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Our mission is to accelerate the world’s research


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About Academia

Academia is a platform for sharing academic research. Academics have uploaded 28 million papers, and 126 million academics, professionals, and students read papers on Academia every month.

Our Story

Founder and CEO,
Richard Price


Richard Price, the founder of, had the idea for the company when finishing his PhD at Oxford in philosophy.
As Richard was finishing his PhD, he decided he wanted to have a homepage where he could say “this is who I am; this is what I have been working on; here are my papers.” At the time, Oxford offered a few megabytes of space for personal websites, and you had to write your own HTML, and FTP files to the server yourself. Richard thought “there should be a one-click way of creating a homepage, and uploading papers. Having a homepage shouldn’t require technical ability.” Richard asked a few of his fellow graduate students, and they felt the same way.


In the early days, what mattered most of all was growth: growth in users and papers uploaded. In the first few months, we were growing at a linear rate. Some days 37 users would join, the next day 42, the next day 38. We made it to 50,000 users a year later, and someone posted on Facebook “Congratulations; here’s to 500,000 users.” Richard remembers thinking “wow, that is a lot. At a linear rate, that is going to take 10x the amount of time it has taken so far.”
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Monthly signups to over time

Open Access

Academia’s goal is to ensure that every paper, ever written, is on the internet, available for free. 28 million papers have been uploaded to We think there are ~100 million papers ever written, so we are ~28% of the way there.


Academia’s goal is to build the fastest and most relevant paper distribution system in the world. Today’s algorithms make about 20 million paper recommendations a day.

Peer Review

Academia’s goal is to provide signals regarding the trustworthiness of papers, and the trustworthiness of individual claims within papers, on


Academia’s goal is to enable the sharing of knowledge in novel and effective formats - video, short-form content, data-sets, code.


The mission of is to accelerate the world’s research. Our goal is to speed up research in every domain - finding a solution to climate change; finding cures for diseases; evolving artificial intelligence.
We want to accelerate research in all these fields, and others too.
Our guiding philosophy is that people want:
Research to be free
Research that is relevant to be recommended to them
Signals that help them evaluate the truth/falsity of what they are reading
Research to be presented in the right format, for easy comprehension
The end result is:
Research is accelerated: research towards solving the world’s problems is accelerated.
Research is democratized: everyone has access to it.

Business Model

Academia has a "Freemium" business model, providing free access to research for everyone and paid premium capabilities to subscribers. Subscribing to Academia Premium gives researchers access to advanced research discovery tools and gives authors enhanced analytics and impact tracking tools. Our 260,000+ premium subscribers cover the cost of hosting free research and pursuing our mission.


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Profile Visitors

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Personal website

Get a beautiful personal website powered by your Academia profile.


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The Reach of

We have over 126 million visitors each month. People using include academics, professionals, and students.
The pen is mightier than the key-board. The kids I teach are in a K-8 school. The school says pencils will be banned next year. I am looking for research to change that decision.”
Teacher in the United States

The First Chapter

We have begun the project of making research open; distributed; verified; and available in new formats. We are proud of what has achieved so far. Most of the work lies in the future, and we find that inspiring.

Meet the Team


Richard Price, Founder & CEO

Richard Price

Founder & CEO
Nate Sullivan, CTO

Nate Sullivan

Yuri Niyazov, VP of Engineering

Yuri Niyazov

VP of Engineering
Paul Gu, VP of Finance

Paul Gu

VP of Finance
Jason Kellerman, Chief Product and Growth Officer

Jason Kellerman

Chief Product and Growth Officer

Hear from team members

Academia attracts kind, thoughtful people, it has an amazing mission, and it has a rapidly growing business. These things make Academia an amazing place to work at!

Zach Foster

Senior Product Manager
People here genuinely believe in the mission and are always looking for ways we can improve both the company and the product.

Isabel Zhang

Software Engineer
Help accelerate the world's research.
Life at

Press Coverage


We've raised $33.8 million from a range of investors

Our Investors

Thomas Lehrman

Co-founder of Gerson Lehrman Group

Mark Shuttleworth

Founder of Thawte and Ubuntu

Rupert Pennant-Rea

Chairman of The Economist