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Abstract As the test objects served elks and dappled deer infested with helminthes. The purpose of this work is to study the efficacy of a new antiparasitic drug Ivirsalt used for prevention measures against helminths in wild hoofed... more
Abstract As the test objects served elks and dappled deer infested with helminthes. The purpose of this work is to study the efficacy of a new antiparasitic drug Ivirsalt used for prevention measures against helminths in wild hoofed animals. The therapeutic efficacy of new anthelmintic drug Ivirsalt used for treatment of nematodosis in wild hoofed animals was tested on 120 dappled deer, 7 elks and 1 roe deer in national Park «Losiny Ostrov». Ivirsalt are briquettes (licks) with a mass of 5 kg containing the active ingredient ivermectine and sodium chloride in the proportion 0,1 : 99,9. Salt lick briquettes were put in the feed-troughs on feeding places and saline soils based on the average daily salt consumption. The preparation was given with-in 14 days taking into account that the animals approach salt lick briquettes not less that 1 time a week. To determine the efficacy of preparation by the method of coproscopy the fecal samples are collected before and every 10 days after distribution of salt lick briquettes. Standard life-time and post-mortem helminthological examinations of animals (coproovoscopy, K. I. Skryabin method of full post-mortem helminthological examination, 1928) are used. The research results show that the intensity of gastrointestinal nematode infections in dappled deer aged 1,5 to 3 years has decreased by 5,4 times, in deer older by 3 years – by 3,1 times. Keywords: specially protected natural sites of Russia, elks, dappled deer, roe deer, helminthosis, salt lick briquettes, anthelmintic, Ivirsalt, treatment, efficacy.
The epizootic situation on main animal helminthosis which we have observed in Russian Federation in the period from 1990 to 2014 allows us to come to the conclusion that the development of epizootic process is affected by ecological... more
The epizootic situation on main animal helminthosis which we have observed in Russian Federation in the period from 1990 to 2014 allows us to come to the conclusion that the development of epizootic process is affected by ecological components such as: conditions of pastures and water reservoirs, weather and climate especially in current pasture season; therefore it is necessary to conduct the antiparasitic treatment.
Abstract As the test objects served elks and dappled deer infested with helminthes. The purpose of this work is to study the efficacy of a new antiparasitic drug Ivirsalt used for prevention measures against helminths in wild hoofed... more
Abstract As the test objects served elks and dappled deer infested with helminthes. The purpose of this work is to study the efficacy of a new antiparasitic drug Ivirsalt used for prevention measures against helminths in wild hoofed animals. The therapeutic efficacy of new anthelmintic drug Ivirsalt used for treatment of nematodosis in wild hoofed animals was tested on 120 dappled deer, 7 elks and 1 roe deer in national Park «Losiny Ostrov». Ivirsalt are briquettes (licks) with a mass of 5 kg containing the active ingredient ivermectine and sodium chloride in the proportion 0,1 : 99,9. Salt lick briquettes were put in the feed-troughs on feeding places and saline soils based on the average daily salt consumption. The preparation was given with-in 14 days taking into account that the animals approach salt lick briquettes not less that 1 time a week. To determine the efficacy of preparation by the method of coproscopy the fecal samples are collected before and every 10 days after distribution of salt lick briquettes. Standard life-time and post-mortem helminthological examinations of animals (coproovoscopy, K. I. Skryabin method of full post-mortem helminthological examination, 1928) are used. The research results show that the intensity of gastrointestinal nematode infections in dappled deer aged 1,5 to 3 years has decreased by 5,4 times, in deer older by 3 years – by 3,1 times. Keywords: specially protected natural sites of Russia, elks, dappled deer, roe deer, helminthosis, salt lick briquettes, anthelmintic, Ivirsalt, treatment, efficacy.
