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Erichtho is the well know witch of Tessaly, whose bloody and magic practices have challenged the readers'comprehension and horrifying them since the posthumous publication of Lucan's epic poem. In this paper, I propose an analysis of some... more
Il contributo identifica in Lucano il vir sordidi sermonis cui si riferisce Velio Longo nel discutere la questione del corretto perfetto di absorbo/absorbeo, grazie ad un confronto con due luoghi del De orthographia dello Pseudo-Capro e... more
This paper represents a brief evidence about the interaction and the intertextuality between Lucan’s Bellum civile and Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In the fifth book of Lucan’s poem, the description of Mt Parnassus and the narration of Delphic... more
Nicht nur in neopaganen Kreisen, sondern auch in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur gelten die Kelten als besonders naturverbunden. Diese Affinität manifestiere sich gerade in deren Religion, in der die Verehrung von verschiedenen... more
Abstract: The object of the body-representation of epic does not change from Homer to Lucan: it is the human being itself. The preferences and the techniques of representation do however change. Epic poetry is mimesis, just like every... more
Nella complessa rete di richiami e corrispondenze interne al "Bellum civile" di Lucano il nodo intratestuale che lega i libri V e VIII del poema sembra rivestito di un ulteriore valore rispetto a quello meramente strutturale. Il... more
In the scholium ad Alpes (Lucan. 1, 183) published in Cavajoni's Supplementum, the textual crux †sale aceto rupit may be resolved by replacing sale with calido. The emendation is supported by a good number of sources describing the mining... more
Un fragmento de Lucano traducido por Cándido María Trigueros en las apócrifas Poesías de Melchor Díaz de Toledo (Sevilla 1776).
Hace algunos días hacía calor, muchísimo. En Grecia, siendo verano, es lo que hay, pero he de reconocer que es de cafres salir a buscarlo deliberadamente en hora punta...
La narrazione della fuga di Pompeo dal campo di Farsàlo ha posto non pochi problemi agli esegeti del Bellum ciuile di Lucano a causa dell’atteggiamento, non privo di stridenti contraddizioni, assunto dal personaggio specialmente nella... more
Despite the importance of the intratextual relationships between the books 5th and 8th of Lucan’s Bellum civile, the complex network of references and internal correspondences between the two books has not been specifically investigated.... more
Attributive philology is rooted in stylistic evaluation. Boiardo’s volgarizzamenti are widely debated and provide data for stylistic assessment in the light of literary genres, i.e. literary (but not “highbrow”) prose rather than lyric or... more
Despite the common opinion that in Lucan’s Bellum civile the Götterapparat is absent, the superhuman element plays a not secondary role in the architecture of the poem where it seems to respond to a catastrophic intent. This is evident if... more
Luc. Phars. 5, 771-775;
Luc. Phars. 4, 174-176;
Luc. Phars. 9, 975-979.
In the opening section of Lucan’s "Bellum civile" book 8 (vv. 1-8) the narration of Pompey’s flight through the Vale of Tempe reveals an allusion to the description of the Cretan Labyrinth by Ovid (met. 8.155-168). The analysis of the... more