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Sexual harassment in professional fields can hinder economic development globally. The epidemic of sexual harassment within the law profession has created a hidden barrier, predominantly for females. This study seeks to examine the effect... more
Hold your hands out flat, like a portable picnic table, the kind you keep in the back of your car that folds out from many smaller surfaces to become one large surface.Think to yourself, the whole ...
Disregarding the opposition of France, Germany, and Russia, as well as an unprecedented tide of global antiwar protests, the Bush administration brazenly launched its invasion of IraqwithoutU.N. authorization. President Bush—in a display... more
Este articulo tiene como corpus de estudio la ultima produccion escritural de la poeta Chilena Rosabetty Munoz titulada En Nombre de Ninguna y publicada el ano 2008. En la obra el sujeto de la enunciacion presenta diversos hablantes... more
Alexandru Duțu (1997) „Ușurătatea și dificultatea cu care ne adaptăm la situațiile noi provine din faptul că nu ne cunoaștem bine tradiția culturală; pentru că avem puține de apărat asimilăm tot ce ne cade sub priviri şi adeseori cu... more
ABSTRACTThis article traces negotiations over the epistemic, ethical, and political authority of Judaism, Protestantism, Catholicism, and science in mid-twentieth-century America. Specifically, it examines how the president of the Jewish... more
Both in opera studies and in most operatic works, the singing body is taken for granted. In Postopera: Reinventing the Voice-Body, Jelena Novak reintroduces an awareness of the physicality of the singing body to opera studies. Arguing... more