В условиях дикой природы наиболее важны методы оценки различных типов почв по уровню риска заражения инфекционными болезнями животных. Эти методы основаны на детальном изучении биологических особенностей паразитов и хозяев, обеспечивающих... more
В условиях дикой природы наиболее важны методы оценки различных типов почв по уровню риска заражения инфекционными болезнями животных. Эти методы основаны на детальном изучении биологических особенностей паразитов и хозяев, обеспечивающих их контакт во внешней среде
N.A. Samoylovskaya K.I. Skryabin All-Russian Research Institute of Helminthology, 28 B.-Cheremushkinskaya str., Moscow, 117418, Russia BACKGROUND: Losiny Ostrov National Park, with its area of 12881 ha, is situated in the north-east of... more
N.A. Samoylovskaya K.I. Skryabin All-Russian Research Institute of Helminthology, 28 B.-Cheremushkinskaya str., Moscow, 117418, Russia BACKGROUND: Losiny Ostrov National Park, with its area of 12881 ha, is situated in the north-east of Moscow. Its territory is divided into forest-parks, namely Mytishchinsky, Losino-pogonny, Shchelkovsky, Alekseevsky, Losinoostrovsky and Yauzsky forest-parks. The total number of elks is from 45 to 50 specimens. The Kostroma region can boast a unique and single Russian elk farm situated on the territory of Sumarokovsky wildlife preserve of the Kologriv forest, near Sumarokovo village, 27 km away from Kostroma. The reserve has up to 40 elks, 12 of them make up the milking herd. Both the Losiny Ostrov and Kostromskaya Elk Farm belong to the Russian natural areas of preferential protection. METHODS: conventional methods parasitological studies of animals (life and death). RESULTS: Carrying out long-term observations for the state of the ecosystems in gen...
Helminthological studies of carnivores in Central Black Earth Nature Re-serve (Kursk region) are carried out. High degree of infection of carnivores with helminthes is determined. Helminth eggs have been detected in 98 % of animal fecal... more
Helminthological studies of carnivores in Central Black Earth Nature Re-serve (Kursk region) are carried out. High degree of infection of carnivores with helminthes is determined. Helminth eggs have been detected in 98 % of animal fecal samples. More often eggs of cestodes, nematodes Capillariidae, Tosascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, trematodes Alaria alata have been found. In 94,1 % of foxes a mixed infection caused by A. alata, Capillaria spp., T. leonina, Toxocara sp., U. stenocephala and cestodes has been determined. Carnivores of martens family were infected with Capillaria spp. and cestodes. 4,9 % of foxes were infected with one helminth species. The most common helminthes in carnivores are Capillaria spp. High density of carnivores in nature reserve may cause widespread helminthosis.
Objective of research:  analysis of epizootic situation on protozoan blood parasitic diseases in domestic and wild animals on the territory of Russian Federation Materials and methods:  Veterinary reporting forms, sources of literature.... more
Objective of research:  analysis of epizootic situation on protozoan blood parasitic diseases in domestic and wild animals on the territory of Russian Federation Materials and methods:  Veterinary reporting forms, sources of literature. Results and discussion:  The data on epizootic situation related to protozoan blood parasitic diseases in animals on the territory of  RF have been obtained and analyzed in this article. It was determined that for a proper evaluation of epizootic situation it is necessary to combine the activities of scientific-research institutes and veterinary services for the purpose of development of monitoring based on recommendations of the International Epizootic Bureau (IEB).
As the test objects served elks and dappled deer infested with helminthes. The purpose of this work is to study the efficacy of a new antiparasitic drug Ivirsalt used for prevention measures against helminths in wild hoofed animals. The... more
As the test objects served elks and dappled deer infested with helminthes. The purpose of this work is to study the efficacy of a new antiparasitic drug Ivirsalt used for prevention measures against helminths in wild hoofed animals. The therapeutic efficacy of new anthelmintic drug Ivirsalt used for treatment of nematodosis in wild hoofed animals was tested on 120 dappled deer, 7 elks and 1 roe deer in national Park «Losiny Ostrov». Ivirsalt are briquettes (licks) with a mass of 5 kg containing the active ingredient ivermectine and sodium chloride in the proportion 0,1 : 99,9. Salt lick briquettes were put in the feed-troughs on feeding places and saline soils based on the average daily salt consumption. The preparation was given with-in 14 days taking into account that the animals approach salt lick briquettes not less that 1 time a week. To determine the efficacy of preparation by the method of coproscopy the fecal samples are collected before and every 10 days after distribution ...
