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The debate on possible cognitive advantages bilinguals have over monolinguals continues to occupy the research community. There is an ever-growing research body focusing on adjudicating whether there is, in fact, an effect of using two or... more
Conduction aphasia is a type of fluent aphasia, which is caused due to the damage to the supramarginal gyrus and arcuate fasciculus resulting in repetition disturbance. It has been speculated that linguistic system in bilingual aphasics... more
“語言與現代化”學術研討會 2017年10月18-20日,澳門 主旨演講: 論語言與認知的跨學科研究成果與趨勢 —— 以工作記憶為視角 溫植勝博士、副教授 澳門理工學院語言暨翻譯學校... more
At institutions with significant populations of international and English Language Learning (ELL) students, writing centers are one of the best, if only, campus services that help with composition and language learning. However,... more
Introductory guest editor essay for a special issue Museums and Social Issues journal. We argue that current museum professionals’ concerns with the efficacy and best practices for producing bi/multilingual written resources, their foci... more
Slowenisch ist in Kärnten autochthone Minderheitensprache, Herkunftssprache, Zweitsprache, Fremdsprache. Das Schulwesen sieht zweisprachigen Grundschulunterricht in einem geografisch klar definierten Gebiet vor, dem sogenannten... more
Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central... more
English language well known as the colonizer's language, had exercised its supremacy over Indian languages over more than two decades until it was observed as subject of study. In post-independence India the various educational... more
The article discusses errors and inaccuracies in the speech of an educated Russian-speaking tourist guide (Russian L-2) to increase the communicative competence of guides, as well as improving the training programs of Russian as L-2. The... more
Le milieu des sections lycéennes tchèques en France, a Dijon et a Nimes donne naissance a une langue originale franco-tchèque. Les élèves scolarisés en France parlent entre eux le tchèque auquel de nombreuses innovations lexicales se... more
The patient-centred model of health care, which recognises patients' autonomy, promotes their active participation in decisions concerning their own health, and strives to treat patients holistically, improves health outcomes but relies... more
Last in the three-part series Understanding Bilingual Education. With the information and charts from the first two papers, the role of languages in any school system can be analyzed in terms of types of bilingual education. This paper... more
Summary: This book introduces a principled approach to conceptualizing and measuring working memory in first and second language research. It presents comprehensive, thorough and updated reviews of relevant literatures of WM and SLA... more
Multilingualism is often framed as human capital that increases individuals’ labor market value. Such assertions overlook the role of ideology in assigning value to languages and their speakers based on factors other than communicative... more
In the Republic of Macedonia lives a multicultural population, which speaks different languages. The Macedonian language is the official language in the Republic of Macedonia that is why every citizen learns that language and knows to... more
This is a review of a great volume edited by Peeter Mehisto and Fred Genesee in which they provide a clear picture of the fundamentals of bilingual and multilingual education in the 21st century through examples from a variety of... more
The study of grammatical variation in language mixing has been at the core of research into bilingual language practices. Although various motivations have been proposed in the literature to account for possible mixing patterns, some of... more
One of the dangers that we should be aware of when we study issues of language policy and planning is the fragmentary perspective by which they can be approached. Reality, by contrast, is interrelated and overlapping. This is why a... more
Language matters in education. More precisely, languages matter – not just officially recognised ones, but, crucially, the multilingual repertoires and home language practices of students. One dimension garnering attention for some... more
This is the PEC (Prueba de Evaluación Continua) II of the academic year 2019-2020 of the subject "Variación y cambio lingüístico en lengua inglesa" at the UNED.
This monograph examines some of the aspects of language differentiation, code-switching and vocabulary acquisition in children exposed to multiple languages and briefly presents empirical observations of how the meaning of words is... more
An experiment investigated whether Japanese speakers' categorisation of objects and substances as shape or material is influenced by acquiring English, based on Imai and Gentner (1997). Subjects were presented with an item such as a cork... more
Latinx first-generation college graduates often experience a myriad of structural, emotional, financial and academic barriers while navigating higher education as undergraduate and graduate students and later, if they become faculty... more
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una serie de reflexiones en torno a la Educación Intercultural Bilingue, sobre la base de los aportes de la sociolingüística crítica que se viene desarrollando en los últimos años.
An important yet still relatively under researched area of research in immersion studies includes post-secondary immersion research and is increasingly warranted in order to better understand the student experiences of these student. The... more
A previous quantitative and qualitative study carried out by the author demonstrated that many of the personality traits that facilitate cultural adaptation or adjustment (the ability to function at a high level in cross-cultural... more
Unless you’ve been living in a galaxy far, far away, you’ll know that 4th May is celebrated by fans as Star Wars Day – playing on the catchphrase “may the force be with you”, where the change of a single sound segment – at the end of the... more
At Warruwi, a remote Australian Indigenous community, people use a range of Indigenous languages on a daily basis. Adults speak 3-8 Indigenous languages and these high levels of multilingualism are out of step with current trends which... more
By using data from an online language learning beliefs survey (n=841), defining language learning experience (LLE) in terms of participants’ multilingualism, and using a domain-specific language learning locus of control (LLLOC)... more
The optimal language for literature and educational materials is not the same for all Zay areas. The data gathered during the current study points to Zay as optimal for the islands on Lake Ziway and Oromo as optimal for the lakeshores.... more
I explore the ways in which language ideologies are transformed when they are transplanted to diasporic settings as a result of migration. I examine the labelling of Cypriot Greek features as slang by young British-born speakers of Greek... more