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Parenting coordination is a client-pay, hybrid alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process designed for parents and guardians involved in on-going, high conflict child custody disputes. The basic idea underlying the parenting... more
Y-DNA analysis has proven to be a valuable tool in the genealogical research of Jewish paternal lineages. In our research, we have used it to validate the paper trail of pedigreed rabbinical descendants and identify the Y-DNA genetic... more
Firmly intertwining the personal with political history , this brilliant novel’s strength lies in Keki Nusserwanji Daruwalla’s trademark wit and underscored humour , effortlessly flowing prose, and a trenchant grasp of... more
The following article is an excerpt from a chapter of our forthcoming book: "The Shpoler Zeida – The Life, Legends, and Descendants of the Grandfather of Shpola." The chapter is entitled: "Mysteries of the Shpoler Zeida Family." Our... more
For the last two decades, my sexual-emotional relationships have happened within what has come to be known as non-monogamy, a field in which I am an activist, theorist, consultant and who knows what else. And despite all that, and despite... more
This paper explores the way in which feminism, whilst trying to achieve gender equality, has increased inequality between women. It locates the cause of this in feminism's early adoption of Marxist and Engelsian thought and the way in... more
Lecture published in Religion and Family in East Asia edited by George Devos and Takeo Sofue. Senri Ethnological Studies  11. National Museum of Ethnology: Osaka, 1984
This is a Chinese book that introduces and reflects on Chinese family culture and morality.... more
This paper outlines a theory explaining why the provider role is important to boys in the development of their masculine identity. The family is a primary site for identity formation, and boys appear to be more badly affected by growing... more
A BIBLICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ROLES OF THE FAMILY AND THE CHURCH REGARDING FAITH IMPARTATION Dr. Jeffrey A Klick Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary Chair: Dr. Max O. Sturdivant, Jr. Keywords: Family, Marriage, Parental... more
Repeated military deployments have been a common experience for many military families in the past 15 years. While there has been an increase in research and intervention focused on the effects on families of military deployments, much of... more
Dr Dariusz Piotr Klimczak analizuje wzorcowy model rodziny oparty na miłości wzajemnej. Wysuwa tezę, iż miłość wzajemna to duchowe lekarstwo, które leczy z egoizmu, samotności, uzdrawia psychicznie pokaleczone dusze. Zwłaszcza osobie... more
هذا الكتاب يرصد هذا الكتاب مدى ما وصل إليه الإفساد التشريعى الممنهج الذي تم في مصر، من خلال التعديلات التي تم إجراءها على القوانين المصرية المعنية بالأسرة والمرأة والطفل خلال الفترة من عام 1979 حتى عام 2009. وقد استندت تلك التعديلات إلى... more
Children’s television is an important and heavily researched subject area that has a long and outstanding tradition. However, while there are a lot of academic works on the content of children’s programming and the production aspect, the... more
In this article, we argue that there must be a clear and consistent connection in research between the theory that we use, the methods that we employ, and the way in which we analyze our data. This is true no matter what aspects of... more
International research has evidenced the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on families, and the key role played by parenting stress levels. Although significant associations with parents' past trauma and resilience have... more
הרצאה במסגרת יום העיון "משפחה ומוגבלות", אשר אורגן במשותף על ידי קהילות משפחה ולימודי מוגבלות של האגודה הסוציולוגית הישראלית ונציבות שוויון זכויות לאנשים עם מוגבלויות
Title: Where Is the Family in Global Mental Health? Presenter: Vincenzo Di Nicola, M.D., Ph.D. Learning Objectives: Audience participants will be able to: (1) Articulate why a central role for families is needed for the effectiveness... more
Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder... more
This article analyzes letters written by ordinary people to President Getúlio Vargas with the aim to receive the family allowance. Motivated by government’s family policy defined by the Constitution of 1937 and Decree no. 3200 of 1941,... more
Introduction to the Special Guest-edited Issue on Disability, Race and Gender of the journal of Women, Gender and Families of Color by Liat Ben-Moshe and Sandy Magaña
In philosophy, there are two competitor views about the nature and value of childhood: The first is the traditional, deficiency, view, according to which children are mere unfinished adults. The second is a view that has recently become... more
Family quality of life (FQoL) is an emerging concept to understand and improve the well-being and quality of life (QoL) of families. While there has been a lot of effort to conceptualize life domains of families and measurement tools are... more
The popular Samoan adage 'o le ala i le pule o le tautua' (the pathway to leadership is through service) is commonly understood by Samoans around the world as an important life value. Writings about tautua (service) have chronicled... more
Family Law Update including consideration of CW v. Procurator Fiscal, Glasgow [2016] SAC (Crim) 11 also reported as W v Harvie [2016] SAC (Crim) 11 dealing with parental assault upon or corporal punishment of children.
The text discusses the activities of fathers' rights groups in contemporary Poland, examining how activists frame the problem, their claims and expected outcomes. Authors focus on the specificity of the fathers’ rights activism in... more
Where connections between demography and politics are examined in the literature, it is largely in the context of the effects of male aspects of demography on phenomena such as political violence. This project aims to place the study of... more
Podróże rodzinne istnieją praktycznie od początku nowoczesnej turystyki, a ich podstawowe cele, mimo ewolucji, przez dziesięciolecia nie ulegały zasadniczym przewartościowaniom. Sytuacja zmieniła się wraz z rozwojem społeczeństwa... more
The Paper analyses Crime Statistics of West Bengal ,India to revel the rampant misuse of Anti Dowry Law  ( IPC 498A). It discuses the possible reasons for abuse of the law .
The family is the smallest unit of society consisting of the head of the family and several people who are gathered and live in one place under a roof in a state of interdependence. The role of the family describes a set of interpersonal... more
The purpose of this book is to propose a new way of looking at the family and family policy in the context of a society that is in the process of globalization. It aims above all at challenging the prevailing way in which family public... more
As interseções complexas entre comida e direito devem ser considera-das uma questão a analisar, pois a comida é um guarda-chuva interdisciplinar que fornece um excelente aparato epistemológico e metodológico para examinar as relações... more
The Ernst Strüngmann Forum convened a think tank to review a premise that has fascinating implications for research, practice, and policy: Do the ways we raise children hold promise for promoting peace in the world?
"Cet article présente une analyse comparative de la participation des membres de deux familles salvadoriennes, dont l’une compte des enfants adultes installés en Australie et l’autre en Belgique, au soin de leurs parents âgés. Nous... more