Research Interests:
One of the main indicators for epizootic process is economic damage caused by infectious diseases in livestock. The scope of the paper is to determine the economic damage from echinococcosis in livestock (cattle, sheep and horses) in the... more
One of the main indicators for epizootic process is economic damage caused by infectious diseases in livestock.
The scope of the paper is to determine the economic damage from echinococcosis in livestock (cattle, sheep and horses) in the Russian Federation in modern conditions per one head.
Keywords: echinococcosis, economic damage, economic losses, livestock, risk-assestment.
Research Interests:
One of the most important factors in the development of prevention of helminthiasis in the wild are the methods of evaluation of different types of land according to the degree of risk of infection in these animals. It is based on a... more
One of the most important factors in the development of prevention of helminthiasis in the wild are the methods of evaluation of different types of land according to the degree of risk of infection in these animals. It is based on a detailed study of the biological characteristics of parasites and hosts, providing their contact in the external environment to find opportunities to limit or interrupt it.
Wild animals of different species living on natural sites as well as domestic animals are susceptible to many infectious diseases. There were contagious, fungous and parasitic diseases registered in game animals and birds. Parasitic diseases in wild animals can manifest themselves as single cases or affect large groups of animals on large territories that is to become epizootic.
Helminthological examinations by K.I. Skrybin method were conducted on 7 head (2 elk and 5 dappled deer): elks- 1 male 4-5 year of age, hit by a car in Uralskaya street of Moscow (Yauzsky forest-park); 1 elk male 1,5 year of age, called Alyoshka (Elk biostation) and dappled deer – 4 females 1,5-3 years of age,  teared to pieces by dogs,  one year old male. 
The helminths fauna of wild animals was dominated by nematodes. IE by helminths came up to 100%, of which the larger part was represented by intestinal Strongylata.
Research Interests:
Центральный гельминтологический музей является структурным подразделением Федерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт фундаментальной и прикладной паразитологии животных и... more
Центральный гельминтологический музей является структурным подразделением Федерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт фундаментальной и прикладной паразитологии животных и растений имени К.И. Скрябина» ФАНО России.  Образование и активная научная деятельность музея связаны с учреждением института в 1920 г.
Музей является одним из крупнейших хранилищ гельминтологических коллекций не только в России, но и в мире. В фондах музея собраны и сохраняются материалы, являющиеся объектами изучения многих отраслей естествознания – зоологии, ветеринарии, медицины, агрономии, другими узкоспециальными прикладными разделами биологии.
По сравнению с сайтом Музея гельминтологических исследований Центра паразитологии ИПЭЭ РАН наш сайт уже может вместить в себя более 1000000 цифровых фото и более 10000 электронных страниц описания, он полностью интегрирован с поисковыми платформами и отвечает всем современным требованиям к мировым научным ресурсам, что значительно увеличивает возможности продвижения Российской паразитологии в сети интернет и обработку контента в целом.
Адреса сайта гельминтологического музея ВНИИП ИМ. К.И.СКРЯБИНА: - русский язык  - английский язык.
Research Interests:
GIS-BASED RISK MONITORING OF ZOONOTIC CESTODIASIS IN HUMAN Objective of research: The target of the paper is to develop a model of GIS-based risk monitoring of zoonotic cestodiasis in human. Materials and methods: The use of geographic... more
Objective of research: The target of the paper is to develop a model of GIS-based risk monitoring of zoonotic cestodiasis in human.
