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Jan Cnops
    • My current research deals with the question how (biologically plausible) neural nets can process natural language. Co... more
      (My current research deals with the question how (biologically plausible) neural nets can process natural language. Core focus is syntax processing and extraction/insertion of meaning.)
    I'rojiri'ss in Mtithi'niiiliml Physics Jan Cnops An Introduction to Dirac Operators on Manifolds Birkhauser ... Progress in Mathematical Physics Volume 24 Editors-in-Chief Anne Boutet de Monvel, Universite Paris... more
    I'rojiri'ss in Mtithi'niiiliml Physics Jan Cnops An Introduction to Dirac Operators on Manifolds Birkhauser ... Progress in Mathematical Physics Volume 24 Editors-in-Chief Anne Boutet de Monvel, Universite Paris VII Denis Diderot Gerald Kaiser, The Virginia Center for Signals and Waves ...
    Appli~ohl~Annh~ir Vol 71(1-2). pp 45-64 Repnnts a\nilnble d~rectl) from the Publ~sher Phorocopylng permltred by l~censr only 01999 OP4 (Ovei~ear Puhhqherc Ac*oc~ation) NV Publ~shed by license under the Gordon and Breach Sc~ence Puhllsherc... more
    Appli~ohl~Annh~ir Vol 71(1-2). pp 45-64 Repnnts a\nilnble d~rectl) from the Publ~sher Phorocopylng permltred by l~censr only 01999 OP4 (Ovei~ear Puhhqherc Ac*oc~ation) NV Publ~shed by license under the Gordon and Breach Sc~ence Puhllsherc mprmt Printed In Malaysia.
    Publikationsansicht. 30865317. Hurwitz pairs and applications of möbius transformations / (1994). Cnops, Jan. Abstract. Thesis (doctoral)--Universiteit te Gent, 1994.. Photocopy. Details der Publikation. Download,... more
    Publikationsansicht. 30865317. Hurwitz pairs and applications of möbius transformations / (1994). Cnops, Jan. Abstract. Thesis (doctoral)--Universiteit te Gent, 1994.. Photocopy. Details der Publikation. Download, ...
    In this paper the computation of the magnetodynamic fields in ferromagnetic laminations is discussed. The fields are governed by a diffusion type of equation, modelling the hysteresis and eddy current effects in the lamination. It is... more
    In this paper the computation of the magnetodynamic fields in ferromagnetic laminations is discussed. The fields are governed by a diffusion type of equation, modelling the hysteresis and eddy current effects in the lamination. It is shown that the hysteresis effects should be ...
    SPHERICAL GEOMETRY AND MOBIUS TRANSFORMATIONS J. CNOPS Dtpt. of Mathematical Annlyiit, State Univtnity of Ghent, Galglaan 1, B-9000 Gent, Belgium 1. Introduction Clifford algebras: notations. The Clifford algebra over the space Rrq with... more
    SPHERICAL GEOMETRY AND MOBIUS TRANSFORMATIONS J. CNOPS Dtpt. of Mathematical Annlyiit, State Univtnity of Ghent, Galglaan 1, B-9000 Gent, Belgium 1. Introduction Clifford algebras: notations. The Clifford algebra over the space Rrq with bilinear form B (x, y) and ...
    Abstract. The upper half space G = {(x0,...,xn) : x0 > 0} can be con-sidered as the group generated by dilations and translations on Rn. This group has a natural unitary representation on L2(Rn). Using the continuous wavelet... more
    Abstract. The upper half space G = {(x0,...,xn) : x0 > 0} can be con-sidered as the group generated by dilations and translations on Rn. This group has a natural unitary representation on L2(Rn). Using the continuous wavelet transform, certain Banach and Hilbert spaces of ...
    156 J CNOPS calculation gives the formulae for the automorphism and the anti-automorphisms of Ctii in terms of the matrix elements: ab\ fa-b cd I~\-cd a M _ (db c dj\~ c & a 6\~(db cd) yea It should be noticed that the matrix form... more
    156 J CNOPS calculation gives the formulae for the automorphism and the anti-automorphisms of Ctii in terms of the matrix elements: ab\ fa-b cd I~\-cd a M _ (db c dj\~ c & a 6\~(db cd) yea It should be noticed that the matrix form of a vector Y£ Ep+ i,?+ i is (I I i'—y/\ J/ where y is a ...
