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In contrast to contemporaneous Byzantine and Egyptian textual accounts, little is known about medieval Nubian monastic diets. Femur samples from 30 monks interred at Ghazali monastery (occupied ca. 680–1,275 CE), Sudan were examined for... more
The current paper investigates the prevalence and aetiology of proximal femur fractures in two temporally distinctive groups of medieval Christian Nubia: the monastic community (ca. late 7th to half of 13th c. AD) and a later group of... more
Christian funerary sites in the area of medieval Nubian kingdoms are characterised by enormous variability, both in terms of the layout of whole burial grounds, as well as the sole appearance of individual burial units. The goal of... more
Esta comunicacion es una aproximacion al tema de vida conventual femenina novohispana, particularmentede la orden dominica de mujeres y la arquitectura, a partir del ejemplo de una celda particular.Existieron dos categorias en los... more
The article deals with the medieval manuscript library of the former house of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Prague-Karlov. The text presents extant sources: apart from the manuscripts themselves, some of which contain ownership... more
During the 20th Century, the Taizé Community created a unique liturgical tradition, combining Byzantine and Latin liturgical elements with Protestant background worship. The combination of these liturgical elements concurred with the... more
Egyptian monasticism began and spread as a movement of popular piety, but successive generations of theologians attempted to give it inner theological coherence and consistency. Although we may find some clues in the early monastic... more
Studies of the ecclesiastical reform of the eleventh century have often highlighted conflict between reforming monks and simoniac clerics. This was especially true in the urban contexts of Milan and Florence, cities that played a leading... more
The abbey of Conques and its dominant church dedicated to St Foy are today one of the most prominent examples of the harmonic relationship between medieval sacred architecture and nature. This article considers the medieval landscape of... more
Vers l’any 880, el comte Guifré el Pelós va promoure la fundació dels monestirs de Santa Maria de Ripoll i Sant Joan de les Abadesses; dues generacions més tard, el seu net Guifré II de Besalú va fer el mateix amb el de Sant Pere de... more
Se pretende ofrecer una visión global de la división administrativa de la provincia de Palencia en el siglo XVIII, cuántas fueron sus jurisdicciones, qué poblaciones las compusieron y quiénes fueron sus titulares, qué prerrogativas... more
Albrecht Diem and Claudia Rapp, ‘The Monastic Laboratory: Perspectives of Research in Late Antique and Early Medieval Monasticism’, in: Alison Beach and Isabelle Cochelin (eds.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin... more
Las patologías espirituales y psíquicas propias de los ámbitos monásticos medievales poseían una sintomatología común que se manifestaba en la angustia frente a la propia existencia y que se conoció como acedia. La respuesta terapéutica... more
Le problème du salut personnel et collectif, crucial pour tous les chrétiens, entraîne l'émergence d'individus et de groupes sociaux réputés particulièrement aptes à faire leur propre salut et à oeuvrer pour celui des... more
Espazos, actores, modelos gráficos e temas da escrita nos mosteiros da Ribeira Sacra durante a Plena Idade Media.
Publication of ten Coptic ostraca by a group of Egyptian students under the direction of the authors. They include three devotional exercises, four letters, two legal texts and one accounting document. They originate, except for one or... more