Materials and methods:  The use of geographic information systems (GIS) as an epizootiological and epidemiological method for the risk-based monitoring of human cestodiasis enables the development of a multi-level platform for solution of a wide range of tasks related to the control of this disease. The modern GIS tools use the methods of geoinformatics applying powerful software and hardware: open access geographic web servers, tools for multidimensional complex analysis, creating most accurate electronic and paper maps. Full-featured GIS contain a full set for processing geospatial data including acquisition of data, its integration and storage, automatic data processing, editing, creation and maintenance of topology, spatial analysis, access to the database management system (DBMS), visualization and creation of hard copies of any cartographic data. 
Results and discussion: The use of GIS enables to study more closely the regularities of epizootic process, geography of human cestodiasis and to improve the methodology both for short-term and long-term retrospective epizootiological analyses.
Keywords: geographic information systems (GIS), risk-based monitoring, the OIE List, hydatid disease, hydatidosis, cysticercosis, taeniasis, beef tapeworm infection.
Research Interests:
In this article is shortly described methods of study of helminth fauna of mammals in protected areas. Methods and results that kind of study are depicted by the example of researches which were carried out in the Central-Chernozem state... more
In this article is shortly described methods of study of helminth fauna of mammals in protected areas. Methods and results that kind of study are depicted by the example of researches which were carried out in the Central-Chernozem state nature reserve in Kursk oblast. These methodical recommendations intended for researchers of reserves, national parks, parasitologists, mammalogists and broad zoologists.
Keywords: helminths, helminth fauna, mammals, protected areas, methods.
Research Interests:
Echinococcosis is a chronic disease manifested by malnutrition, usually posthumously diagnosed to detect in the liver, lungs, and other organs rarely larvotsist Cestodes Echinoccocus granulosus. Ill livestock and wild animals as well as... more
Echinococcosis is a chronic disease manifested by malnutrition, usually posthumously diagnosed to detect in the liver, lungs, and other organs rarely larvotsist Cestodes Echinoccocus granulosus. Ill livestock and wild animals as well as people. Man and animal are the intermediate hosts and dogs, wolves, jackals, foxes, arctic foxes - the definitive hosts of Echinococcus.
Research Interests:
The forecast of epizootic situation on main animal helminthiases in the Russian Federation in the year 2016 is presented. Regular monitoring of epizootic situation on main animal helminthiases allow to conclude that the development of... more
The forecast of epizootic situation on main animal helminthiases in the Russian Federation in the year 2016 is presented. Regular monitoring of epizootic situation on main animal helminthiases allow to conclude that the development of epizootic process at helminthiasis is affected by environmental factors: condition of pastures, water basins, weather and climate, especially in current pasture season, which requires the antiparasitic treatments.
Keywords: forecast, epizootic situation, helminthiases.
Research Interests:
Abstract Objective of research. Objective the objective is to study the species composition of gastrointestinal helminths, the structural organization of helminthocenosis of the zoned breeds of sheep and local breeding in the mountain... more
Objective of research. Objective the objective is to study the species composition of gastrointestinal helminths, the structural organization of helminthocenosis of the zoned breeds of sheep and local breeding in the mountain area of  Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.
Materials and methods. Studying species composition of gastrointestinal helminths, the structural organization of helminthocenosis of the zoned breeds of sheep and local breeding in the mountain area of Kabardino-Balkaria in 2014-2015 conducted in 60 households in 4 areas using generally accepted in helminthology methods.
Results and discussion.  In the mountain area of Kabardino-Balkaria, the sheep of North-Caucasian meat and wool breed, and locally adapted breeds of sheep were infected with 28 gastrointestinal helminth types; the sheep of Karachaev rough wool breed - with 23 helminth types. Sheep of North-Caucasian meat and wool breed were most infected with gastrointestinal helminths (extensity of infection was from 3, 9 to 44, 5%); sheep of local breeds were moderately infected (extensity of infection was from 1, 3 to 24,0%); a low infection level was observed in sheep of Karachaev rough wool breed ( extensity of infection was  from 0 to 10,3%).
