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K Biblické řečtině. Str. 144 - 150 (Problems with the Biblical Greek) I believe that the increased emphasis on the semiotic reading of the text with E- dem on internal formal grammatical construction, we can free ourselves from... more
Lezioni essenziali di Grammatica Latina ad uso di studenti liceali. Lezioni sul verbo (quadro generale; indicativo, imperativo, congiuntivo; cenni sull'infinito)
Thanks to the digital revolution, even a traditional discipline like philology has been enjoying a renaissance within academia and beyond. Decades of work have been producing groundbreaking results, raising new research questions and... more
The concept of " a language " (Einzelsprache, that is, one of many extant languages) and its opposition to " dialect " (considered as a " non-language, " and thus subjugable to an already recognized language merely as " its " dialect) is... more
This paper studies the treatment of the Sibyl and Virgil in a speech attributed to Constantine the Great. Scholars generally focus on the role played by one or the other of these two figures in that writing. To do justice to the economy... more
The inductive-contexual methodology, envisaged by Hans Ørberg, emphasizes the “natural” learning of a language as it was a L1 and, exspecially, the acquisition of grammatical rules, through discovery-approach. Cognitive psycologists of... more
The poster explores the approaches to teaching Classical languages in two pre-tertiary schools in Ghana. It was presented at the Classical Association Annual Conference 2018 in Leicester, UK.
Latin traditions in southern Italy, especially Beneventan and Norman chant traditions, followed in chant as well as in architecture Byzantine prototypes. Although the historical imagination of the Orthodox Archdiocese Italy and Malta... more
This article identifies a papyrus in Warsaw, P.Vars. 6, as a fragment of the large Latin–Greek glossary known as Ps.-Philoxenus. That glossary, published in volume II of G. Goetz’s "Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum" on the basis of a... more
About the word order in Veg. mil. 3, 9, 3, where 'certe uel' means ‘or at least’.
Interview with Chunyi Liu from Wen Hui Daily, Shanghai, about the standardisation of Latin and Greek in China, and the future of Classics
تُعنى هذه الدراسة بترجمة الشاعر لوكيوس ليفيوس أندرونيكوس (حوالي280-حوالي204ق.م.) لـ "أوديسية" هوميروس إلى اللاتينية. ويعتبر الكثيرون من النقاد في العصر الحديث أن تاريخ الترجمة في الغرب يبدأ بهذه الترجمة من اليونانية إلى اللاتينية، حتى إن... more
Colloque international organisé dans le cadre de l’Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (Université d’Oxford), de l’ENS de Lyon, de l’Institut d’histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités (CNRS, IHRIM), du Labex... more
The article gives the most important examples of classicism in the culture of Saratov province namely in architecture and education. The author focuses his attention on the activities of Ivan F. Sinaisky (1799–1870) as a teacher in Greek... more
The article deals with one of the most important aspects of classicism in the Russian culture of the second half of the 19th century, namely classical education. The author focuses on two short stories by A.P. Chekhov, i.e. “A Classical... more
This note seeks to analyse P. Tzamalikos arguments, contained in two recently published books, on Cassian the Sabaite – supposedly an early Christian author whose figure was later eclipsed by that of John Cassian of Marseilles. Tzamalikos... more
Il CEDANT - Centro di studi e ricerche sui Diritti Antichi dell’Università di Pavia organizza per l’anno accademico 2015-2016 il XIII «Collegio di Diritto Romano» sul tema «Le Istituzioni di Gaio: avventure di un bestseller. Trasmissione,... more
L'articolo introduce alcuni concetti fondamentali della Second Language Acquisition nella riflessione didattica delle lingue classiche e interpreta i pressupposti teorici del metodo induttivo-contestuale elaborato dal danese Hans... more
Together with Denise Nagel. "30. JAHRESTAGUNG DER DGGTB 2022 BIOLOGIE UND LITERATUR Auf ihrer 30. Jahrestagung wendet sich die DGGTB dem Thema Biologie und Literatur zu: Obwohl die Überlappung von schöngeistigen und... more
On Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve's advocacy for rigorous training in the classical languages.
Sandra Rodríguez Piedrabuena, Gréta Kádas, Sara Macías Otero, Kevin Zilverberg (editors). This peer-reviewed collection of essays provides an account of several current foci of research in Classics. It gathers fifteen contributions... more