    In this article we extend the concept of hyperbolically harmonic functions for the upper half plane, first introduced by Leutwiler, to an arbitrary conformally flat manifold. We shall consider the special cases of the two standard models... more
    In this article we extend the concept of hyperbolically harmonic functions for the upper half plane, first introduced by Leutwiler, to an arbitrary conformally flat manifold. We shall consider the special cases of the two standard models for hyperbolic spaces, namely the Poincare ...
    MANIFOLDS WITH AND WITHOUT EMBEDDINGS J. CNOPS Universiteit Gent, Galglaan 2, B-9000 Gent, Belgium jc@ cage. rug. ac. de Abstract. In this paper we define the usual concepts needed to define Dirac operators on spinor bundles in terms of... more
    MANIFOLDS WITH AND WITHOUT EMBEDDINGS J. CNOPS Universiteit Gent, Galglaan 2, B-9000 Gent, Belgium jc@ cage. rug. ac. de Abstract. In this paper we define the usual concepts needed to define Dirac operators on spinor bundles in terms of manifolds isometrically ...
    A Gram-Schmidt method in Hilbert modules. Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 226585. Record Type, conference. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, A Gram-Schmidt... more
    A Gram-Schmidt method in Hilbert modules. Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 226585. Record Type, conference. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, A Gram-Schmidt method in Hilbert modules. ...
    Abstract. An important class of monogenic functions is that of vector valued mono-genic functions, ie divergence and rotation free vector fields in arbitrary dimension. These functions are also known as conjugate harmonic functions. In... more
    Abstract. An important class of monogenic functions is that of vector valued mono-genic functions, ie divergence and rotation free vector fields in arbitrary dimension. These functions are also known as conjugate harmonic functions. In this article we consider the question ...
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 204931. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, Orthogonal polynomials associated with the Dirac... more
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 204931. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, Orthogonal polynomials associated with the Dirac operator in Euclidean space. ...
    ABSTRACT Some continuity estimates are given for the Radon transform considered as an operator between a weighted Lp and a weighted Lq space. In the case of a fixed direction, necessary and sufficient conditions are given for continuity,... more
    ABSTRACT Some continuity estimates are given for the Radon transform considered as an operator between a weighted Lp and a weighted Lq space. In the case of a fixed direction, necessary and sufficient conditions are given for continuity, and a sharp estimate for the operator ...
    Basis transforms in nuclear FrVechet spaces. Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 237956. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University; M Abul-Ez. Title,... more
    Basis transforms in nuclear FrVechet spaces. Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 237956. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University; M Abul-Ez. Title, Basis transforms in nuclear FrVechet spaces ...
    Hurwitz pairs and Clifford valued inner products. Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 264809. Record Type, misc. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, Hurwitz pairs and... more
    Hurwitz pairs and Clifford valued inner products. Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 264809. Record Type, misc. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, Hurwitz pairs and Clifford valued inner products. ...
    In this paper we give an alternative approach to the de nition of the Dirac operator on manifolds, taking as a starting point Stokes' formula. This de ni-tion can be used on a quite general class of manifolds, and has the... more
    In this paper we give an alternative approach to the de nition of the Dirac operator on manifolds, taking as a starting point Stokes' formula. This de ni-tion can be used on a quite general class of manifolds, and has the advantage of being very simple when the structure of the ...
    Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 114 © 2000 Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switzerland Clifford analysis on Poincare space Jan Cnops Abstract. In this paper an introduction and an overview will be given of the function theory... more
    Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 114 © 2000 Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switzerland Clifford analysis on Poincare space Jan Cnops Abstract. In this paper an introduction and an overview will be given of the function theory regarding monogenic functions in Poincare ...
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 264811. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, The Gegenbauer transform and singular value... more
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 264811. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, The Gegenbauer transform and singular value decompositions for the Radon transform. ...