It was found, that in sheep of regional breeds the gastrointestinal nematodes of species Ostertagia (5 types),  Oesophagostomum (1 type), Nematodirus (6 types), Nematodirella (1 type), Bunostomum (2 types), Trichostrongylus (5 types), Haemonchus (1 type), Chabertia (1 type), Trichocephalis (2 types) - total 24 types, quantitatively prevailed upon intestinal cestodes of species Moniezia (2 types), Avitellina (1 type), Tyzaniezia (1 type) - total 4 types.
The most prevalent gastrointestinal helminth complex in locally adapted breeds of sheep in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria is represented by six nosological entities.
The highest extensity of infection (EI) - 23,64% and intensity of infection (II) - 893,8±62,4 examples per head was observed at helminthocenosis in sheep «Ostertagia ostertagi +O. circumcincta + Nematodirella longispiculata + Nematodirus helvitianus+N. spathiger+.Nematodirus filicollis+ Oesophagostomum radiatum + Bunostomum trigonocephalum + Trichostrongylus columbriformis +  Haemonchus contortus+  Chabertia ovina + Trichostrongylus axei + Trichocephalis ovis »
Keywords: Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, mountain area, sheep, breed, worms, fauna, species, area, structure, infection, extensity, intensity.
Research Interests:
Objective of research: analysis of epizootic situation on protozoan blood parasitic diseases in domestic and wild animals on the territory of Russian Federation Materials and methods: Veterinary reporting forms, sources of literature.... more
Objective of research:  analysis of epizootic situation on protozoan blood parasitic diseases in domestic and wild animals on the territory of Russian Federation
Materials and methods:  Veterinary reporting forms, sources of literature.
Results and discussion:  The data on epizootic situation related to protozoan blood parasitic diseases in animals on the territory of  RF have been obtained and analyzed in this article. It was determined that for a proper evaluation of epizootic situation it is necessary to combine the activities of scientific-research institutes and veterinary services for the purpose of development of monitoring based on recommendations of the International Epizootic Bureau (IEB).
Keywords: piroplasmidosis, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, theileriosis,  nuttalliosis, blood parasitic diseases, invasion diseases, cattle, sheep, dogs.
Research Interests:
Abstract The epizootic situation on main animal helminthosis which we have observed in Russian Federation in the period from 1990 to 2014 allows us to come to the conclusion that the development of epizootic process is affected by... more
The epizootic situation on main animal helminthosis which we have observed in Russian Federation in the period from 1990 to 2014 allows us to come to the conclusion that the development of epizootic process is affected by ecological components such as: conditions of pastures and water reservoirs, weather and climate especially in current pasture season; therefore it is necessary to conduct the antiparasitic treatment.
Keywords: forecast, epizootic situation, helminthosis.

The epizootic situation on helminthosis in the period of 1990 - 2014 was changing slightly but over the years a strong tendency to its deterioration is registered according to veterinary reports data (Forms 4-Vet. 5-Vet.) as well as reports of the local veterinary institutions (Animal Diseases Control Stations, laboratories etc.), Central Scientific Veterinary Laboratory of RF and scientific-research institutes from different regions of Russia.
The materials collected in 2006 – 2014 were systemized, analyzed and included in the storage database.
The analysis of epizootic situation related to pasture helminthosis in animals shown that the pasture season in 2014 was unfavorable due to adverse environmental effects:  abundant precipitation, extensive underflooding, quick snow melting. 
In European part of Russia, in Moscow region and contiguous areas, in livestock farms unfavorable for fasciolosis the essential number of mollusks infected with Fasciola larvae successfully overwintered.
The similar fasciolosis epizootic situation in ruminants  was observed in Kursk, Ryasan, Kaluga, Tver, Smolensk and other contiguous regions, especially in northwestern region of Russia that allows us to forecast the occurrence of helminthosis and fasciolosis in 2015 within the standard time limits.
