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O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a relação entre Brasil e Rússia, analisando duas Declarações de parceria estratégica formalizadas em 2005 e 2017, imersos na temática econômica, em segurança e no setor energético-tecnológico.... more
ON LANGUAGE GAMES IN POLISH AND RUSSIAN CABARET TEXTS OF THE EIGHTIES The book I present here is an attempt to describe manners of language usage and the creation of text in the Polish and Russian cabarets of the eighties. A... more
INTERPRETATION AS A SEARCH FOR CONTEXT It is impossible to make any interpretation without context. The article scrutinizes the Russian transposition of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake. It shows that the process of writing,... more
ON LANGUAGE GAMES IN POLISH AND RUSSIAN CABARET TEXTS OF THE EIGHTIES The book I present here is an attempt to describe manners of language usage and the creation of text in the Polish and Russian cabarets of the eighties. A... more
... Az sie rypto. Nie ma Onych! Nowy uklad sie ustalil, kres aluzji o czerwonych, niedzwiedz grizzly sie skoalil (Wolski, 4 March 1990) There's an end. There aren't They! ... References Benveniste,Emile (1966): Problemes... more
The article examines the ideas and arrangements referred to as nonterritorial autonomy (NTA) in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the post-Soviet states. Many scholars regard NTA as a theoretical breakthrough and as a way to... more
L'assegnazione del premio Nobel a Svetlana Aleksievič è stata interpretata da più parti come un atto di canonizzazione della letteratura non-fiction, e spesso come una prova della caduta definitiva delle barriere tra letteratura e... more
В статье рассматривается первый этап жизни митрополита Филиппа (в миру – Федор Степанович Колычев) (1566–1568 гг.). Автор сосредотачивается на изучении мотивов и обстоятельств его ухода в Соловецкий монастырь. В работе оспаривается... more
What factors best explain the low incidence of skills training in a late industrial society like Russia? This research undertakes a multilevel analysis of the role of occupational structure in the probability of training. The explanatory... more
The “Russian Orient” has as emerged as a popular area of study for specialists and political analysts with a predominant interest in Russia and Eurasia-related affairs. My primary aim in this work will be specifically to look deeper into... more
Since the exact place of Russian state and society between “the East” and “the West” has been a contested topic for ages, “Russian Orientalism” has also turned to be one of the key words in the Russia and Eurasia-related area studies. In... more
This article is part of the special cluster titled Social practices of remembering and forgetting of the communist past in Central and Eastern Europe, guest edited by Malgorzata Glowacka-Grajper In the year 2000, during the Council of... more
Bu makale; dünyanın gelmiş geçmiş en büyük Türkologlarından birisi olan Macar asıllı bilim adamı, seyyah ve casus Prof. Dr. Armin Vambery'nin "Reşat Efendi" sahte ad ve kıyafetiyle devrinin ünlü Osmanlı paşalarından Mehmed... more
When we examine the history of Nagorno-Karabakh, we can see that Armenian and Azerbaijani historians have been looking for the truth in the thousand-year history which, in turn, creates a controversial issue. The Nagorno-Karabakh... more
Russia's exercise of cyberpower forms an integral part of the far broader concept known as information warfare. The key principle of the Russian approach to information warfare, including cyber activities, is that information is... more