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Coventry University Institution Wide Language Programme (IWLP) offers beginners language learning modules to approximately 3,000 students. Each module is taught over 11 weeks for a total of one hour and 40 minutes and two of the weeks are... more
This exploratory study invited 285 Japanese university students studying English as a foreign language (EFL) to reflect on what demotivated and remotivated them. Students charted the ups and downs of their English learning histories and... more
While research on language immersion education has highlighted a multitude of benefits such as cognitive skills, academic achievement and language and literacy development, some studies have also identified challenges to its effective... more
This present article seeks to provide a mixed methodological model for the development and implementation of a Teaching Module for Spanish as a Foreign Language in the face to face environment. The primary objective is to portray how... more
Swahili program at UC-Berkeley indicating all levels of Swahili that are offered during the regular academic year and in the summer.
The debates on accessibility of UG in second language acquisition have not been resolved yet, and the linguists who investigate different aspects of SLA have different views on the accessibility of UG in L2 acquisition. This situation... more
La Fonética contrastiva, como parte de la Lingüística contrastiva, tiene por objetivo la comparación de los sistemas de la lengua materna del alumno (L1) y de la lengua meta (L2/LE), en este caso, en el ámbito fonético y fonológico. Dicha... more
La folta presenza in Europa di apprendenti adulti a bassa o nulla scolarizzazione costituisce una sfida che le realtà impegnate nella didattica dell’italiano a stranieri sono chiamate a raccogliere. Si tratta di un campo d’intervento... more
This is a sample chapter with lessons from the textbook Pawòl lakay: Haitian-Creole Language and Culture for Beginner and Intermediate Learners published by Educa-Vision CHAPIT SENK "Vakans lan rive, plezi gaye"
Many second/foreign language (L2/FL) teachers do not see the relevance of research to their teaching. This article aims to help bridge this gap by addressing form-focused instruction (FFI), a current pedagogical and research issue of... more
Il Profilo della lingua italiana.Livelli del QCER A1, a2, B1 e B2 rappresenta uno strumento integrativo al Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue.È stato frutto, insieme ad altri referenziali per le lingue europee, di un... more
Morphological awareness is essential for the successful use of a language and morphological instruction may facilitate the acquisition of new words. This quasi-experimental research examines the effects of affix instruction on acquiring... more
Lecturers, teachers, researchers and experts in the field of education as well as coordinators of education and training projects from all over the world came together in the fifth edition of the International Conference “The Future of... more
Many theories on how language is acquired has been introduced since 19th century and still being introduced today by many great thinkers. Like any other theories which arose from variety of disciplines, language acquisition theories... more
Le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues (CECR) : une approche favorable à la transmission de compétences interculturelles. Analyse critique et impact dans le contexte de l’enseignement du français langue de scolarisation,... more
The objective of the ICT for Language Learning conference is to promote the sharing of good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning... more
Teaching Vocabulary explores different approaches to teaching vocabulary in ESL/EFL classrooms. It provides an overview of the place and importance of vocabulary in English language learning and teaching in an easy-to-follow guide that... more
Current research exploits the orthographic design of Brahmi-derived scripts (also called Indic scripts), particularly the Devanagari script. Earlier works on orthographic nature of Brahmi-derived scripts fail to create a consensus among... more
Propuesta de análisis de materiales y actividades didácticas ofrecidas por la página web, centrada específicamente en el uso de la Internet como herramienta para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del idioma español como lengua... more
A presentation made to public school teachers of English on the 25th of October 2018
How humans possess the language ability is a matter of long controversy among the linguists. Some of them believe that the ability of language is the result of innate knowledge. Unlike other species humans possess that innate ability... more
The study reported in this chapter focuses on the effect that a 2 to 4 week pre-sessional course at Aix-Marseille University had on Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) and Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in the French as a foreign language of... more
The present chapter traces the development of language acquisition planning. It begins by considering the work of Robert L. Cooper, who placed language acquisition planning alongside corpus planning and status planning as a fundamental... more