A constantly unfavorable epizootic situation was predicted in relation to farm ruminants: deer, elks, wild  boars, especially in lower part of northwestern region of Russia, Northern Caucasus and irrigation areas.
In the Far East, in underflooding zones in 2013-2014 the acute outbreaks of fasciolosis, paramphystomatosis, orientobilharziosis, opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis and other trematodosis whose intermediate hosts are mollusks and different types of fish are possible.
According to information provided by VIGIS and other scientific research institutes in the southern part of Western Siberia, Yakutia, Tuva and in the Far East in zones of extensive underflooding and moisturizing as well as during floods in 2015 the epizootic situation on fasciolosis and paramphystomatosis will deteriorate, especially on paramphystomatosis in Yakutia where the infestation of more than 90% of livestock is predicted.
There is still a tendency for increase of eurytrematosis infestation of livestock (South of Siberia, Tuva, Altai and the Far East) as well as of paramphystomatosis, opisthorchiasis and orientobilharziosis infestations in unfavorable regions of Khabarovsk Krai and the Far East.   
On dryland pastures, practically in all geographic regions of Russia, especially in South, incidence of dicrocoeliasis in livestock is not excluded.
Abundant precipitation in summer season in European part of Russia in agricultural regions of Altai and Siberia may cause dictyocaulosis, mulleriosis and protostrongylosis in domestic and wild ruminants as well as horses. An increase of strongilata populations and pasture contamination create a potential threat for outbreaks of strongylatosis and livestock mortality.
In different climate zones of Russia the deterioration of epizootic situation on cestodosis is expected (echinococcosis, taeniosis, coenurosis) because Echinococcus and Taeniasis infection in dogs in Nothern Caucausus and Lower Volga region was constantly at 100 % level over the last years. An increase of zoonotic parasite infections in ruminants is predicted.
In regions suffered from droughts: in Southern Europe and Western Siberia helmintosis do not pose massive threat except of echinococcosis and coenurosis. 
Observations of epizootic situation in 1990-2014 on main helminthosis in animals allow to make a conclusion that the development of epizootic process at helminthosis is affected by ecological components: condition of pastures and water reservoirs, weather conditions (climate), number of intermediate and final hosts,  food reserves for wild animals etc.
A strong tendency for the prevalence of helminthosis especially in the previous pasture season is determined; therefore the antiparasitic treatment is required.
The forecast of epizootic situation also depends on the fact that over the last years only isolated cases of larval cestodes in cattle were registered (according to Registration Form 1-Vet. cysticercosis was determined in 3 cattle heads, echinococcosis - in one head). Nevertheless,  the common unfavorable tendencies in development of cestodosis persist, in particular, 80 to100% of cattle are infected with moniesiosis.
Trematodes (fascioles) were registered annually in 1200 to 2500 head of cattle. Diagnostic examinations for cattle fasciolosis were conducted on more than 374000 head of cattle (the average infection with fascioles was 0,1%)
Diagnostic examinations for trematodosis are carried out on more than 1,1 million head of cattle. 
According to the reports data on occurrence of nematodosis the dehelmitization of 1,4 million head of cattle is conducted. 
According to the data of 1-Vet. 800 to 1200 head of cattle get sick from coenurosis, dictyocaulosis  and strongylatosis.
Diagnostic examinations for nematodes in sheep are carried out on 827000 head of which more than 17000 head are infected. The Dictyocaulus infection is reported in 266000 head (0,1% of examined samples with larvae)
Nematodosis of sheep is registered annually in more than 2100 head according to reports data for the years 2012 – 2013.
Horses get sick mainly from strongylatosis. 4 to 7 thousand horses were infested. 
Helminth infections were detected in more than 4700 dogs on the territory of Russian Federation as well as in Moscow – in more than 1952 dogs.
