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Empathy is theorized to improve the teaching effectiveness of teachers in urban and multicultural classroom settings. However, the field has few models useful for training and preparing teachers to cultivate empathy as a professional... more
Teaching in the 21st century poses many challenges for teachers, and thus, they need to take on more roles in their schools to meet the expectations of students, parents and the school community. In this regard, this study examined the... more
Araştırmanın temel amacı; sınıf öğretmenlerinin derste öğrencileriyle göz teması kurma davranışlarını ve bu davranışları hakkındaki görüşlerini, meslekî kıdemlerine, cinsiyetlerine, algısal öğrenme stillerine ve öğrencilerinin akademik... more
Nell’articolo, l’autore, alla sua prima esperienza di docente CLIL/DNL, descrive i caratteri, le fasi e lo svolgimento delle attività e fornisce esempi di lezioni in presenza e on line del modulo “Cybercrime and security measures”... more Lesson Plan: Meaning, Definition, Concept, Introduction, Components, Importance, Principles, Characteristics, Steps, Types, Format, Template, Examples ------ With special... more
Dronkers és Róbert (2005) a nemzetközi és a magyar eredményességi mutatók összevetésével megállapították, hogy az egyházi iskolák diákjainak teljesítménye jobb a más fenntartású iskolák diákjainak teljesítményéhez képest, továbbá a... more
The research was carried out to find out primary school teachers’ educational value judgement in regards to teaching process and to understand differences in their values and its effect on their teaching and on their school. The survey... more
In this article, we describe the results of a study of chemistry high school teachers ’ beliefs (N = 7) of the chemistry curriculum and their roles, their beliefs on the teacher as developer of materials, and their beliefs about... more
In inclusive education classrooms, teachers’ knowledge of the disabilities of their students is an important aspect in language teaching. Of these disabilities is dyslexia. Little research has been conducted about teachers’ awareness of... more
AbstractSchooL readiness is an important concern for parents and teachers because it is a muLtifaceted process which encompasses aLL the developmental areas and various skills of children rather than only focusing on cognitive and... more
Every day, the number of children born with disabilities is increasing. One of the many disabilities is Down's syndrome, which occurs on average in one of 650 infants. For a child born with this disability, it is... more
Sınıf içi ilikilerde öretim ve yönetimin etkili olabilmesi için olumlu dil kullanılması aratırmalar sonucunda ulaılan bir bilgidir. Uygulamalar da göstermektedir ki, özellikle öretmenin sınıfın yönetimi esnasında kullandıı olumlu... more
Tratando de buscar la mejor forma de exponer la presente apuesta educativa, me atreveré a entrar en contacto con la experiencia, a resurgir, una vez más, en esta existencia acogiendo lo que acontece en mi tránsito como maestra. Para ello... more
Held annually, the Teaching Black History Conference aims to improve Black history curriculum decision-making and instructional practice. Individual sessions are led by classroom teachers as well as university professors. This year’s... more
This opinion piece reflects on the place of writing and the pen in literacy practice in the wake of the so-called digital revolution and the advent of online classrooms that are built around digital input devices.
O presente artigo traz à reflexão questões direcionadas para a profissão docente, bem como sua classe, uma vez que há diferenciação quanto à prática do docente acadêmico e a do docente do ensino básico. Porém, o principal objetivo do... more
It is not possible for a teacher to achieve the educational target without his/ her professional qualities, and the relationship to the students and to the work he/ she performs. The teacher has a dominant role in the education. He/ she... more
Principals are a key factor on various aspects of schooling, and teachers play a determinant role on student's achievement. Several statistical studies have shown this significance. Fewer findings are about the power relationship that... more
This study examined the teacher’s questioning interaction for meaning negotiation in an EFL classroom at a junior high school in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Data was collected from an English teacher who was teaching seventh grade students.... more
RESUMEN Este trabajo es parte de un proyecto de investigación del CONICET que desde 2011 estudia la formación docente continua. La presentación tiene por objeto dar a conocer una investigación en curso que se propone explorar el... more
In the digital age, where the access to unlimited information and resources has become so easy, it is rather illogical to reckon that teachers are responsible for knowledge transfer only. Today, teachers’ responsibility should be to... more
This study was influenced by key notes speeches of known educators. As implied, teachers have to prepare in the advent of education 4.0. Learners are seen to be gadget dependent. They are acquiring informal educations in many forms... more
Bu araştırmayla Hong vd. (2016) tarafından geliştirilen ölçeğin Türk kültürüne uyarlanması, umut duygusu ile hayal kırıklığı duygusu boyutları eklenerek ölçeğin altı boyut olarak revize edilmesi ve öğretmenlerin görüşlerinin ortaya... more
Educational system of a country plays a key part in rearing a mentally and physically rich nation. The crucial role of teachers in the development of this system and training creative students is undeniable. Teacher creativity research... more
The Mozambican government has introduced reforms of basic education, notably the introduction of interdisciplinarity, learner-centredness and new teaching pedagogies. This is a case study of how these curriculum reforms have been... more
The Hungarian educational system has been changed rapidly in the last decade, which has fundamentally transformed the status and position of teachers as well. The study attempts to explore how innovative, knowledge-intensive teachers... more
The impact of job demands, climate, and optimism on well-being and distress at work: What are the mediating effects of basic psychological need satisfaction? Les effets des demandes au travail, du climat et de l'optimisme sur le bien-être... more
20 Adminstrator Job Interview Questions and Answers - Preview to A+ Principals' Interview Edge 152 Job Interview Questions and Answers
In this study, it was aimed to find out the characteristics of inspiring teachers who inspired teacher candidates to do teaching profession properly. In the study, “An Exploratory Sequential Design” a mixed method where qualitative and... more
This paper is a quick guide to assessment with English language learners in US public schools, intended as an introductory text for pre-service teachers, in-service ESOL practitioners, and content teachers of ELLs. Topics covered: - Key... more
Resumo: Nosso objetivo nessa pesquisa é analisar os critérios de seleção dos conteúdos escolares e discutir sua influência na organização do trabalho docente. Justifica-se pela identificação do uso de práticas mecânicas de seleção dos... more
Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) han sido durante muchos años protagonistas en el ámbito educativo. Las TIC han sido vistas durante mucho tiempo como generadoras de esa necesaria transformación de la educación,... more
Il s'agit dans cet article de mettre en exergue ce que des discours d'enseignants sur leur propre activité enseignante apportent en termes de découverte du « moi » professionnel. Pour ce faire, nous nous basons sur des discours... more
This study dealt with the "teacher's classroom management practices to the developing the pupils' 21st century skills in the new normal in the Division of Batangas. The descriptive method of research was utilized to assess... more
This paper discusses the effect of two leadership styles, namely: transformational and bureaucratic styles of leadership as practiced by head teachers on the quality of support supervision they offer primary teachers in Mid-western... more
The current research study investigates the perceived adoption of didactical strategies and how this adoption is related to student teachers' cognitions; i.e. student teachers' pedagogical beliefs and self-efficacy beliefs. A sample of... more
O presente artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre a contextualização como uma perspectiva de construção de significados no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, com base numa pesquisa qualitativa, que envolveu como sujeitos professoras e alunas... more