    Abstract. In this paper we construct a non-measurable scaling function for the scaling equation φ(x) = φ(3x) + φ(3x − 2) + φ(3x − 4), using the Axiom of Choice. We prove that –apart from being non-measurable– it satisfies the classical... more
    Abstract. In this paper we construct a non-measurable scaling function for the scaling equation φ(x) = φ(3x) + φ(3x − 2) + φ(3x − 4), using the Axiom of Choice. We prove that –apart from being non-measurable– it satisfies the classical conditions for a scaling function to lead to ...
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 400688. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, Boundary spinors arid boundary values of holomorphic... more
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 400688. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, Boundary spinors arid boundary values of holomorphic functions. Publication Status, published. ...
    Publication View. 41286075. A Gram-Schmidt method in Hubert modules (1992). Cnops, Jan. Publication details. Download, Publisher, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Contributors, A Micali et al. Repository,... more
    Publication View. 41286075. A Gram-Schmidt method in Hubert modules (1992). Cnops, Jan. Publication details. Download, Publisher, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Contributors, A Micali et al. Repository, DSpace at UGent (Belgium). ...
    In: Jarolím Bureš and Vladimír Souček (eds.): Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics". Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Palermo, 1991. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Supplemento No.... more
    In: Jarolím Bureš and Vladimír Souček (eds.): Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics". Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Palermo, 1991. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Supplemento No. 26. pp. [135]--142. ... Persistent URL: ...
    Especially for the Euclidean (ie positive definite case) the notions of Cayley chart is well known. With it the notion of complete Pfaffian can be introduced. In this article we consider the link between Cayley charts, complete Pfaffians,... more
    Especially for the Euclidean (ie positive definite case) the notions of Cayley chart is well known. With it the notion of complete Pfaffian can be introduced. In this article we consider the link between Cayley charts, complete Pfaffians, and outer exponentials both for the ...
    Publication View. 41304574. Reproducing kernels of spaces of vector valued monogenics. IN: Advances in applied Clifford algebras, 6 (1996) pp. 219-232. Cnops, Jan. Publication details. Download, more
    Publication View. 41304574. Reproducing kernels of spaces of vector valued monogenics. IN: Advances in applied Clifford algebras, 6 (1996) pp. 219-232. Cnops, Jan. Publication details. Download, Repository, DSpace at UGent (Belgium) ...
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 226583. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, Relations between orthogonal polynomials in one and... more
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 226583. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University. Title, Relations between orthogonal polynomials in one and several variables. Publication Status, published ...
    Complex Variables, 19%, Vol. 28, pp. 261-269 @ 1996 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) Reprints available directly from the publisher Amsterdam BV Published in the Netherlands Photocopying permitted by license only ... J. CNOPS* RUG,... more
    Complex Variables, 19%, Vol. 28, pp. 261-269 @ 1996 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) Reprints available directly from the publisher Amsterdam BV Published in the Netherlands Photocopying permitted by license only ... J. CNOPS* RUG, Ga/g/aal: 2, 8-3000 Gent ...
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 237959. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University; Richard Delanghe [801000121107] - Ghent University... more
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 237959. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Cnops [801000606208] - Ghent University; Richard Delanghe [801000121107] - Ghent University ...
    INHOUDSOPGAVE Inhoudsopgave 5 Voorwoord 11 Inleiding 13 Deel 1 Kleine systemen 17 Hoofdstuk 1 Kwaliteitseisen 19 1.1 Primaire eisen 19 1.2 Afgeleide eisen 21 Hoofdstuk 2 Hergebruik 23 2.1 Voordelen en problemen 23 2.2 Bronnen 25 2.3... more
    INHOUDSOPGAVE Inhoudsopgave 5 Voorwoord 11 Inleiding 13 Deel 1 Kleine systemen 17 Hoofdstuk 1 Kwaliteitseisen 19 1.1 Primaire eisen 19 1.2 Afgeleide eisen 21 Hoofdstuk 2 Hergebruik 23 2.1 Voordelen en problemen 23 2.2 Bronnen 25 2.3 Hergebruik en eigen code 28 ...