Since 1973 till present the annual stationary integrated research of fasciolosis epizootic process is conducted. We have studied some features of this disease in the farm “Kamenka” located in Dmitrov district of Moscow region. On the square 15x6 km three permanent pasture areas are provided where the continuous observations on biotope conditions, intermediate hosts (mollusk populations) as well as definitive hosts (cattle, mostly young stock) are performed. 
That allows us to conduct biological observations and carry out analysis of that disease which gives us an opportunity to perform forecasts and make conclusions on epizootology of fasciolosis.
Research Interests:
K.I. Skryabin All-Russian Research Institute of Helminthology, 28 B.-Cheremushkinskaya str., Moscow, 117418, Russia BACKGROUND: Losiny Ostrov National Park, with its area of 12881 ha, is situated in the north-east of Moscow. Its... more
K.I. Skryabin All-Russian Research Institute of Helminthology, 28 B.-Cheremushkinskaya str., Moscow, 117418, Russia

BACKGROUND: Losiny Ostrov National Park, with its area of 12881 ha, is situated in the north-east of Moscow. Its territory is divided into forest-parks, namely Mytishchinsky, Losino-pogonny, Shchelkovsky, Alekseevsky, Losinoostrovsky and Yauzsky forest-parks. The total number of elks is from 45 to 50 specimens.
The Kostroma region can boast a unique and single Russian elk farm situated on the territory of Sumarokovsky wildlife preserve of the Kologriv forest, near Sumarokovo village, 27 km away from Kostroma. The reserve has up to 40 elks, 12 of them make up the milking herd.
Both the Losiny Ostrov and Kostromskaya Elk Farm belong to the Russian natural areas of preferential protection.
METHODS: conventional methods parasitological studies of animals (life and death).
RESULTS: Carrying out long-term observations for the state of the ecosystems in general and their single components in natural areas of preferential protection is the main direction of research. Besides, routine observations can help to determine changes in ecosystems at an early stage, when their negative consequences can still be prevented.
Found that that adult animals may be infected less seriously that youngsters, they are an important source of spreading invasion and promote epizootia.
CONCLUSION: Summing up the research results, it should be noted that the elks in the Losiny Ostrov national Park and Kostrmskaya Elk Farm are infested with various parasite species in the form of polyinvasion, and common for them are Dicrocoelium lanceatum; Moniezia benedeni; Dictуocaulus filaria; Strongyloides papillosus; Eimeria bovis and E. еllipsoidalis. In the helminth fauna of elks nematodes predominate. The infection in elks reached: nematodes – 100%, trematodes – 40%  and cestodes – 16%. The infection with lungs nematodes made 46,5% (Varestrongylus capriole – 35%, Dictуocaulus filaria – 11,5%). Protostrongylidae larvae were found in 4 mollusсs species: Bradybaena fruticum; Cochlicopa lubrica; Succinea putris; Zonitoides nitidus.
One of the most important factors in the development of prevention of helminthosis in the wild are the methods of evaluation of different types of land according to the degree of risk of infection in these animals. It is based on a... more
One of the most important factors in the development of prevention of helminthosis in the wild are the methods of evaluation of different types of land according to the degree of risk of infection in these animals. It is based on a detailed study of the biological characteristics of parasites and hosts, providing their contact in the environment.
Keywords: parasites, zoonosis, elk, spotted deer, boar, Ashwortius sidemi, Parafasciolopsis fasciolaemorpha, Spirometra erinacei-europei.
Helminthological studies of carnivores in Central Black Earth Nature Reserve (Kursk region) are carried out. High degree of infection of carnivores with helminthes is determined. Helminth eggs have been detected in 98 % of animal fecal... more
Helminthological studies of carnivores in Central Black Earth Nature Reserve (Kursk region) are carried out.
