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<p>Competence of individual end-users to read and interpret RDT test results expressed as a score on 10.</p
<p>TBF Thick blood film; RDT rapid diagnostic test.</p>a<p>besides facilities not specifying the circumstances of use, includes the options: (i) RDT in ward, microscopy in laboratory; (ii) patient follow-up; (iii) person... more
LIFEPLAN® follows a path of core lecturing exercises and activities that build knowledge, promote interpersonal skills and trust through contact and sharing, build thinking and planning skills and build motivation and commitment to... more
The paper aims to examine the impact of training and development (T&D) programmes on perceived employee performance by adopting a case approach to the study of Agriculture Development Bank Ltd of Nepal. Based on the survey method,... more
Abstract The world is going through a rapid transformation process in all fields. Those countries, which cannot keep up with this process, face numerous problems in terms of maintaining the living standards of their citizens. With the... more
Homebound older adults constitute a “hardly reached” population with respect to health communication. Older adults also typically suffer from health literacy challenges, which put them at increased risk of adverse health outcomes.... more
Given the prevalence of School Resource Officers (SROs) in American schools, it is surprising that relatively little is known empirically about SRO training, including with regard to their questioning of students suspected or accused of... more
Os projetos pedagógicos dos cursos de engenharia de produção e de administração trazem em suas matrizes curriculares disciplinas que abordam assuntos relacionados à gestão da produção. Estes projetos pedagógicos procuram, com isto,... more
... 5.9 Efficiencies for new large gas and coal fired power plants and the ... ENARD) Emissions Reduction in Combustion Energy Storage Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE ... Renewable Energy Technology Deployment Reversed Field Pinches... more
Introducción: el apoyo a la toma de decisiones en salud facilita el automanejo de personas con enfermedades crónicas (EC). Ob- jetivo: validar la versión en español del DSAT-cdm: herramienta de análisis del apoyo en las decisiones para el... more
In any industry, recruitment, training and effective onboarding of a new staff is considered to be a challenging task. In the backwash of the coronavirus pandemic, however, the industry is now found in completely new landscape. The old... more
Police bicycle usage has grown to a point where bicycle patrols are a known phenomenon. Physical and mental advantages for the officer, superior tactical capabilities and statistically higher levels of interaction with the public head the... more
Basketball involves high-intensity bouts interspersed with brief/incomplete recovery periods. As a result repeated-sprint ability and change of direction training assume logical validity in basketball. Ball-drill games (BD) were suggested... more
V svojem magistrskem delu sem raziskovala ustreznost razvitosti prostovoljnega dela na področju dela s starimi ljudmi. Osredotočila sem se na način izbire prostovoljcev, njihove začetne razloge in nadaljnjo motivacijo, njihovo... more
The aim of this study was to analyze the association between coaches’ experience and their perceptions on the implementation of a long-term athletic development (LTAD) model created in 2016 by the Portuguese Swimming Federation.... more
BESOINS DE FORMATION DES TRAVAILLEURS SOCIO-CULTURELS - Il y a quelques mois, le CRILUX s’est associé à l’Institut de Recherche, Formation et Action sur les Migrations (IRFAM) pour mener une enquête sur les besoins des intervenants... more
As single volume nested within a handbook for all of psychology, our purpose was to provide the depth and breadth that would capture the domain of industrial and organizational psychology in a way valuable for scholars and students in... more
O processo de introdução de práticas de e/b-learning nas instituições de ensino, nem sempre é formalizado e assumido pela instituição desde o início do processo. Frequentemente, as primeiras práticas de e/blearning surgem como... more
This study was undertaken to find out the extent to which cycle training is delivered across the various Local Authorities in the United Kingdom (UK), and the most effective ways of sustaining them. A total of 60 local authorities across... more
Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLEMinistry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)LVLatvi
Service-learning in engineering has been gaining attention as an effective way to provide students the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to solve realworld problems faced by communities (Oakes et al., 2002; Soto &... more
This paper highlights potential health and safety issues which may emerge in workplaces engaging migrant workers, particularly as effected by social distancing during training prior to employment, such as experienced by international... more
Sharpening of expression domains induced by transcription and microRNA regulation within a spatio-temporal model of mid-hindbrain boundary formation
Sports have great importance in human life. In this present day, no importance was attached to sports in the country. But, now it was realized that sports are very useful. So, every educational institution of the country provides sports... more
With workplace safety, operators have to put more effort to understand a need to create a conducive while maintaining competitive working environment. Through various regulations, the Malaysian government has made efforts on executing... more
This document "TrainingInTheEOSC_WorkshopReport_01_00.pdf" is the output of a three-day workshop on Training in the EOSC, 26-28 February 2020, The Hague, The Netherlands. The workshop was organised by DANS in collaboration with... more
La formacion humanista es de vital importancia para el exito del proyecto nacional que se construye en Cuba, pues la sociedad requiere de hombres y mujeres dignos, que luchen por la total emancipacion del ser humano y concentren sus... more
En estas notas editoriales se hace un reconocimiento al maestro como forma y sujeto de la educación contemporánea que sobrevive a los embates de la mercantilización y el mercado que circula en la sociedad —en términos generales— y en la... more
Although patients with cancer are often accompanied by a relative during medical interviews, to the... more
