Midwestern region of the United States. Qualitative themes from this observational study include: 1) gendered experiences of cosplayers, 2)... more
Article dans la revue "Les 3 Sex", 07 février 2020
Dois pequenos textos que integram o livro Crônicas do CUS - cultura, sexo e gênero, publicado pela Editora Devires.
This article is an attempt to alert sexuality educators and counsellors to the viability of peer association as machinery for propagating sexual ideals and mores. The study reported here examined the influence of peers on the sexuality of... more
Each volume follows the means by which prohibitions and taboos were produced and circulated. The reader can therefore explore the processes that disciplined the representation of the body and the construction of sexual outcasts. This... more
O conceito para Foucault, antes das pretensões de defini-lo abertamente, será bastante mastigado durante sua História da Sexualidade I. Estará disperso por toda obra. Fugindo de tais pretensões, primeiramente, ele busca encontrar essa... more
All’ interno del capitolo, dopo aver indicato le relazioni assai recenti tra teorizzazione sociologica contemporanea e sessualità umana, cercheremo di comprendere in che modo le emozioni possano essere considerate prodotti intrinsecamente... more
Gender-focused studies of nineteenth-century French literature and history in the last few decades have often relied on heteronormative and gender normative paradigms. Using Rachilde as an example, I demonstrate how trans studies can... more
Objective A study was carried out to determine the variables presented in given categories of pornographic material. The reason for the analysis was an attempt to determine the most important objects for given types of pornographic... more
This link [] leads to my Introduction to the edited collection Sexology and Translation: Cultural and Scientific Encounters Across the Modern World (Temple UP, 2015). The collection... more
Sexuality is not the product of fiction, but literary and philosophical works can lay claim to having inspired the terms and concepts in which we think about modern sexuality. This chapter examines how the modern concept of sexuality -... more
Psychologist Catharine Cox Miles (1890-1984) is often remembered as the junior author, with Lewis Terman, of Sex and Personality. Written with CRPS support, Sex and Personality introduced the ‘masculinity- femininity’ personality measure... more
Prezentacja przedstawiona na konwencie Baltikon w Sopocie (2015).
Introduction to special issue "Sexology and Its Afterlives," edited by Joan Lubin and Jeanne Vaccaro. Is sexology over? What does one do with its history, at once a seemingly remote relic and a persistent logic of biopolitics today?... more
As recomendações de distanciamento e isolamento social em tempos de pandemia (COVID-19) ocasionaram diversas mudanças urgentes e repentinas no dia a dia da população, inclusive no âmbito sexual. Essas mudanças podem ter uma conotação... more
The use of radical new sexual technologies – digisexualities - are here, and as technologies advance, their adoption will grow. Research has revealed that both lay people, and clinicians, have mixed feelings about digisexualities... more
CITATION: Chodecka, A., Beisert,M., Izdebska, A., Pilarczyk, K., Zielona-Jenek, M. & Begoyan, A. (2016). Ekspresja seksualna dziecka przedszkolnego w opisie jego opiekunów. Oblicza integracji w obszarach teorii i praktyki psychologii... more
Aim, methods and Outcomes. Paraphilic disorders and human sexuality were simultaneously born. These human behaviours raised the interest of forensic physicians and psychologists, who tried to explain their etiology and identify a cure.... more /editoraCPAD @editora_cpad @EditoraCPAD A Bíblia precisa ser a regra de fé e conduta de todo cristão. É exatamente por isso que é possível encontrar nela orientações sobre os diversos assuntos que emergem durante a vida, e... more
"Pleasure principal" is one of the most important driving forces of the human psyche. Pleasures in human beings include various satisfactions, such as food intake for the survival, satisfaction of the ego and higher cortical cognitive... more
The authors analyse and synthesize a range of international studies on « lesbian health ». Though they may be based on different populations and sampling methods which are sometimes problematic, these surveys describe the impact of... more
The objective of this study was to test the Betty Dodson method of breaking the female orgasm barrier in chronic anorgasmic women. The aim was sexual and existential healing (salutogenesis) through direct confrontation and integration of... more
Be it in images of working women who blurred clear-cut gender boundaries merely because they were employed outside the home, of masculine women and feminine men, or of homosexuals, time and again New Objectivity artists commented from a... more
The conceptualization of excessive sexual behavior has been intensely debated over the years, and the concept of hypersexuality is still controversial. After long debates, the indexation in ICD-11 (International Classification of... more
This book examines how sexological ideas about desire and the body made their way from German science into British literary culture at the turn of the last century. It shows that fiction not only influenced the vocabulary of European... more
Fetishism, as a technical descriptor of atypical sexual behavior, was noted in the writings of the wellknown nineteenth century French psychologist Alfred Binet (1857–1911) (Binet, 1887) as well as prominent European sexologists Richard... more
Therapy can be confusing: two people converse in a private room, one in distress, the other described as a helpful expert. At least one of the two is likely to express thoughts and feelings usually kept secret. In other circumstances, the... more
Pornography and the science of sex sexology are redefining sexuality in the West today, but is the model of sexuality promoted by these two industries selling sex short? In this, the first book to fully investigate the connections between... more
The term «heterosexuality» was coined in the 1890s sexualpathological discourse to differentiate a «homosexual» from a «normal» sex drive. According to the psychiatrist Albert Moll hetero- and homosexuality were interconnected, but... more
Opisano szczegółowo kilka rodzajów parafilii, które są znane opinii publicznej. Zainteresowanie badaniem seksualności człowieka skutkuje odkrywaniem nowych rodzajów parafilii. Wiele nowoopisanych rodzajów parafilii nie posiada znacznego... more
BDSM – Practices of Paradoxes BDSM, i.e. Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission and Sadism and Masochism is an acronym used to describe a variety of (sexual) behaviours including an implicit or explicit erotic power exchange.... more
We thank C. S. I. Jenkins and Neil Levy for their thoughtful comments on our article about love and addiction (Earp, Wudarczyk, Foddy, & Savulescu, in press). While we do not have room for a comprehensive reply, we would like to touch on... more
Capítulo Díez, S. y Lejárraga, J. (2014). La terapia sexual de Masters y Johnson en el siglo XXI. Invitación a para una sexología clínica más sexológica. En Rodrigues, O. (org.). Psicoterapia y sexología clínica. Lp-Books, Brasil, pp.... more