High degree of infection of carnivores with helminthes is determined. Helminth eggs have been detected in 98 % of animal fecal samples. More often eggs of cestodes, nematodes Capillariidae, Tosascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, trematodes Alaria alata have been found. In 94,1 % of foxes a mixed infection caused by A. alata, Capillaria spp., T. leonina, Toxocara sp., U. stenicephala and cestodes has been determined. Carnivores of martens family were infected with Capillaria spp. and cestodes. 4,9 % of foxes were infected with one helminth species. The most common helminthes in carnivores are Capillaria spp.
High density of carnivores in nature reserve may cause widespread helminthosis.
Central Museum of helminthology is a structural unit of all-Russian research Institute of helminthology named K.I. Skryabin. Education and active research work of the Museum are connected with the establishment of the... more
Central Museum of helminthology is a structural unit of all-Russian research Institute of helminthology named K.I. Skryabin. Education and active research work of the Museum are connected with the establishment of the Institute.
          The Museum is one of the largest repositories of helminthological dissect collections not only in Russia but in the world. In the funds of Museum are collected and stored materials which are object of study of many branches of science Zoology, veterinary, medicine, agronomy and other narrow application partitions of biology.
This monograph presents information about the parasitic diseases of domestic animals (piroplasmoses, trypanosomiasis, helminthiasis, etc..), included in the list of the OIE. When writing a monograph authors sought, above all, as much as... more
This monograph presents information about the parasitic diseases of domestic animals (piroplasmoses, trypanosomiasis, helminthiasis, etc..), included in the list of the OIE.
When writing a monograph authors sought, above all, as much as possible to consider a responsible role of Veterinary in the prevention of various animal diseases, providing reliable protection of human health in the use of their livestock products. In connection with the foregoing, the author considers it his duty to include in the book only very reliable, well grounded in theory and widely tested in practice recommendations. All diseases are described according to a single plan. For each disease is the general definition that includes necessarily the most typical and characteristic symptoms of the disease, especially its epizootology most significant pathological-anatomical changes in organs and tissues, and ending with the scientific name of the pathogen and the list of species susceptible to the disease.
Research Interests:
Samoylovskaya N.A., Hrustalev A.V., Moskvin A.S., Uspenskiy A.V., Moscow, 2014, 519pp. Catalogue of the collection of helminths Central Museum of helminthology Central Museum of helminthology is a structural unit of all-Russian research... more
Samoylovskaya N.A., Hrustalev A.V., Moskvin A.S., Uspenskiy A.V., Moscow, 2014, 519pp.
Catalogue of the collection of helminths Central Museum of helminthology
Central Museum of helminthology is a structural unit of all-Russian research Institute of helminthology named K.I. Skryabin. Education and active research work of the Museum are connected with the establishment of the Institute.
          The Museum is one of the largest repositories of helminthological dissect collections not only in Russia but in the world. In the funds of Museum are collected and stored materials which are object of study of many branches of science Zoology, veterinary, medicine, agronomy and other narrow application partitions of biology.
Research Interests:
Annex to the diploma.
Examinations and tests on subjects.
Research Interests:
Specialty - teacher of higher educational institutions
Research Interests:
Certificate of Completion
Samoylovskaya Nina Aleksandrovna
MAY 22-26, 2017 MOSCOW, RUSSIA
Susan Hallen,
IBM IP Management Solutions
Anna Topol,
IBM Watson ThinkLab Manager
Research Interests:
Успешно добавлены исследованияПерейти к публикациям Просмотр проекта Просмотреть исследования Исследование: Федеральное агентство научных организаций (FANO Russia) Исследование IBM | Цюрих... more
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Исследование: Федеральное агентство научных организаций (FANO Russia) Исследование IBM | Цюрих провел семинар в Цюрихе 27.09.2017 - 29.09.2017. Участие представителей административного ресурса ФАНО России Российской академии наук и руководителей управленческих и научных лабораторий IBM Research.5
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Доступный файл · Исследования · Октябрь 2017
Имя файла: СНА-сертификат IBM_Zurich-27-29.09.2017.pdf
DOI: 10.13140 / RG.2.2.22137.77926
Research Interests: