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This article deals with the development of a new composition of a polymer composition for dressing cotton yarn. The optimal concentration of the dressing polymer composition, which is 50 g/kg, against the starch-based dressing is 70 g/kg,... more
PVA/PAA/PEG/PVP nanofibers with HPMC and aloe vera were fabricated by electrospinning method. HPMC was added to the hybrid polymer solution as the water retention agent and aloe vera which are known over centuries were also added to the... more
Nanofluid, a simple product of nanotechnology has become a topic of attraction due to its extraordinary heat transfer performance in various areas including cooling, power generation, defense, nuclear, space,microelectronics and... more
Hydroxyapatite (HA) has been used clinically for many years. It has good biocompatibility in bone contact as its chemical composition is similar to that of bone material. Porous HA ceramics have found enormous use in biomedical... more
A series of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP)/poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hybrid nanofibers were fabricated by an electrospinning method, in order to be used as a potential wound dressing material. The effect of Aloe... more
A systematic review of the concept of preparation for schooling (PPE) is presented in this study. The dimensions proposed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), schools, parents, and “prepared children” is focused on the latter... more
Some kinds of amphiphilic lipids can spontaneously self-assemble with a proper ratio of water to form liquid crystalline, also known as cubic phase. With a curved bi-continuous lipid bilayer and two congruent networks of water channels,... more
Petrochemistry needs stable, environmentally-friendly and efficient materials for use in the transformation, purification, and analysis of oil products. Ionic liquids (ILs) meet these requirements. A novel group of ILs with a very... more
Background: Sport management plays an important role in the athletes' achievement and championship. Sports Management helps us to learn how to overview the business side of sports organization with the use of the latest trends and... more
AER 55 explores the goals of Australian education and of how schools should prepare young people for work and life. Section 1 provides an overview, discussing the nature of broad social and economic changes over the last 20 years, and... more
Objectives Cognitive functions such as reaction time undergo change with aging. Given the importance of preparation in response to reaction time in various life situations, this study aimed to examine the effect of various foreperiods... more
The number of descendants of a node in a binary search tree (BST) is the size of the subtree having this node as a root; the number of ascendants is the number of nodes on the path connecting this node with the root. Using a purely... more
Characteristics models in demand analysis capture the idea that people value goods not For the commodity itself but for the characteristics (or attributes) or embodied in the good. For example, agents may care about the fat content and... more
Using a semiempirical rule based on a range of existing hard materials, Liu and Cohen predicted that some of the crystalline forms of C3N4 might have values of bulk modulus close to, or even greater than, that of diamond. Subsequent... more
We consider the deterministic evolution of a time-discretized spiking network of neurons with connection weights having delays, modeled as a discretized neural network of the generalized integrate and fire (gIF) type. The purpose is to... more
As the test objects served elks and dappled deer infested with helminthes. The purpose of this work is to study the efficacy of a new antiparasitic drug Ivirsalt used for prevention measures against helminths in wild hoofed animals. The... more
The aim of this research is a comparative study of how to attract and prepare students in teacher training institutions in Japan, Australia and Iran. The method of the research is comparative, and based on a range pattern that describes... more
The Russian formalism is an approach was introduced at the beginning of 20th century and those who offered such a theory wanted to find a scientific method in literary criticism. They believed that the literary work itself should be... more
In the IELTS writing preparation class, the teacher can facilitate the students by integrating the stylistic approach in building writing students’ style. Not only achieving the primary goals in English proficiency by focusing on the... more
ABSTRACT The problem of designing space-time constellations for communication in spread multiple-antenna wireless systems over Rayleigh fading channel is addressed. Using the asymptotic union bound on error probability as design... more