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Nineteenth-century philologist and Biblical critic William Robertson Smith famously concluded that the sacred status of holy places derives not from their intrinsic nature but from their social character. Building upon this insight, Mecca... more
Cet article propose une synthèse sur les différentes formes de cartographie participatives, qui ont émergé à partir des années 1980 dans le cadre de l’aide au développement, et se sont épanouies dans un tout autre contexte technique, avec... more
This article is the result of a larger study that investigates elements of the Kichwa cosmological system. The theme has been explored since the 80s from the so called perspectivist ontological turn that combines theoretical models... more
La región de Valparaíso – Chile- es una zona geográfica de transición climática (EM-DATA, 2015), la cual se encuentra expuesta a la afección de diversos siniestros socioambientales. Cerca del 50% de éstos se han concentrado en la región... more
This paper explores the spatial dimensions of a northern landscape – the Flodden battlefield. This is the focal site of the Flodden 1513 Ecomuseum; the centre to a network of 40 other sites around the United Kingdom which together... more
Why have Arab states chosen to solidify their boundaries through International Court of Justice (ICJ) adjudication? What patterns of discourse emerge in reading the pleadings and what can we conclude more broadly about international law's... more
El crecimiento demográfico de Lambayeque en las últimas ocho décadas ha acelerado un proceso de crecimiento urbano que debilita las relaciones y los intercambios entre las poblaciones y los ecosistemas o las políticas ambientales. La... more
O capítulo retrata aspectos socioculturais do espaço minhoto.
Neste artigo compósito, proponho uma leitura não-antropocêntrica da história territorial brasileira. Na Parte I, procuro reconstruir teoricamente o conceito de território de modo a 'subjetificar' toda e qualquer coisa terrena,... more
Carlos Escudé analyzes the origins of “Argentine territorial irredentism” that, through the teaching of history and geography, maintains that the Argentine Republic lost territories, taking as an initial myth the territory of the... more
A pesar del escaso desarrollo de la política pública de ordenamiento territorial en Colombia, existen importantes mecanismos que regulan la ordenación del territorio, como los Planes de Ordenamiento Territorial (POT), instrumentos... more
The interaction between humans and nature dramatically reveals the role of sudden and destructive events in the progressive and never-ending trend of depletion of the territorial dimension of the Belìce Valley (Valle del Belìce, Sicily,... more
How can we analyze this link between the ethical valuation of product quality and the socio-economic characterization of consumers? What are the impacts of this relationship on the dynamics of these systems and more broadly on sustainable... more
Se buscó identificar los contenidos de las percepciones subjetivas que la clase media profesional originaria de la región de Los Lagos tiene sobre sus territorios de origen, y cómo se vinculan con estrategias de movilidad espacial en tres... more
מאמר זה בוחן את הפעולה הקבוצתית של חרדים בני הזרם הליטאי ליצירת 'רצף טריטוריאלי' חרדי בשכונה חילונית בירושלים. השכונה הנחקרת, קריית היובל, נחשבה במשך שנים רבות לשכונה חילונית. בשנים האחרונות, דיירים המשתייכים לקהילה חרדית-ליטאית תוקעים... more
El proyecto Red de EcoTurismo Comunitario Litoral consiste en la activación y puesta en marcha de los nodos pertenecientes a una nueva propuesta de inclusión social y económica de comunidades de la cuenca del Río Paraná, a través de... more
Automata (2014), is a dystopian film that reveals postmodern tendencies around the materialization and conceptualization of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s philosophical notions like territority, deterritorialization,... more
Despite the fact that spatial planning forms one of the key constituents of territorial politics, territory and territoriality have been largely neglected in the studies of European spatial planning. This article seeks to address this... more
El trabajo discute las temáticas de las pequeñas ciudades, el desarrollo local, la planificación ambiental y la sustentabilidad, desde una perspectiva que evidencia interrelaciones teniendo como base el municipio de Bela Vista do Toldo... more
This paper refers to a research project on the cycling mobility micro-economic effects in the highland of Navelli located in the Apennines Inland of Abruzzo (Italy), one of the greenest Region in Europe (30% of its territory consists of... more
Identificada a importância de Goa no contexto político-militar do subcontinente indiano, assim como a necessidade de dotar o recém-criado Estado da Índia de uma praça com um hinterland significativo, Afonso de Albuquerque decidiu-se, em... more
En questionnant la capacité des acteurs publics à gouverner les squats et les bidonvilles qui persistent dans les régions de Paris et de Madrid, l'ouvrage explique les mécanismes du gouvernement différentiel des illégalismes de logement... more
El territorio, abordado como una construcción social, está a merced de procesos y dinámicas que le imprimen los actores locales y regionales que actúan e interactúan en la dimensión social, política, económica, ambiental y cultural. El... more
Despite the centrality in the study of the peasantry in Latin America, for various disciplines, this category is still bound to static images of a group defined according to the State and capital. In this article, we explain the need to... more
From the Arctic to the South China Sea, states are vying to secure sovereign rights over vast maritime stretches, undersea continental plates, shifting ice flows, airspace, and the subsoil. Conceiving of sovereign space as volume rather... more
Esta tese explora algumas das possíveis relações entre turismo e identidades religiosas, e pretende contribuir com a ampliação das perspectivas teóricas sobre desenvolvimento do turismo e culturas. Partiu da percepção de que em muitos... more
Contemporary debates around the ontological turn have pitted efforts to take indigenous ontologies seriously against demands to make visible the forms of dispossession and environmental suffering that characterize the (post)colonial and... more
Assente numa lógica de maior responsabilização da sociedade civil e das entidades locais (públicas e privadas) e de promoção de abordagens inovadoras nas políticas de ação social no combate à pobreza e exclusão social observou-se, nos... more
The pervasive and important territorial dimensions of property are understudied, given the tendency to view territory through the lens of the state. Viewing both property and territory as relational, and mutually recursive, I introduce... more
This text proposes a diachronic analysis of the relation between hemp and industry in Italy. It first retraces the history of hemp in modern times. As a strategic fibre for navigation, a material used invarious dimensions of rural life,... more
В статье рассматривается проблема определения статуса «кня- жества Силенд» в международном праве. На основе анализа тре- бований современного международного права, предъявляемым к государствам как субъектам международного права, автор... more
Actualment es reconeix el paper fonamental del turisme d'interior per tal de dinamitzar els territoris i reforcar o generar identitat. El llibre que el lector te en les seues mans mostra a traves de tres casos d'estudi, situats a... more
Utilizando los datos de una encuesta aplicada a 1634 personas de la región del Maule de Chile en 2014, se examina la evolución intergeneracional de las percepciones subjetivas de adscripción territorial y su vínculo con definiciones... more
Given the centrality of land, territory, and sovereignty to settler colonial formations, it is unsurprising that geographers and other scholars working on such topics are increasingly finding settler colonial studies fruitful in their... more
On the 6th of December 1992 during a political rally of two hundred thousand participants in the town of Ayodhya, in Uttar Pradesh, India, Hindu nationalist militants demolished the Babri Masjid, a 16th Century mosque. The event shocked... more
This work deals with disputes around the Earth and future from a small community of inland Acará (PA) named São Francisco do Cravo. Methodologically, i made a triadc option to approach the subject, reflecting on the peasant community,... more
“Ruralize the urban: urbanize the rural:… Replete terram [fill the earth].” Alluding to a passage in Genesis, these words appear on the frontispiece of Spanish Civil Engineer Ildefonso Cerdá’s colossal General Theory of Urbanization... more