Keynote speech for an AIWG conference comparing developments regarding Muslim religious leaders in Europe and North America
As technology proliferates and becomes indispensable to all functions of society, so does the need to ensure its security and resilience through cyber defense training, education, and professional development. This paper presents a... more
Challenges and new opportunities for the integration of biostatisticians in multidisciplinary teams are a major concern in the field. New forms of broader training in the life sciences, collaborations with other scientists, and strategic... more
El presente libro aborda los textos de Peter Sloterdijk en busca de nociones teórico-metodológicas para pensar los problemas de la educación, de la pedagogía y de la filosofía misma desde otras perspectivas. Al asumir la filosofía como... more
El artículo presenta a la educación continua como un recurso fundamental y eficiente del currículo universitario y su mecanismo innovador es el empleo de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en todas las modalidades de... more
This study investigated the effect of a 16-week maintenance training program which directly followed a high-dose 9 week initial training intervention, as part of a biomechanically informed ACL injury prevention program. Three-dimensional... more
This study investigated the effect of a 16-week maintenance training program which directly followed a high-dose 9 week initial training intervention, as part of a biomechanically informed ACL injury prevention program. Three-dimensional... more
Editors' Note: Somewhere along the way toward widespread teach-ing of interest-based concepts, Ebner and Efron argue, the teaching of negotiation has lost something – a tough-minded focus on what to do when the pie can't be... more
This paper addresses some measurement issues concerning intangible assets (IA) by stemming from a recent pilot survey carried out on a sample of Italian firms. The survey has been sponsored by Isfol, the Italian Institute for the... more
Background: Numerous studies have reported long and short term effects of Yoga training on reaction time (RT), but few have evaluated differential effects of training in asana and pranayama. Hence the present study was done to elucidate... more
Today Internet is more popular for many users and business applications such as banking, social networks, education, entertainment, scientific research, and recently cloud computing. The number of services provided by the internet service... more
Despite being on the path of growth in the last few decades and witnessing a surge in the number of new enterprises, India's growth has been skewed gender-wise, with most enterprises being run and owned by men. Micro and small enterprises... more
Abstract The primary purpose of this study was to find out the attitudes of trainers and trainees towards the 8-4-4 power mechanics course offered in secondary schools in Kenya. The attitudes and other related aspects obtained from the... more
El presente articulo ofrece a los docentes, supervisores y profesores orientadores responsabilizados con la formacion profesional de los estudiantes de la carrera de Economia de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi del Ecuador... more
The capacity to focus one's attention for an extended period of time can be increased through training in contemplative practices. However, the cognitive processes engaged during meditation that support trait changes in cognition are... more
The capacity to focus one's attention for an extended period of time can be increased through training in contemplative practices. However, the cognitive processes engaged during meditation that support trait changes in cognition are... more
October 2011 Article by Kenneth Timmerman discussing the Obama Administration's purging of Government counterterrorism training materials.
Problématique : La formation des patients simulés (PS) est nécessaire pour répondre aux critères d’authenticité de la simulation. Dans le cadre de cliniques simulées, nous avons mis en place un nouveau format de briefing des PS, créé à... more
International expert groups have identified the largest problems in the world. This address will connect these disparate global problems, showing how corruption either created them or made them much worse. The world has turned to... more
Autism can challenge traditional parenting styles, causing parents to feel deskilled and disempowered, especially when little information or support is available to them. The provision of accurate information about autism and teaching... more
El presente artículo analiza las políticas de educación cinematográfica implementadas pordiversos festivales cinematográficos del espacio iberoamericano en el periodo 2005-2019. El objetivoes identificar y analizar diversas iniciativas de... more
This is the full-text volume of Perspectives on Social Work, vol. 3 (Fall 2005)
Ecodesign is a well-known concept that receives considerable attention from environmental specialists and designers; however, in the case of the ceramics sector, there is a lack of know-how and training materials to support the systematic... more
In this paper, we present our approach towards dependency parsing of Hindi language as a part of Hindi Shared Task on Parsing, COLING 2012. Our approach includes the effect of using different settings available in Malt Parser following... more
The quality and relevance of nanosafety studies constitute major challenges to ensure their key role as a supporting tool in sustainable innovation, and subsequent competitive economic advantage. However, the number of apparently... more
This exploratory research examined a four-day interpreter training program in Japan for impacts on participants’ self-reported increases in knowledge and skills. Pre-, during-, and post-training open-ended questionnaires were administered... more
ObjectivesTo identify the availability and variability of learning opportunities through patient presentations on an acute medical placement at a teaching hospital.DesignA prospective study evaluating all acute admissions to the Acute... more
Organisation’s primary focus after recruiting talent employees is to retain them. But in today’s competitive environment, organisation is struggling hard to design a suitable strategy that could improve the retention rate and pulls the... more
The article we are presenting has two parts: a theoretical introduction reviewing the previous Latin America-wide library cooperation efforts and another describing the actions carried out over two years of continuous work. On the... more