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This review essay constitutes an attempt to outline the main conceptual concerns reflected in the cumulative, book-length scholarly output of Steven Salaita to date, with particular emphasis on what the reviewer presumes to be his... more
This review essay constitutes an attempt to outline the main conceptual concerns reflected in the cumulative, book-length scholarly output of Steven Salaita to date, with particular emphasis on what the reviewer presumes to be his... more
The Freedom of the Press ranking recently published by Freedom House has found Belarus’ media environment to be Europe’s most restrictive. The ranking placed Belarus as 192nd out of 199 countries and territories within the “worst of the... more
This paper examines the resistance ofpingtanstorytellers to Communist political domination and economic exploitation on the eve of the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976). In the early and mid-1960s, storytellers rarely mounted resistance... more
Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The article deals with one of the eternal issues of the theory and practice of literary translation: “What happens to a literary original after it has been... more
The play Der 30-jährige ABC-Schütz shall be used as an example both to clarify the questions of “Cultural Translations” within the framework of theatre history and to discuss potential implications for the editing of the sources. First... more
This article analyses and maps the links between caricature and animated film, as well as their development during the post-World War II era, in communist Eastern Europe. The article also deals with the specific nature of animation... more
A censura, na contemporaneidade, é uma das formas de violência simbólica que ainda afeta cidadãos dos mais variados países e regimes políticos do planeta. Este artigo contempla cinco notícias veiculadas pela internet sobre mulheres... more
Ni sanction financiere, ni exclusion de la communaute, l’aerarium facere et le tribu mouere etaient des mesures complementaires prises par les censeurs dans le cadre du regimen morum servant a classer les citoyens. Le citoyen indigne... more
O artigo se desenvolve a partir de uma entrevista realizada com o artista transmidia, pesquisador e professor Edgar Franco, mais conhecido como Ciberpaje. De maneira geral, o texto apresenta as bases do processo criativo e poetico do... more
One of the benefits of writing for the Office of Intellectual Freedom, this past year, has been to recognize the amazing work done by a variety of people who continually promote and protect the right of free expression in this country.... more
One of the benefits of writing for the Office of Intellectual Freedom this past year has been to recognize the amazing work done by a variety of people who continually promote and protect the right of free expression in this country. The... more
T hose that the average person, applying contemporary community standards would find, with respect to minors, is designed to appeal or pander to the prurient interest and depict or represent in a manner patently offensive with respect to... more
The American Library Association's (ALA's) Library Bill of Rights is based on a foundation of ethical presuppositions. In this article, these presuppositions are spelled out and critically examined in light of several ethical... more