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El libro se propone identificar las características de la exclusión en el nuevo escenario social. En una primera sección se desarrolla teóricamente la relación entre los conceptos de inclusión social y ciudadanía. Sigue una panorámica de... more
The concept of social exclusion has become popular globally. Going beyond the conventional analysis on inequality, poverty and deprivation, the broad and elastic concept of social exclusion has initiated a new dynamics in the study of... more
Esta es una versión pre-print, más extensa y que no incluye las correcciones de los revisores del artículo del mismo título que se publica en Inclusao Social, 2020 Intervención psicosocial para fomentar la cohesión e inclusión social en... more
The social cooperative is the opportunity for social and professional reintegration of people threatened with social exclusion: Reintegration tool; The objectives of the social cooperative; The threefold nature of the social cooperative;... more
Deze masterproef heeft als doel aanbevelingen te formuleren voor de ondersteuning van e-inclusie initiatieven die met maatschappelijk kwetsbare jongeren in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest in aanraking komen. Aan de hand... more
A revised version of this paper is now published in: Woodin, T. (2014) Co-operation, Learning and Co-operative Values. Contemporary Issues in Education. Routledge. more
Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, the Lawn Tennis Association introduced numerous policies to remove barriers associated with social exclusion in tennis clubs. Ethnographic research was conducted within one club to analyse the incidence of... more
"Aporias of democracy" investigates into the thorny question of how a "communitarian" society with highly developed democratic rights like the Swiss society copes with the political integration of immigrants. By analyzing sources and... more
In Malaysia, disabled people involvement in arts and theatre performance is very much a new development and disabled children’s participation in performing arts of a theatre production has yet to be promoted. A project entitled “Inclusion... more
En este artículo se argumenta que la educación inclusiva puede entenderse como una respuesta a la crisis de la democracia moderna y su proyecto escolar. Dicha respuesta consiste, en parte, en la producción de una nueva normatividad... more
Modern social system depends upon a formal base. In other words, it exists on a technical and bureaucratic system. However, within the dialectical structure of existence it needs to correlate with its opponent. Hence, informality develops... more
this article I seek to re-examine the concepts ‘patriarchy’ and ‘homosociality’, individually and in relation to each other. I argue that the critical tendency to dismiss the utility of ‘patriarchy’ did not engage much with the relations... more
The discourse of the society of equals emerged at the time of the American, French and Haitian revolutions and since then associated with radical democratic movements. Its core theme of equality as being coextensive with freedom is the... more
Myanmar’s youth have long contributed to political change and continue to be drivers of social cohesion and peacebuilding in their communities. With Myanmar transitioning towards a democratic and civilian-led government in 2011, young... more
The centuries of caste practice and concomitant discrimination in the socio-political and economic life of the people are so deeply rooted in the society that it is not a matter that will wither away through mere legal provisions. If... more
forthcoming in 2016, in "Occupy Antigone: Tradition, Transition and Transformation in Performance", ed. C. Gruber, K. Pewny, L. Van den Dries and S. Leenknegt (Schriftreihe Forum Modernes Theater)
Removing the language barrier could bring great benefits not only to the scientific community. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to improve both the tools and procedures in which these tools are used, to ensure a reliable exchange of... more
While the literature continues to list the positive values conveyed by sport, the sports world and schools, which are the fundamental place where young people are confronted with peers also through the rules, they are often subject of... more
This study focuses on the issue of social exclusion in British tennis. It commences with a critique of current LTA policy, presenting exclusion as static, ahistorical and underpinned by false dichotomies of age and social class. Aspects... more
Περίληψη Το άρθρο χρησιμοποιεί την έννοια του «μίγματος ευημερίας» (welfare mix) ως βασικό ερμηνευτικό εργαλείο, επιχειρώντας να εξετάσει την αναλογία του στις πολιτικές αντιμετώπισης της έλλειψης στέγης στην Ελλάδα. Οι αλλαγές στο μίγμα... more
The fundamental question of "who belongs?" is an increasingly acute one in every part of the globe. Matters of identity divide societies on every inhabited continent. Religion, ethnicity, skin color, age, sexual orientation, and race,... more
This book investigates co-housing as an alternative housing form in relation to sustainable urban development. Co-housing is often lauded as a more sustainable way of living. The primary aim of this book is to critically explore... more
The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
Se debe tener en cuenta que todas las personas poseen características que las hacen ser diferentes, únicas e irrepetibles. En este sentido, parece ser que el modelo hacia el que se posiciona la atención a la diversidad en educación es la... more
O quê é Inclusão Social? Inclusão social é o conjunto de meios e ações que combatem a exclusão aos benefícios da vida em sociedade, provocada pela classe social, educação, idade, deficiência, sexualidade, preconceito social ou... more
The aim of this thesis is to find out why integrating art therapy for depression in museums is in its infancy stage despite its relevance to the social inclusion model in museum education and the therapeutic role of the modern museum. The... more
This article is based on a study that examined library services provision for people with visual impairments and in wheelchairs in academic libraries in Tanzania. The article looks at access to the information resources available and the... more
Untouchability forms a crucial criterion for inclusion in the list of Scheduled Castes. It is rarely discussed with reference to Muslims. A household survey was conducted in 14 districts of Uttar Pradesh to examine contradictory claims... more
Supported Employment (SE) was implemented within the vocational rehabilitation systems of the Nordic countries at a different pace and to various degrees. Sweden and Norway took to SE most rapidly during the 1990s, followed by Finland and... more
This article presents several theories of financial inclusion. Financial inclusion is defined as the availability of, and the ease of access to, basic formal financial services to all members of the population. Financial inclusion means... more
It is generally acknowledged that the major goal in education process is to make both learning and teaching more interesting and effective for learners. Furthermore, students should be differentiated according to their abilities or... more
Based on in-depth oral interviews carried out in Mogadishu, Somalia, and countries neighboring Somalia in 2009 and 2013, our purpose in this study is to map the nature of prejudice and hate discourse used by Somalis against the Bantu... more
A kánonfogalomnak a kánonkutatás megélénkülésétől kezdve van egy strukturális eleme is: a "kánonba bekerülni" azt jelenti, hogy az adott szerző, mű, probléma, jelenség nehezebben évül el, téma marad, kapcsolódási pont, illetve biztos... more
Despite various social policies since independence, the status of Scheduled Castes and tribes remained at the bottom of social hierarchy and have been socially discriminated, exploited and excluded from the mainstream of the society since... more