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The plight of young children with disabilities who live in rural communities remains unsolved issue in many developing countries. Culturally, many people have negative beliefs regarding the causes of disabilities. Disability may be... more
OBJECTIVE. This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Here's How I Write–Hebrew (HHIW–HE) and compared handwriting self-awareness between children with and without dysgraphia. METHOD. Fifty-eight children (29 with and 29... more
The altered environment and support systems of children with disabilities (CWD) make their physical, psychological, social, educational and physiological vulnerabilities more severe during flooding. Despite the concern that they are among... more
Technological advances, including the use of virtual reality, have contributed enormously to improving the treatment, training, and quality of life of children with disabilities. This paper describes the advantages of VR for children with... more
Millions of children in the United States are diagnosed with disabilities every year, and parents frequently encounter significant challenges when caring for their children with disabilities. Though advocates often focus on structural... more
India’s Juvenile Justice Act of 2015 mandates for all children to be cared for in family-based settings. Sarah’s Covenant Homes (SCH) is an organisation offering group-home services to 135 children with disabilities in 7 homes, in Andhra... more
Research subject: On the trace of paradigm that development of children with disabilities has the specific attributes, there is no doubt that families of these children have additional need for early support their functioning, starting... more
Assessment of motor development in preschool children has become increasingly important with the recent acknowledgement that motor impairment/deficit is linked with cognitive, language, social, and emotional difficulties. As there is lack... more
The methodological materials are aimed at education of the system of value orientations of children taking into account the individual approach and ensuring the harmonious development through the use of art-therapeutic techniques and... more
This study sought to examine the experiences by students with disabilities in accessing the library at Zimbabwe Open University, Bulawayo Campus.The survey design was used to examine the experiences of students with disabilities in... more
Roditelji djece s poteškoćama u razvoju izloženi su uobičajenom stresu zbog izazova roditeljstva ali i dodatnim stresorima povezanim sa zadovoljavanjem specifičnih potreba djeteta. Zbog visoke razine stresa koji proživljavaju, roditelji... more
Inclusive Education Is A Worldwide Movement Aiming To Create One Education System That Values All Children To Devise A Classroom That Welcomes All Children Irrespective Of Disability, Community Background, Sexuality, Ethnic Background... more
International law plays an important role in the promotion and protection of the socioeconomic rights of children with disabilities. International law bolsters the mechanisms used to keep states accountable in the fulfilment of their... more
This paper is available from the link below. Inclusive education is regarded as one of the global agendas of education; in recent years, many countries have implemented an inclusive... more
Məqalədə Azərbaycanda inklüziv təhsildə təlimin təşkili prosesi, bu sahədə qəbul olunan qanunların reallaşdırılması, həyata keçirilən dövlət proqramlarının nəticələri, eləcə də rast gəlinən çətinliklərin aradan qaldırılması yolları... more
Napjainkban kiemelt figyelmet kap a tanulásban akadályozottak idegennyelv-oktatása. A területre ugyanakkor nagyfokú útkeresés jellemző, a tanulók egyéni sajátosságai miatt még nem alakult egységes módszertan, ezért nagy szerepe van az... more
This paper attempts to examine the status of inclusive education in India in terms of the policy recognition and provisions, and the emerging issues and concerns in access and implementation of inclusive education to make education truly... more
En los procesos de reformas educativas en Colombia, en el marco de la educación inclusiva, en tanto metarrelato macro político, se viene deslegitimando y criticando a la educación especializada como alternativa educativa para niños, niñas... more
Within the library profession, there is widespread support for access to libraries for people with disabilities. However, there is limited literature on the topic of access to public libraries for children with disabilities and their... more
În urma consultări literaturii de specialitate am realizat o comarație între sistemelor alternative și augumentative de comunicare bazate pe simbolurile grafice și semne gestuale care pot fi utilizate în terapia limbajului unui copil cu... more
Design of environment, structure or products which can be used by individuals with different size, gender, age and ability is defined as universal design. This design provides that all individuals should enjoy equal rights. Therefore,... more
The aim of this thesis is to present, explore, and interpret the experiences of women who mother children with disabilities. The experiences of motherhood and mothering children with disabilities are seldom rendered visible in social... more
This report provides a rapid literature review of the evidence on what data and evidence exists, to identify, categorise and support children with disabilities to access education and achieve measurable learning outcomes in Tanzania and... more
This paper is available for free from the website below. > > > The purpose of this study is to explore the process of addressing inclusive education... more
The perceptions of primary school teachers towards inclusive education was investigated in mainstream government schools of Islamabad capital territory where inclusive education was being supported by Sight savers and other international... more
This paper is about the law in Croatia, especially within children with disabilities or special needs.
Also we mentioned something about the education of children with special needs and disabilities in the past and now.
Much of the literature on mothering a child with a disability focuses on grief in the context of diagnosis, with a paucity of longitudinal studies focusing on ongoing grief as the child moves through the life stages. This qualitative... more
In last year, because of coronavirus education has become possible via educational social media platforms to follow pandemic and "stay at home" rules. Among the potential users of social media who have affected considerably, children with... more
Although there are more grandparents raising grandchildren than at any other time in American history, the experiences of those caring for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) has received scant attention. Even... more
The article reviewed trends in the special education in Russia under the conditions of decentralization. It shows the level of regional inequalities in the share of children with special educational needs to the total number of... more
Essentials of Exceptionality and Special Education presents a uniquely practical approach to Education as a subject. It provides a well-researched, well-developed in-depth study material on Education. This is a syllabus-based book for... more
Australia has binding international human rights obligations to enact in legislation the protection of all children from forced sterilisation in all cases that are not life-threatening. Yet the practice continues in direct violation of... more