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Research and evaluation studies measuring the construct of empowerment within international community development and human rights initiatives are rare due to a lack of validated measures appropriate for the cultural context. This study... more
A genius representative of the 14th century Azerbaijani classical poetry the poet of truth and justice, the world famous thinker and philosopher Imadaddin Nasimi, in general, his rich worldview has been deeply studied by many outstanding... more
The XIX International Scientific Symposium “Europe and Asia: A Millennial Neighbourhood”, dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Kars Treaty was held in Kars / Turkey on the 30.10.2021. More than 70 scientists from 6 countries... more
The XVIII International Scientific Symposium “The past and Future of the Turkic world" was held in Nur-Sultan / Kazakhstan on the 25.09.2021. More than 106 scientists from 6 countries (Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, Germany,... more
Azerbaycan Bizim Yol Gazetesi; Azerbaycan ile Nahcivan üzerinden sağlayacağımız kesintisiz kara koridorunu karadenizden açılacak bir deniz koridoru ile birleştirmemiz mümkün değil midir(?)... more
Co-author Murad Muradov On 27 September 2020, a fierce new war between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent districts that constitute the internationally recognized territory of... more
АННОТАЦИЯ В статье дан общий обзор основных факторов, влияющих на формирование внешней политики Азербайджана, а также проведен анализ, показывающий, каким образом эти факторы видоизменялись с момента обретения страной независимости вплоть... more
By applying transactionalism-conceptualized as a series of iterative quid pro quo arrangements-to relations between Azerbaijan and Russia in the context of the Second Karabakh War, this article shows how the contingent interactions that... more
In this study, the historical change and transformation of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, which has a long history, will be evaluated. Then, it will be dwelled on to what extent the Nagorno-Karabakh Problem is affected by global... more
Nella notte fra il 9 e il 10 novembre 2020 veniva firmata la dichiarazione trilaterale di Russia, Armenia e Azerbaijan che segnava la cessazione dei combattimenti fra Armenia, Azerbaijan e i secessionisti del Nagorno Karabakh. Il... more
Karabağ, Azerbaycan toprakları içinde Ağdam, Terter, Yevlah, Füzuli, Beylegan, Gubadlı, Cebrail, Mingeçevir, Ağcabedi, Hocavend, Şuşa, Hankendi, Laçın, Kelbecer, Hanlar, Gorus, Akdere, Berde, Zengezur, Hadrut rayonlarından oluşmaktadır.... more
Epidemiological analysis of the malaria in the Republic of Azerbaijan has revealed that: 1. In the past year, malaria problem has considerably improved in reducing morbidity and the number of active foci of malaria in the republic. 2. All... more
Using quantile regression analyses, this study examines gender gaps in mathematics, science, and reading in Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Jordan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Qatar, Tunisia, and Turkey among 15���year���old students. The analyses show... more
The aim of this study is to reveal the role played by unmanned aerial vehicle systems in the Second Karabakh War. The Second Karabakh War was fought between Azerbaijan and Armenia from 27 September to 09 November 2020, due to... more
Küresel olarak “toplu katliamlar”ın, “insanlığa karşı suç” ve “soykırım” kavramlarının yoğun bir şekilde kullanıldığı bu çağda, dünya kamuoyu tarafından daha fazla bilinmeye muhtaç olanları Azerbaycan’da ce- reyan etmiştir. 2013’te Guba... more
Objectives: To document the existence of drug resistance in a tuberculosis treatment programme that adheres strictly to the DOTS principles (directly observed treatment, short course) and to determine the extent of drug resistance in a... more